When divorced do you keep married name or go back to maiden name?

I would keep my married name, mainly because of the kids.
My maiden name is extremly unique, and can kind of pass for a first name anyway.

Since I never had a middle name, I kept my maiden as my middle name (no hyphen).
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When I divorced my 1st husband, I kept my married name. It was easier for the children. When I re-married I shifted my first married name to my middle name.
I had hyphenated mine in the beginning, but I wanted it OVER and no attachment to him at all. Plus his brother with the same last name was caught doing shady credit stuff, so I don't want anything like that to come back and haunt me. I love my maiden last name, it's very ambiguous and I like that. But if I get married again, I'm not taking my husband's name. I want to keep mine forever, so I might just hyphenate it.
When my parents divorced, my ma kept our last name so that there would be no questions/confusion. She wanted the same name as her children. Though, she says that when we leave home, she will go back to her maiden name.
I have a son. I kept my married name to sign everything the same. The toad asked me why did I keep it.:nono2:
I divorced, my ex aid the fees and I was told by the Court it's going to cost $450.00 plus filing fees to get my maiden name back:angry2:
I kept my married name.

For the kid and because I know I will get re-married so it would be a hassle to change my name back only to have to change it again.

Also, since I moved to be with my exDH and started my career here, most of the people in this state only know me by my married name.
I think I mentioned this in another thread, but I was married 26 years and have 2 adults sons. I made my name in my professional life under my married name, but I had it mandated in the decree that I would revert to my maiden name upon the granting of the divorce and I changed everything as quickly as possible. I don't think it mattered to my sons, but I also didn't ask. This was about me and what I needed to do, to move forward.