What does becoming/being natural mean to you?


New Member
This is my question to the ladies that are either natural or transitioning. Does it mean no chemicals and no heat? Or just no chemicals? Does it mean leaving your hair in it's most natural state? If you are a natural, do you use a hooded dryer, blow dryer, or flat iron?
Im in the process of transitioning....

so what it means to me is getting rid of chemicals from my hair and problems that ive had associated with using chemicals....

it means to finally see what my natural texture of my hair is and to see what products will work with my natural texture of hair...

to actually try to wear some of those beautiful natural hairstyles and spend less money on having to go to salons like i was doing just to keep up a relaxer and a cut..

to get rid of all the artifical people around me:--i had one guy that was to the point where he thought all natural hairstyles was 'too afrocentric'....im like be gone because im going to do whats good for me and my hair not for you being narrowminded to believe that a woman can only be beautiful with straight long hair.....please...
Being natural for me means, I no longer use chemicals to straighten my hair and it means I will not add dye to my natural color also. I choose to use heat from a blow dryer and hot comb to acheive straightened hair.
This is my question to the ladies that are either natural or transitioning. Does it mean no chemicals and no heat? Or just no chemicals? Does it mean leaving your hair in it's most natural state? If you are a natural, do you use a hooded dryer, blow dryer, or flat iron?
Natural for me means no chemicals. As for the bolded, I use all of the above.
I'm transitioning right now, but I will consider myself fully natural once all of my relaxed hair is gone. I will no longer use chemicals to straighten or dye my hair, but I will still flat iron my hair once a month with my trusty Sedu.
I'm natural. Being natural to me means: no chemicals, no color, low heat. I do use flat irons (on special occasions) and a hooded dryer (esp. for DC)
IMO, natural is in reference to texture (no relaxer, texturizer, etc.). As far as color goes, it may still be a "chemical" but your hair is still natural in texture...you just don't have "virgin" hair anymore.

I think that after the texture has drastically changed and become damaged due to constant heat usage (straightening) then I don't really consider the texture as "natural" because it has been permanently damaged/straightened due to pressing. At that point, instead of claiming to be natural, you just don't have chemicals. Your hair isn't naturally straight.

This is all IMO.
I'm transitioning, too. I think natural means living chemically free. My hair needs heat from my hooded dryer. I also like my hair flat ironed, but not too often.