What is your biggest issue / goal obstacle?

What is your greatest hair problem/ length goal obstacle?

  • Excessive shedding from the root

    Votes: 34 12.3%
  • Excessive breakage from weak hair

    Votes: 104 37.7%
  • Split ends / knots on ends

    Votes: 103 37.3%
  • Excessive tangling

    Votes: 50 18.1%
  • Slow growth rate

    Votes: 77 27.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 52 18.8%

  • Total voters
I currently struggle with self relaxing. I have several different textures on my hair that are underprocessed and overprocessed. The biggest problem with my hair is that even when I flat iron it, I can still tell that I have 292942 different textures to my hair.

Have you tried the half and half method? That helped me when I self relaxed. Its more tedious but the results are a lot better than if I were to do my whole head at once.
My biggest issue is stupidity.


Years and years of glue, ripping it out of my head, dry scalp, perming my hair every four weeks

Now...that i actually have some hair....

Keeping my darn hands out of it, fighting the urge to use heat, fighting the urge to do everything BUT protective styling.
Mine would have to be too much cutting. I found LHCF four years ago shortly after a stylist took me from BSL+ to above SL, and vowed to grow it all back. But since then, I've cut it myself due to frustration with it, and I've had another stylist do the whole "I'm only going to trim a little" thing again, and I've had someone try to give me layers which would have been fine if the relaxer had actually took.

Now that I have locks I'm confident I'll finally reach my goal because I know my stylist won't cut it (I made it very clear I didn't want that), and I won't end up cutting it either.
How to Properly Self-Relax! Labor Day Weekend will be my Third Time EVER. Hopefully, I will get better and better.

I will really feel alot better about my Journey, once I totally "Master" this.:master:
its not really an issue but i cant get enough protien! im not having alot of breakage but my hair craves it! i still havent found my 'it' treatment. hardcore aphogee is my last resort. im trying duo tex this week to see if it can be my new staple protien conditioner.
its not really an issue but i cant get enough protien! im not having alot of breakage but my hair craves it!

I use alot of Protein too. IK I use something with protein "daily" I'm sure. And I also started Co-Washing with it. I use a Weekly Reconstructor. And I use alot of Keratin, Biotin, Wheat, Soy, Oat Protein Products, Mega-Tek and other Protein Related Products.:blush:

Have you tried Henna Treatments as well. Although not a "protein" it contains properties that imitate protein. Also, if you are not currently using it, AO GPB is a good product.:yep:
For me, it's the excessive shedding from the root, excessive knots and tangles on the ends causing them to eventually split, and excessive breakage caused by trying to detangle my hair. What I need to be doing is more cowashing per week, applying a hair butter on the ends, being more patient when detangling, and using some sort of reconstructor for the shedding. I could even increase my biotin intake.
I guess my biggest hurdles are fine hair and the ridiculous amount of H
humidity in Georgia and my hair's reaction to it. I was in Colorado all summer for school and man was it dry, but the humidity here drives me batty. I just got back this past weekend. It's like you just came out of the shower and didn't dry off just put your clothes on and left the house and you stay wet the entire day. The prespiration slowly slides down your scalp and it feels like there's something crawling in there. Okay rant over. I guess hair health-wise humid heat is better than dry heat. Maybe I'll bun while I'm living here.

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My biggest hurdle is shedding. I wouldn't say its excessive, but its moderate. I have become soo lazy and non-compliant when it comes to taking my vitamins. I have found that taking MSM cuts my shedding down by like 70-80%. Why don't I stick to it? I hate taking horse pills, or pills/meds/vits in general. I am going to re-stock on the MSM and get some hair vits with AA's and see if that helps me. I have to force myself to take them. :ohwell: I also have an average growth rate...sometimes I think its on the slow end, but when I do the vits or extra protein I see an increase. {Chants mantra: you gotta be consistent, be consistent!}
I guess my biggest hurdles are fine hair and the ridiculous amount of H
humidity in Georgia and my hair's reaction to it. I was in Colorado all summer for school and man was it dry, but the humidity here drives me batty. I just got back this past weekend. It's like you just came out of the shower and didn't dry off just put your clothes on and left the house and you stay wet the entire day. The prespiration slowly slides down your scalp and it feels like there's something crawling in there. Okay rant over. I guess hair health-wise humid heat is better than dry heat. Maybe I'll bun while I'm living here.


OT: Girl I am from South Carolina and in GA and SC, you have to take like three showers a day to stay "fresh" in the summertime. And forget about rocking curls or a nice flat-iron in that humidity. I laughed when I saw your post about the perspiration sliding down your scalp and it feeling all creepy-crawly. I know what you mean! :lachen: I live in NC now, and the humidity isn't as bad here, thank the LAWD.:rolleyes:

P.S. All I mainly did was bun or wear my hair pinned up during summer. I reserved the wigs and long hanging down styles for winter...like after Thanksgiving down there. Buns all the way.
My biggest hurdle is shedding. I wouldn't say its excessive, but its moderate. I have become soo lazy and non-compliant when it comes to taking my vitamins. I have found that taking MSM cuts my shedding down by like 70-80%. Why don't I stick to it? I hate taking horse pills, or pills/meds/vits in general. I am going to re-stock on the MSM and get some hair vits with AA's and see if that helps me. I have to force myself to take them. :ohwell: I also have an average growth rate...sometimes I think its on the slow end, but when I do the vits or extra protein I see an increase. {Chants mantra: you gotta be consistent, be consistent!}
whats msm?
whats msm?

