• I can't seem to keep the hair I grow

    Votes: 326 64.4%
  • My hair grows super slow

    Votes: 74 14.6%
  • BOTH

    Votes: 106 20.9%

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New Member
Purely for my own curiosity,
I wanted to know what women really think on this issue.

If you're stuck or have ever been stuck at a
particular length... what do you REALLY think your problem is?

Retention: I can't seem to keep the hair I grow (via breakage, excessive trimming, manipulation, heat, hair ends rubbing against clothes etc...).

Growth: My hair grows super slow.
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back when i was previously relaxed, it was a retention problem, i used way to much heat, never moisturized(which relaxed hair needs), didnt really care if i was raking a comb through it, cause at that time i wasnt really focused on length. so my hair never got past shoulder length.

it wasnt till a horrible weave disaster left me with 3 inches of hair that i decided to look for healthy hair care habits, that my hair has grown to lengths i never thought id have :)
Retention. :ohwell: I get very lazy and sometimes moisturize my hair once a day or every two days. Dusting too often Is another problem :wallbash:
at one point it may have been retention because i was doing so much to my hair that it was breaking left and right. but now i have been washing, deep conditioning, co washing and moisturizing (2x daily) so i think my hair grows slow. i due for a touch up thursday so we'll see then if i've gained any growth.
My hair grows slow. Slow. Sllloooowww. I keep most of it (cuz I get a lil twitchy when I see breakage and I stop touching my hair) but yeah - it's a slow grower.
My hair grows ridiculously slow. W/o growth aids, I get about an inch every 3 months :(
I think my problem is retention. I think my hair has grown a lot since November when I first joined this site. Technically I have been on here for about 7 months. Therefore m hair should have grown about 3.5 inches. I should be at APL right now...I don't think I am. My problem is retention and I don't know what I'm doing. I've stopped going to the salon soo Noooo trims for me. I've done a lil dusting here and there but nothing big. I think i use TOO much moisturizer for my fine tresses. I use about a quarter size of Cantu break free on each section (four section) and seal with about a dime of olive oil. Maybe my hair doesn't need all of that. I'm going to start using a sdme amount of moisturizer and a same amount of oil
My hair is pretty average in the growth department, but its very dry, so retention is an issue. My hair thrives when i leave it alone
I *think* the problem has been retention for me. I'm terribly prone to splits and I just recently learned how to really take care of my hair. Plus, my hair was relatively long as a child. Since I went natural three years ago, shrinkage has been a big issue in being able to recognize my growth. I know it's getting longer, but I can't really tell :ohwell:.
I think retention had been the issue, and I am excited now that I am natural :drunk: I think I will retain most of my hair since there is no chemicals to work against it.
When I was relaxed...my hair grew pretty fast...it was definitely retention that I had an issue with. lack of moisture, handling hair carelessly & unnecessary combing/touching of the hair
I used to have a problem with retention, but since I stopped trimming/cutting, my hair has been on a roll. I just S&D now. :grin:
My hair grows just fine, I think its more of retention and keeping all the hair w/o shedding. If I retained all my length I'd probably be BSL or MBL all ready.
My problem with retaining length is my love for scissors. I love to get trims which turns into about an inch or so every 2 or 3 months. I'm trying to go about 4 or 5 months with out a trim and just dust my ends. I hope I can make it.
My problem seems to be retention. I am still attempting to perfect the protein/moisture balance. I seem to err on both sides and when I get breakage I err on the opposite side. So it is like a seesaw for me.
I voted for not retaining the length. I've trimed about 2 inches off my hair since my BC. I got an inch of growth one month after my BC and trimmed it all off, then at Month 2 the same damn thing.

I've been itching to trim but I've warded off the scissors for now.

I must like 3 inches of hair :rolleyes:
defintely retention. My hair grows, but heat and excessive combing are my vice :wallbash:

I took the initiative to avoid heat and combing everyday and i've been able to retain some length :yep:
retention for me. I'll let it grow like 4 inches and then cut 2-3 of them off. I'd probably retain more hair if I wasn't addicted to reshaping my hair all the time. :ohwell:
Previously it was retention. After several at home dye jobs my hair finally gave up on me. Dry, brittle, over manipulated and chemically-treated hair. I get "average" growth.
I have great retention...thank goodness, because my hair grows uber slow. I swear it only grows 2 inches a year. It's so infuriating! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
None of the above for me. My hair is growing very well and I am retaining the length as well. It could be because I'm eating a lot better than I was before, exercising and taking very good care of my hair. Thank you my LHCF sistas for all the help you've shared in these threads. Because of you, I know now how to take care of my lovely new tresses.
retention...my hair grows fast but between cutting it, skipping days on end without moisturizing, and not protecting my ends i have lost a lot. but i learned my lesson...DCing, castor oil, and baggying are my friends now.

::hugs kenra mc:: you are my new bestie :heart2:
Well it used to be retention and growth until I started to care for my hair then it was retention until I dropped the relaxer. Now I have no problems...:clap: :grin:
Definitely retention. Seems like I have been stuck at SL since FOREVER. :( I get lots of new growth, but I have problems w/protective styling (don't do it nearly enough), I shouldn't wear my hair down as much, I was lax on daily moisturizing, and I have crazy shedding!
My problem used to be retention. Over 10 years ago when I stopped using a lot of heat, my hair started growing longer than it did before. My hair would grow to APL or BSL, but every year I would have to get it trimmed to SL or shorter because my ends were so split and dry. I think this was due to me using very drying products and lack of moisture.