When you get discouraged, remember: A LOT can change in a short amount of time!

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I have a bunch friends who went from being uber-single to happily married in less than a year. All were in their 30s.

One had just gotten out of a relationship with the man she thought was "the One." Then, two months later she met a new guy randomly at a happy hour. Within 5 months they were engaged. Within a year, they were married.

Another friend met a guy on match.com. She was actually only a member for a hot minute and then decided to cancel her subscription. When doing so, she responded to his email simply by saying, "Look I'm cancelling my membership, but if you want to contact me, here's my personal email address." Within 4 months, they were engaged. Within the year, they were married. By their 2nd anniversary, she was pregnant.

I have two other friends who got married in their mid-30s. All were pregnant by their third anniversary. In fact, one of them just had baby No. 2.

So, take heart, my sisters. Your whole life can change in a very short period of time. So enjoy the now :yep:
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That is so true Glib. I am so happy you realize this. Even outside of relationships, things can suddenly change for the better. I love your siggy. This is my favorite Scripture in the Bible. I am expecting things to suddenly (and positively) change for you! xoxo
This is encouraging. Talking with my fellow thirty something single friends who have all but given up hope can be a downer. Once you approach mid thirties it can feel like you are going to be single forever and all the good ones are taken. But just because it feels that way doesn't mean it's true (thats what I tell them..and myself sometimes..lol!)
I really like this post, Glib. I just couldn't believe all the naysaying about how impossible it is to find someone after your 20s. Thanks.
Very true. I have other things going in my life now that is not relationship-related, and I have to keep reminding myself that things can change for the better in an instant. This is why I was so glad to read about the Ted Williams story and the fact that it happened in the beginning of the new year gave me some encouragement.
Thanks ladies. Sometimes I have to encourage myself and remind myself of my friends' experiences . . . thought you would appreciate it too . . . .
>>u get discouraged, remember: A LOT can change in a short amount of time!<<

You are right.. If I knew Oct 1st that by Jan I would be in a new apt...

But my love life is the ash lands... nothing seems to grow..... *resigned somewhat*
"One had just gotten out of a relationship with the man she thought was "the One." Then, two months later she met a new guy randomly at a happy hour. Within 5 months they were engaged. Within a year, they were married."

I can relate to the bolded.
That is so true Glib. I am so happy you realize this. Even outside of relationships, things can suddenly change for the better. I love your siggy. This is my favorite Scripture in the Bible. I am expecting things to suddenly (and positively) change for you! xoxo

That scripture was my deceased grandmother's favorite scripture as well! :sad: It was read at her funeral. I love it too! :yep:
"One had just gotten out of a relationship with the man she thought was "the One." Then, two months later she met a new guy randomly at a happy hour. Within 5 months they were engaged. Within a year, they were married."

I can relate to the bolded.

By all means...SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY! :giveheart:
I have a bunch friends who went from being uber-single to happily married in less than a year.

Within 5 months they were engaged. Within a year, they were married.

Within 4 months, they were engaged. Within the year, they were married.

Wow! When you really meet the right guy, they waste really no time in making you their wife. I always wondered why many women sit around for up to 3+ years waiting for a man to marry them. Was the marriage really meant to be if you have to wring the guy's hand down the aisle?! :lol: Last May, I went to a wedding in which the man took 10 years (after 4 children) to marry the woman. Come Now! 10 years?! My mom said my dad wanted to marry her after 6 months, city hall or what he didn't care, he wanted her NOW. She post-poned for a year because she wanted to plan the wedding. They will celebrate 29 years together in July.
I have a testimony to share. I was in a 7 year relationship with someone I was waiting on - waiting on him to propose, waiting on him to fully commit, waiting on him to stop cheating (I know, I know). I finally broke it off and it was really hard, but I stuck by my word and did not go back.

I met a few new girlfriends (who were also single) and we started doing fun things, traveling, going out, etc. I was finally enjoying single life - something I missed in my 20s b/c I was always in a long-term relationship. I was dating a couple of different guys and learning more about what I wanted - this single life went on for about 6 months and then I randomly met a nice guy at a sports bar when I was there watching a game with one of my single girlfriends. We hit it off, and even though he lived in another city, we decided to stay in touch.

We met in June 2009 - fast forward to July 2009 and we were discussing that we want to marry each other, we fell in love quickly.

Fast forward to October 2009, when I go visit him in his city, he takes me engagement ring shopping.

Fast forward to November 2009 - he brings me to his relatives' house down South to meet his ENTIRE family on Thanksgiving.

Fast forward to May 2010, he proposes to me in front of my parents on the day I graduated with my MBA. He had the ring for months, but wanted to propose with my family there on a day that I would never forget. The only reason we aren't married yet is b/c I moved to his city last summer and needed time to get adjusted and time for us to plan the wedding. We are getting married in June of this year - exactly two years after we met. I know my story isn't as fast paced as some of the ones Glib mentioned, but it still was quick (especially considering my last relationship).

It is so true that when men know what they want, they move on it. I did not have to pressure, prod, persuade or even ask about getting married or having a committed relationship - it all came from him. He pursued me, he made plans for our future and he came through on all of them. He is the first man I have fully trusted and I love him with everything within me. It took me 33 years to find him, but thank God I did. I always say that when you meet the one God has for you, God can/will accelerate time so things can happen quickly, but still happen in the right way. Please don't give up hope ladies - I never did and I think that positive attitude came across when I met guys, which made me more attractive/approachable. Have fun, enjoy life and stay open. Trust me, he will find you!!
Wow...I really like this post. Made me smile and encouraged. Thanks cause I really needed to read this. You paid it forward with your words.

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It is happening to me as we speak. And what a story it is. I'd type more, but he's sitting here beside me and I don't want to take too much of my attention away from him, but I'll be back.
I am 39 and I met my FH at the beginning of 2010 and he proposed on 12-9-10 and we will be married 5-21-11. We will start working on a baby mid 2012.