What's Your Definition of Natural?

Let me get a fork and some water to style my hair!:rolleyes:


Uh oh, wait...a fork? <--unnatural maintenance.
My definition is the same as the OP's, no relaxers. Color, extensions, weaves don't make a diff to me, if you're natural, you're natural, IMO. And I will be using s-curl, creamy leave-ins, etc. till the cows come home.
If you're wearing your hair the way it naturally comes out of your scalp then you're natural......simple

If you have not CHEMICALLY altered your hair texture then you are natural. If you constantly straigten your hair with heat you are still natural, if you use conditioner to make your curls pop you are still natural. If you wearing wigs or weaves you still natural......the wig or weave does not alter your hair....your hair is still in it's natural state underneath

I think some people just like to get too technical with certain things.

WOW!!!!!! I think many are looking far too deep into a simple thing. Braiding your hair and then unloosing it DOES not mean u are not natural. Using products to get smoother hair or temporarily pressing it out to get a different look is NOT changing the fact that your hair is natural. Adding pieces for a week, makes you un natural? :huh: ITS NOT THAT SERIOUS! What is the real reason for these rigged rules? According to this, nobody would be natural EVER!?!:nono::rolleyes:

Let me get a fork and some water to style my hair!:rolleyes:

@ bold: i smell a challenge! :look: :rolleyes:

co-sign with your post.
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If you're wearing your hair the way it naturally comes out of your scalp then you're natural......simple

If you have not CHEMICALLY altered your hair texture then you are natural. If you constantly straigten your hair with heat you are still natural, if you use conditioner to make your curls pop you are still natural. If you wearing wigs or weaves you still natural......the wig or weave does not alter your hair....your hair is still in it's natural state underneath

I think some people just like to get too technical with certain things.

Simple and straight to the point. IA w/ your post :yep:
Amen to what the OP, NaturalgalAZ and JCoily said. Curl definition, pressed hair are all still natural to me. Curl definition using product to me is no different from wearing twist-outs and braid-outs. You aren't breaking any bonds in the chemical structure of the hair. Once you wash it, it returns to its normal state. That's what natural hair is.

ITA! :yep::yep:

I belive that Virgin hair is natural and untouched by any chemical processes.

Anything altered can't be natchel -- look at all the "botox lips" in Hollywood -- those lips aren't natural! :lachen::lachen:

Just my .02
geebus yall................according to some of these definitions, even the nattiest of dreads would not be considered to be natural hair. <--- yall got dat, i'm not gonna be The One (because my name is not Morpheus and i don't live in The Matrix) to break it down to 'em that they ain't natural :lachen:)

psst: yall be sure to warn me when you do tell them, ya hear? I'll need to be several hundred miles away from there with da quickness. :lachen::lachen:

Carry on peeps!

I ain't scurred!

This is not natural except for bout a quarter inch. Color needs to be touched up the same way as a perm whether it's black blonde or someplace in between.
I haven't had a chemical in my hair for 19 years but I'm not natural because I color it because of my gray hair????? I don't think so, wait until some of you guys have gray hair and tell me how you feel.:perplexed
I ain't scurred!

This is not natural except for bout a quarter inch. Color needs to be touched up the same way as a perm whether it's black blonde or someplace in between.
*raises hand into air* PREACH SISTAH!! That is NOT natural. Her hair did not grow out of her scalp blonde. *like Forrest Gump* That's all I have to say about that.
I ain't scurred!

This is not natural except for bout a quarter inch. Color needs to be touched up the same way as a perm whether it's black blonde or someplace in between.

but the bleach has also changed (damaged/straightened) the texture of her hair......her texture is no longer her natural texture because of the damage :ohwell:

as i was saying before hubby started spying on me..........

heat can also damage the texture of natural hair. once the hair is damaged, it is no longer considered to be your hair's natural God given texture.
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And another thing, I was natural when some of you were still in diapers and you start telling people who is and who isn't. If I want to henna my hair to get rid of these ugly grays so be it but none of you can ever say I ain't natural:wallbash:
I haven't had a chemical in my hair for 19 years but I'm not natural because I color it because of my gray hair????? I don't think so, wait until some of you guys have gray hair and tell me how you feel.:perplexed
I'm not saying against you coloring. I'd love to color, but I'm afraid of it. Yes, I believe if you color, your hair is not natural- gray or not. It's still color. It alters the state of your hair- the color that you change your hair to be is not your natural color. I'm not saying that you're wrong for doing it though.
And another thing, I was natural when some of you were still in diapers and you start telling people who is and who isn't. If I want to henna my hair to get rid of these ugly grays so be it but none of you can ever say I ain't natural:wallbash:
I don't understand something... why is it THAT serious to believe you're all natural?? There's nothing wrong with you not perming and then coloring just like there's nothing wrong with me relaxing and not coloring, it's not that serious.

