People treat you better when you're couple up....

eh, no. strangers are nicer to me when im single bc they are usually men who want to hit on me :ohwell:

BUT i do notice that i get LOTS of approving looks and silent communication from other black women. i don't know if other women outside the internet are following this whole "woe is me" theme that circles black women in the media. but they do seem to want to let me know they're glad to see i'm with someone. if i'm being more cynical, i sometimes wonder if they are particularly approving bc the man i'm with is not black.
Nope. In NYC, I definitely get more attention when I'm alone than when I'm out with my SO. It's almost always unwanted attention, so I could do without.
I think the answer is YES...I just recently broke up with my boyfriend yesterday (ugh) but people were always much nicer when we were together. He also used to say that he got better service at restaurants since they assumption was that he was taking his woman out and was paying the bill. I've had servers who would fill up his glass 20 times and never give me more water. LOL. Funny I know but I think you do get treated better as a couple and that's with men, women, strangers, and even family.
From my experience people treat you worse. People are super nice to you when you're the single girl but if you're the new Gf of someone who was single for a while people are quick to be suspicious.