When divorced do you keep married name or go back to maiden name?

My mother kept her married name, they've been divorced for 10 years now. She's a teacher and everyone in the community knows her by that last name.
My mother kept her married name until she remarried.

My mother did the same. She said it was more for my benefit while growing up so I wouldn't get weird looks or asked stupid questions (my parents divorced when I was a year old). Otherwise, she would have gone back to her maiden name.
From what I hear, the wife has to ask if she could go back to her maiden name.

I just had my lawyer include it in the divorce decree with all the other terms of the divorce.

We have no children so I felt there was no need to keep my married name. I know a woman who has no children but she kept her married name. I couldn't and didn't do it. I want nothing to do with the ex.
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The judge that grants the divorce. IDK sweetie, I've never been married or divorced but I've heard this. I'm still trying to figure our why a judge have to grant a divorce but a preacher marries you. None of it makes sense to me.
From what I hear, the wife has to ask if she could go back to her maiden name. :ohwell:
I thought you ask to keep it.

My mom kept her married name because she had 2 kids from her first marriage. She remarried and hyphenated. Then divorced again and dropped the hyphen.

She jokes that she knew her second marriage wasn't going to work anyhow so it would be an easier transition. She really just wanted to make it obvious that me and my brother and her had the same last name. She said she might as well keep her current name because she's been a <insert my last name> longer than she was a <insert her maiden name>.

My aunt's divorce was final when all of her kids were adults so she went back to her maiden name. She'd been married like 25 years so I didn't see the point.
My boss cheated on his wife with a co-worker, they divorced. So it was funny when she would call here she would say this is Carmen Tucker (emphasizing her married name). He married the co-worker and divorced her, and 2 1/2 years later the ex wife still calls here emphasizing her "married" name.:lachen:
I kept my married name because my son was young at the time. I've kept my married name for darn near 20 yrs. :rolleyes: When I remarry it will change of course.
I'm still trying to figure our why a judge have to grant a divorce but a preacher marries you. None of it makes sense to me.
Don't want to turn this thread into one of those threads.

But the judge marries you too. What's done in church is "for show" in a way. Everyone gets married in the courthouse whether they have a church ceremony or not.
The judge that grants the divorce. IDK sweetie, I've never been married or divorced but I've heard this. I'm still trying to figure our why a judge have to grant a divorce but a preacher marries you. None of it makes sense to me.

Oh okay! Yeah, from what I've heard women have to go through some stuff to legally change their name back (or just change their name, period). :yep:
I thought you ask to keep it.

My mom kept her married name because she had 2 kids from her first marriage. She remarried and hyphenated. Then divorced again and dropped the hyphen.

She jokes that she knew her second marriage wasn't going to work anyhow so it would be an easier transition. She really just wanted to make it obvious that me and my brother and her had the same last name. She said she might as well keep her current name because she's been a <insert my last name> longer than she was a <insert her maiden name>.

My aunt's divorce was final when all of her kids were adults so she went back to her maiden name. She'd been married like 25 years so I didn't see the point.

Oh, so you ask can you keep your married name? Got it!
Don't want to turn this thread into one of those threads.

But the judge marries you too. What's done in church is "for show" in a way. Everyone gets married in the courthouse whether they have a church ceremony or not.

I feel you. Thanks for clearing that up.
According to the state of LA, you can get your maiden name back if you want it. My mommie did this and she said she was so happy to have her identity back.
I never changed my name when married. Everyone knew me by my maiden name, so i kept it. I think it bothers my 9 year old son that we have different last names because he now uses my last name instead of his - even in school. Hmm.
You don't have to have a marriage license to be legally married?
It has to be returned with a signature from the person who officiated your actual wedding. You werent married until the certificate was signed by whoever officiated your wedding, whether it a be an imam, pastor or JOP, you have 60 days to return it. On top of that there was a waiting period after the certificate is issued, before you can "get married".