In Praise of Single & Divorced Mothers

As a single mom to a little boy, I was touched by this thread. I can only hope that when he grows up he will appreciate the things that I am doing for him. You sound like you had a really great mother.
God Bless her:fairy:

I'm sure he will appreciate you:yep:. Aww that little angel is so cute:). Thank you.

Awwww thank u sooooooo much!!!!:crying3:

You're welcome!

Thank you for those kind words....I hope my daughter appreciates what I did when she grows up and realize it was in her best interests....

Don't worry, she will.
Awwww! This is a really nice thread. I'm a married SAHM and I feel like :drowning: :bricks: :help: half the time. There are some single moms who tarnish the reputation of everyone else, but I know most of these ladies are selfless and doing the best they can for thier little ones. God willing I'll never have to go through it.
Wow...this is a beautiful thread...THANK son tells me I'm a good mom (sometimes) and I hope he continues to feel that way when he goes through puberty and I have to knock him upside his head when he starts feeling himself