when did you and SO start going to church together?


New Member
i'm asking this hypothetically :look: for a friend :look:

so say a guy you're interested texts you within 24-48 hours of getting your number. you talk via text for a while day 1. day 2, he texts you for a bit, then asks you out on a date for the following sunday (six days away). you say yes. he extends an offer to bring you to church with him sunday morning before your date. what would you say?

my friend :look: told the guy that she already planned to go to church with her other friend that morning, but that she appreciates the offer and that she's looking forward to sunday afternoon. appropriate or inappropriate?

i guess my friend's question is.... is it entirely too soon for dude to be inviting her to church? :look: isn't bringing a potential SO to church indicative of wanting something more serious? or is it normal to go to church with a guy you're talking to while you're still in the very early 'talking' stage?

when did you and your SO start going to church together? what are your thoughts on attending church together super early in the dating stage?
I didn't go to church with my ex until after 10 months of dating.. But I did however attend church events as early as 3 months.. but then again he went to church with his parents and I was not ready to meet them yet!
Hubby was dragging me to church with him while we were still in the 'new friends" category. He would drive all the way across town to pick me up and take me. We were in high school.
Well I dont know if this counts but, I met a man while we both were visiting another church(flirting with one another) about 2 weeks ago. Come to find out he and my aunt go to the same church so he asked me this week to go to church with him on Sunday. I am not sure about it though. Not because I do not want to go to church, its because he is 8 yrs younger than I am. He is such a cutie and not immature at all.
We declared exclusivity in August of that year, we went to church together for the 1st time the Sunday following Thanksgiving w/his family.
The first time I went to church with my SO was before we started dating. We just liked eachother and we went with college friends and other people from our college. You know how during the first week of college, the upperclassmen involved with the church in the community get freshman to come out to the church.
Christians simply invite others to church just because and to share the wealth. I think your reading too much into it because they are not even dating at this point. Church and fellowship is something to share with unknown and known folks unless your scared of being judge because of what you believe in.
Key word for most of ya'll is SO. They ain't no item! He's trying to get a feel for her and she should be doing the same instead of reading stuff into a simple church invite.
I don't have a SO so I can't answer that question but if I had a potential SO I probably wouldn't attend a Sunday morning church service with them.

I would probably wait until we became a serious item. I guess church is such an intimate personal thing for me. But I may attend a concert or perhaps a Friday night event. I know you're wondering "whats the difference" I don't know, I can't articulate it.

On a side note, there's this guy at my church who's a serial dater. He brings a lot of his dates to church. I know I shouldn't judge but I can't help but think that these women are probably thinking they are special because he invited them to church.
Yeah, after a year of dating..... We need to go to church on a consistent basis we have'nt been going
very soon after we first started dating, he invited me and I wasn't sure. I called my younger sister who's saved for advice and her exact words were "If you can go out with him to the club, you can go to church together". 'nuff said.