When you bring a relationship to social media too soon....


Well-Known Member
I saw someone I follow on Instagram talking about HER LOVE and tons of pics w/ a guy. Even her birthday that she celebrated with him. All of a sudden. SILENCE.

I think she should have waited to announce the relationship.

Has anyone seen such a thing?
What I find interesting about these scenarios is that, in most instances, it's only the woman posting about "the love of her life." The guy is usually silent.

I know that some guys aren't into social media, but these one-sided postings also occur because the guy isn't into them like that. The woman becomes silent after she realizes this.

The embarrassment would never arise if the woman made sure to explicitly define what she is to the guy before she announces the "union" on social media.
I don't tweet or instagram but I see it on fb.
I've seen instances where they both posted tons of pics, I love you's, eternal smooch fests and then, it's over.
I've seen a woman be head over heels in love, then spazz out on the guy, then break up and now she's in love again...with a different guy. I think she's insane, personally. She has a son and I'm like, what must he think?
I've seen women post and the guy, never, ever, ever, ever, EVER likes or posts the same...

It's a mess. I would only post relationship status if I were married.
Everyone doesn't need to know everything...dang.
I don't tweet or instagram but I see it on fb.
I've seen instances where they both posted tons of pics, I love you's, eternal smooch fests and then, it's over.
I've seen a woman be head over heels in love, then spazz out on the guy, then break up and now she's in love again...with a different guy. I think she's insane, personally. She has a son and I'm like, what must he think?
I've seen women post and the guy, never, ever, ever, ever, EVER likes or posts the same...

It's a mess. I would only post relationship status if I were married.
Everyone doesn't need to know everything...dang.

I agree. My boyfriend and I aren't "Facebook Official" and I like that. I've had people ask why I didn't change my relationship status, at first it bothered me but my previous relationship was a mess because of it. We know what's up and we don't need social media to define that. We post occasional pictures of us and he does status' every now and then but that's about it. If you need Facebook, Twitter etc.. To confirm your love for each other that's a major problem.
I've said this before: I see women are so quick to post 50-11 pictures of the boo/hubby and "like" every single one of their statuses and the men are silent. Even if the man FB and Tweets what he is doing every second of the day, she is omitted.
I do not believe in posting relationship status on fb. I have never even had that field on my profile. My SO isn't on fb and he has asked several times what my status is and when I'm gonna change it. Uh....if we get ,married I'll change it boo. Other than that what I look like switching back and forth from relationship to single and all that? I've had three relationships since fb started and the thought of having to update that with each break up? Ughhhhh. I, too, have noticed when those girls go silent after going on and on about a boyfriend? That might be cool within the intimacy of a forum :look: but on fb, nope. I can only recognize marriage and divorce on social media.
I don't like to be all up in peoples beds lol but thee is this one girl who every other week she has a new "boyfriend" and in no more than 2 weeks she is posting about not letting a man define her and loving herself and being on a hiatus, two days later she has a new boyfriend. I just smh she also deals with dudes who would let her sit outside his home for an hour only for him to come home and say I don't want you here.
I see it sometimes on FB and with one guy on IG. The IG guy is funny, he's always in love with some new chic every 4 months or so and then goes back to the main/original girl.
Even if you've been together for years and married, things can still change...
I kno w/ my so I use to post the pics. He was never into social media. I'm the one who made him get an IG. I'm over the couple posting lol. I've noticed people take social media way to serious as a means to verify a relationship etc. I see happy couple pics of peeps & kno they goin thru bs lol.
Reminds me of this girl who announced she was married on FB, would separate from her husband, then come back a week later in love and calling people who were shocked "haters" even though she was the one dogging him out.