ETA:: Besides oils, shampoos, and conditioners, etc- styling products- if you are using any product that changes your hair to make it look different than it looked when it grew out of your scalp, you are changing your hair to something that is not naturally yours. Nature turned your hair gray, henna changed it to another color. That's what I mean.
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And another thing, I was natural when some of you were still in diapers and you start telling people who is and who isn't. If I want to henna my hair to get rid of these ugly grays so be it but none of you can ever say I ain't natural:wallbash:
You natural girl, color and all:yep:
Sorry, but I'm angry. If you only knew what I went through in the nineties being taunted by mainly black women(to the point of harassment) because of my natural hair, you would see where I'm coming from. Then, to have people who have only been natural for a minute tell me I not natural gets my blood boiling.
Sorry, but I'm angry. If you only knew what I went through in the nineties being taunted by mainly black women(to the point of harassment) because of my natural hair, you would see where I'm coming from. Then, to have people who have only been natural for a minute tell me I not natural gets my blood boiling.
I just wanted to clarify, I am in no way natural. Check my siggy, I'm relaxed. I've been relaxed for like 15 years. I've never taunted anyone for having natural hair, I admire most that do, if it's well taken care of. I'm sorry you feel upset though. That's just the way I believe it to be. I just don't believe it's that serious though. You have non-permed, but colored hair, that's all and that's fine.
Natural hair denotes hair texture. The texture of my hair which is curly and the COLOR and STYLE of my hair are completely separate things. My natural hair color is jet black but it has nothing to do with my texture which is curly. If I dyed it blonde it would still be curly it's just not my natural hair COLOR. If I added hair extensions it would still be curly. If I flat ironed or pressed it it would still be curly the moment moisture hit it again, it's just not my natural HAIRSTYLE. Neither would picking out my curls into a fro which is a HAIRSTYLE but not my natural HAIRSTYLE. If I relaxed it it would no longer be curly because I have permanently changed it. The relaxed part of my hair can never be changed back to naturally curly. THEN my hair would not be natural.
Natural hair denotes hair texture. The texture of my hair which is curly and the COLOR and STYLE of my hair are completely separate things. My natural hair color is jet black but it has nothing to do with my texture which is curly. If I dyed it blonde it would still be curly it's just not my natural hair COLOR. If I added hair extensions it would still be curly. If I flat ironed or pressed it it would still be curly the moment moisture hit it again, it's just not my natural HAIRSTYLE. Neither would picking out my curls into a fro which is a HAIRSTYLE but not my natural HAIRSTYLE. If I relaxed it it would no longer be curly because I have permanently changed it. The relaxed part of my hair can never be changed back to naturally curly. THEN my hair would not be natural.
Okay, well we can agree to disagree. I believe that natural is the STATE of your hair, the STATE of your hair is the COLOR and TEXTURE. If your hair did not grow out of your scalp blonde, and your hair is now blonde, then your hair is NOT NATURALLY that color, hence, not natural. The same for texture. Anything that you have to re-touch to keep the effect of whatever it is, color or texture, is not natural- point blank.
I just wanted to clarify, I am in no way natural. Check my siggy, I'm relaxed. I've been relaxed for like 15 years. I've never taunted anyone for having natural hair, I admire most that do, if it's well taken care of. I'm sorry you feel upset though. That's just the way I believe it to be. I just don't believe it's that serious though. You have non-permed, but colored hair, that's all and that's fine.