MSM stands for Methylsulfonylmethane. Its a natural form of sulfur. It has been shown to decrease the action of DHT on the hair follicles (which causes hair loss/shedding in both men and women). Rogaine, Progaine and other hair restoration products contain meds that combat DHT, which stands for dihydrotestosterone.

DHT is the primary contributing factor in male-pattern baldness. Female-pattern baldness is more complex, and DHT is only one of many causes of women's hair loss, as we know.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), is an organosulfur compound with the formula (CH3)2SO2. It is also known by several other names: DMSO2, MSM, methylsulfonylmethane and methyl sulfone. [1] This colourless solid features the sulfone functional group and is considered relatively inert chemically. It occurs naturally in some primitive plants and is present in small amounts in many foods and beverages and it is marketed as a dietary supplement, although its benefits are disputed. (<- this paragraph sourced from Wikipedia)

You may purchase/find MSM anywhere quality dietary supplements and vitamins are sold. Commonly combined with glucosamine and chondroitin in joint supplements, it is also marketed alone. I take plain MSM for my hair and joints. I bought mine at Wal-mart (Spring Valley brand) and its about $6-7 for a bottle of (100) 1000mg capsules. I only take 1 a day. Organically, you can find sulfur in many foods like fish, eggs, onions/leeks, etc. Hope that helps!

Sorry OP, didn't mean to hi-jack the thread, just answering a question!
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My Lack of Skills will probably be my biggest issue goal/obstacle. Hopefully, my technique and confidence will improved especially in the area of Self-Relaxing.:look:
I am currently at an awkward length. I cannot seem to get past it. But it is too short for protective styles that would look good. As soon as I can, I want to get a nice wig and keep it in until I am well past shoulder length.

I also am scared of my growth rate. It seems to be mostly recovered from a much needed trim I had, but still when I see others' 8 months' worth of growth mine is not even close. :( I think it is more this than anything. When I manipulate my hair during a wash/detangle/condition session I mostly lose long hair and very few short hairs. So, unless I am breaking my hair off at the scalp (a possibility, naturally), I seem to be RETAINING length. So why is it not growing--besides my impatience?

Another part is moisture. Sometimes I am lax. I made a promise to myself today I am going to get and stay on point with that.
My problem has been mainly moisture issues, excessive shedding, split ends, and breakage. I dont have a set routine because I'm still searching for the right products for my hair. Extreme budgeting does not permit me to explore different products.. I'm hanging in there though!
I voted other. A lack of patience has the potential to cause a major set back for me. I want my hair growth to speed up already and I may try too many things. I am keeping things under control though and trying my best to K.I.S.S with my regimen.
My hair is growing at a good rate and I don't have that many issues. I'm actually pretty lucky that my hair has thrived without a lot moisture and deep conditioning. I could never find good products. But not that i'm going the natural product route i'm seeing a big difference. I'll be able to see a difference in my hair once I relax again after this stretch.
I have had a hard time getting past my current length due to knots and splits. I am now protecting my ends more than before. The length is older hair and needs to have more attention than what I have been giving it. So, I am hoping to take better care of my ends.
* Protective styling my APL hair. I want to leave it "loose" (i.e - not use extensions/fake hair) but I can't do it for long without the manipulation becoming too much. It's kind of sad because I originally thought this would be my goal. Right now, I have to keep using fake hair because it's just not long enough to do quick protective styles like buns and some other PS's just don't look nice on me. It doesn't hinder my goals but it does make growing my hair out less fun. Another 4-5" of hair would make things way easier for me.

* Old obstacles used to be dryness, hand in fro disease, matting and knots but I feel like I've eradicated these issues for the most part.

* Trimming - sometimes it was needed and sometimes it really was not. If I didn't do any needless trims, I probably could have been about grazing BSL now. Anyway, I haven't trimmed since May and I won't be trimming again until Dec 2010 or Jan 2011 if I can help it. I just dust as needed now.
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My biggest issue is indecisiveness. I have grown my hair to BSL then stretched/transitioned for 6 months, relaxed again, then decided to transition again (this time for 15 months), was not taking care of my ends, cut quite a few inches, then in June, relaxed again. :spinning: I'm back at APL:ohwell:
I have to major issues:

  • Fine/thin hair
  • Breakage... no matter what I do. I have always had breakage, even while going from SL to BSB length. However, I have kept this to a minimum by using low manipulation. My hair does good when I just leave it alone.
I chose other because I feel I have more than one issue.

Since my setback, a ton of my hair broke off, and is currently still uneven in some places. When my hair broke off, it was very fragile and weak, and continued to break off tremendously even weeks after the accident. I still find my hair to be a bit weak, but it is MUCH stronger than it was before.

Also, my hair does grow slowly, but I've started using straight MN in hopes of gaining at least an inch (hopefully more!!!) a month.:look: