When The Woman Goes To His House All The Time


se ven las caras pero nunca el corazón

My bachelor neighbor next door is a divorced man with a child that lives with his mother. I learned this when he moved in and he came over to meet us. He's got a girlfriend who comes over all the time on Fridays and by our schedules, I'm always seeing her arrive on Fridays in her Jeep. Then Sunday mornings, I see her car leave. I'm minding my business, y'all...but when I have things to do is when I spot her. I'd rather not, she gave me the evil eye when I had to trim the bushes and I cleaned up what fell on his side. She went running to tell him. It was a non-issue but I sensed she wanted it to be.

I don't know if he goes to hers nor what her own family dynamics are. I just know that she's his girlfriend and that they sex each other up because she got into an argument and in our quiet, proper neighborhood, looked for attention one day while we were outside ...she saw us then yelled, "Thanks B. for the good sex last night...blah, blah, blah,.." then sped off in her vehicle. We don't need to know that info. But now that at least 4 of us neighbors know her business, why is she seemingly going over his place all the time? Late evening, his lights are on...bedroom faces my garage and I see him every time I leave...even see him inside. It's kinda awkward when I have to warm up my car. White folks don't like curtains nor shades much lol. But I figure that she's making the effort.

But to the point, isn't that a booty call relationship that will not progress if a guy expects you to come over his house for sex? I'm just wondering because I remember when that was frowned upon. Maybe that's what they want. But I'd feel some kinda way and I'm always going over his house and then get pissed and speed off every now and then. It just seems...she's not respected much. This a thing now? If a man asks you out and you're coming to pick him up always or having to meet him on his turf...?
Hmmm I'd just stay minding my business.

She's clearly got a few screws loose and you don't want to be on her radar lol. From what you've described this is convenient for him and not a serious thing.

I mind my business, though. Today, I looked down at the drive to see if my daughter was going to skid on the ice and that's when she was coming out. That's when I questioned things. But it's dawned on me...she's strangely around close to my schedule and giving the evil eye, esp. in Summer. Hmmm. He's not my type, not interested. Sometimes, they get rowdy and like to speed off in cars after arguments lol. They are something...else. But for the dating style, I guess I see a desperate woman trying to hold onto him with their loud arguments....then here she comes. I don't believe in sex outside marriage...but I know this world is big. Still, seems like an arrangement on the losing end. I don't personally want a guy to treat me like that. Well, it's not my problem, thank goodness. But is this how women date these days? Spending over his? What I'm getting at....isn't that when he's utilizing a woman? She comes over? I dunno. There was a discussion about such so....this is my example.
I'm not in their business more than she pushes to the neighbors :giggle: but it was a thought about that type of relationship dynamic. What I'm saying/asking....IS THIS HOW PEOPLE DATE THESE DAYS? It's not the first time I've heard of such. I'm giving an example of such with a little background. Do women find it ok to go to the man's place all the time, esp. for sleeping over? In serious relationships, does this occur or is this simply friends with benefits when a couple plans everything around him and his space? It used to be frowned upon. She was just an example...an irritating one, mind you, but just an example.
I'm not in their business more than she pushes to the neighbors :giggle: but it was a thought about that type of relationship dynamic. What I'm saying/asking....IS THIS HOW PEOPLE DATE THESE DAYS? .
Apparently it's how this particular couple tends to date. I would say there are still a bunch of old fashioned...or at least...more conventionally dating couples out there who don't happen to live next door to you. Why are you judging all ppl by your neighbors?
You're being a tad bit creepy OP . She may be giving the evil eye because you are always starting and peeping through blinds lol

Ha ha. No, like I said, our houses are feet away. You notice neighbors' schedules (Friday evening, I come home, her car also pulling in) and certainly lights on when you exit the garage and they are right there. So anyhoo, I kinda inched into this discussion on what it appears like...it's not conducive to peace around here. The real question is about a certain type of dysfunctional relationship dating style...partial shacking and is it disrespectful to a woman if you're always catering to his space? She was just the background story. Everybody can hear the screaming and pealing away in her Jeep lol right after a huge fight. SMH. I'm wondering why she keeps coming back only to fight and scream again and screech out Sunday morning as we leave for services. That's how I know what's up. Hey, those are just my thoughts. As for evil eye, I think it's something to do with females in close proximity cuz of something she screamed once about him cheating lol. And yes, this is a White neighborhood. But you got it wrong.

Oh, and how do we know that they are "dating"? :lachen:

Men and women have all sorts of arrangements.

LOL. I guess so. Dysfunctional, at that. I'm right next door...I don't want to hear all that noise from their fatal attraction.
Ha ha. No, like I said, our houses are feet away. You notice neighbors' schedules (Friday evening, I come home, her car also pulling in) and certainly lights on when you exit the garage and they are right there. So anyhoo, I kinda inched into this discussion on what it appears like...it's not conducive to peace around here. The real question is about a certain type of dysfunctional relationship dating style...partial shacking and is it disrespectful to a woman if you're always catering to his space? She was just the background story. Everybody can hear the screaming and pealing away in her Jeep lol right after a huge fight. SMH. I'm wondering why she keeps coming back only to fight and scream again and screech out Sunday morning as we leave for services. That's how I know what's up. Hey, those are just my thoughts. As for evil eye, I think it's something to do with females in close proximity cuz of something she screamed once about him cheating lol. And yes, this is a White neighborhood. But you got it wrong.

Is she white?

LOL. I guess so. Dysfunctional, at that. I'm right next door...I don't want to hear all that noise from their fatal attraction.

It's a White neighborhood and she's a Wigger and a shrew judging by her loud mouth and tires.
.IS THIS HOW PEOPLE DATE THESE DAYS? It's not the first time I've heard of such. I'm giving an example of such with a little background. Do women find it ok to go to the man's place all the time, esp. for sleeping over? In serious relationships, does this occur or is this simply friends with benefits when a couple plans everything around him and his space? It used to be frowned upon
I can only speak for NYC. Stuff gets planned around who has has the better space. If you are centrally located and have a better space than mine. your place gets used more. Ex a friend of mine her BF had a roof deck with grills and a swimming pool. Every Friday in the summer she and I worked from the tables by the pool, worked out in the attached gym for a break then at 5 would have drinks by the pool and he would join us for a drinks along with his/her friends and then we would grill later. I was dating someone with a really nice garden roof deck and would host joint parties or use his roof deck for girls brunches or his apt for my wine weekends since he had a large apt that was easier for everyone to get to.

Or you have roommates or a parent that lives with you. Or it's a long distance relationship