Girly, :grin:I know you are relaxed and I respect your opinion. So I just want to know if I'm not natural then I'm relaxed? This question is not really directed at just you but others who are so called natural.
Girly, :grin:I know you are relaxed and I respect your opinion. So I just want to know if I'm not natural then I'm relaxed? This question is not really directed at just you but others who are so called natural.
No, you don't have a relaxer. But you do have color, so you're... colored (:grin: Gosh that sound funny when I say it in my head) but yes, your hair is colored if you altered the color of it. Natural is not black and white, like natural or relaxed. You can be relaxed and colored, not-relaxed, but colored, not-relaxed or colored (natural) or relaxed but not colored.
Okay, well we can agree to disagree. I believe that natural is the STATE of your hair, the STATE of your hair is the COLOR and TEXTURE. If your hair did not grow out of your scalp blonde, and your hair is now blonde, then your hair is NOT NATURALLY that color, hence, not natural. The same for texture. Anything that you have to re-touch to keep the effect of whatever it is, color or texture, is not natural- point blank.

In the summer my hair lightens in some areas to a reddish brown color. Some call it sun-kissed. It is not the color that comes out of my scalp. Is my hair no longer natural?
Natural is hair that hasn't been chemically altered.

Colored or relaxed isn't natural. That's not how it grew out of your head, is it?

However, weaves and hair products down't count. Your natural hair is still under a weave... and someone thinking you aren't natural for what hair products you use is just... kinda dumb lol. Regular hair products don't alter your hair's structure on a molecular level like relaxers or color does.
I just recently went natural and to me that means lye free, texurizer free even if you just do it once or twice a year it is still chemical. Moisturizers, products, and presses are fine. As long as if you don't use the product to the point where you lose your natural texture. I hear people try to tell me that they are almost natural but the truth is there is no such thing as almost. I don't think you have to be extreme to be considered natural. A weave, half piece, pony or braids doesn't change your texture. It jsut gives you options to help you through the transformation. I think the longer your natural hair is the easier it is to style. The beauty of being a black woman is that we are unlimited in our style options. We should embrace the tools that we have been given to be the DIVAS that we are.
In the summer my hair lightens in some areas to a reddish brown color. Some call it sun-kissed. It is not the color that comes out of my scalp. Is my hair no longer natural?
C'mon now, you're playing with words. If your hair naturally did that, then yes, it's natural. If you went to some salon (or at home) and applied something to make your hair look "sunkissed" then no, that is not natural. I don't know why you're acting like you don't understand what I'm saying.:ohwell:
Do any other non-relaxed sisters who color their hair consider themselves natural. BTW I do not color my hair but I believe that you can be colored and natural.
Sorry, but I'm angry. If you only knew what I went through in the nineties being taunted by mainly black women(to the point of harassment) because of my natural hair, you would see where I'm coming from. Then, to have people who have only been natural for a minute tell me I not natural gets my blood boiling.

You are natural, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!:yep:
In the summer my hair lightens in some areas to a reddish brown color. Some call it sun-kissed. It is not the color that comes out of my scalp. Is my hair no longer natural?

A lot of people's hair and skin changes color in different seasons. You didn't go and dye it... it's just a normal, natural thing that happens to your hair.

People who do color their hair have can have their natural texture and vice versa...

but I don't believe the concept of having chemically altered hair vs. completely virgin hair is that hard to understand.
C'mon now, you're playing with words. If your hair naturally did that, then yes, it's natural. If you went to some salon (or at home) and applied something to make your hair look "sunkissed" then no, that is not natural. I don't know why you're acting like you don't understand what I'm saying.:ohwell:

I don't know what your talking about. Texture is texture, color is color, hairstyle is hairstyle is hairstyle. Reddish brown is NOT my natural hair COLOR. Natural denotes texture.
C'mon now, you're playing with words. If your hair naturally did that, then yes, it's natural. If you went to some salon (or at home) and applied something to make your hair look "sunkissed" then no, that is not natural. I don't know why you're acting like you don't understand what I'm saying.:ohwell:

So when you see someone on the street with light hair, do you assume they aren't natural? Because their hair could, in fact, naturally be that color.

That's why this shouldn't be that deep. Natural usually denotes texture. You can be a colored natural or uncolored natural, but your hair is STILL NATURAL.

If I see a woman in the street with kinky hair, I assume she's natural. I don't look to see if she has dark roots or if her hair is silkier or curlier than I think it should be. What's the point? :perplexed
natural in the black community usually refers to texture.. as long as its not altered permanently its natural

natural color is a seperate issue.

same thing for "real hair" some ppl think because they are not wearing a weave, but just their own relaxed hair , they are natural. it depends on the context..

"natural" is just a word ppl. use it however you wish. i really dont see the big deal.:ohwell: