What is your biggest issue / goal obstacle?

What is your greatest hair problem/ length goal obstacle?

  • Excessive shedding from the root

    Votes: 34 12.3%
  • Excessive breakage from weak hair

    Votes: 104 37.7%
  • Split ends / knots on ends

    Votes: 103 37.3%
  • Excessive tangling

    Votes: 50 18.1%
  • Slow growth rate

    Votes: 77 27.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 52 18.8%

  • Total voters
My Major Obstacle still remains my Skill & Technique. Once I get better at Self-Relaxing and General Styling (on my own) the rest will be a Breeze.

Good Lord Knows I have the "Products" But I currently lack the skill & know how to make it look nice & purty.:giggle:

Hopefully, that all will come with Time.:blush:
Split hair strands and excessive manipulation which can lead to breakage hinder hair length goals for me.
My obstacle is honestly laziness. I know it sounds so bad but, it's a little over a year since I joined LHCF and although I moisturize and co wash all the time and make sure to cover my hair, I'm just not so... obsessive with growth and new products and all that anymore.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. I know my hair thrives on my leaving it alone. Once it's moisturised and detangled, low manipulation (e.g. combing only weekly and daily just putting it up in a clasp, or leaving it in braids for a couple of months) really helps retention. No need for zillions of products and super-complicated regimens.

I have to major issues:

  • Fine/thin hair
  • Breakage... no matter what I do. I have always had breakage, even while going from SL to BSB length. However, I have kept this to a minimum by using low manipulation. My hair does good when I just leave it alone.
Well Vesta, if you have made so much progress even while having breakage issues, imagine you managed to get that under control!
I have having problems with lack of moisture. I need some help finding a good water based moisturizer any suggestions are welcome. :look: And also I have a sloooww growth rate.
Not realizing that my hair needs lots & lots & lots of moisture.

I dc 3-5 times per week and my hair LOVES it.
My biggest issue is split ends :(. The only way I can keep them at bay is by braiding. When I wear my natural hair out over a longer period of time, it's splits galore. I think it's all the manipulation (braiding at night, styling in the morning). I can't do WnGs because that just makes things worse.
That's why I'm on the C&G challenge. Possibly for life ;).
My hair grows slow, and I need more moisture. I have been weaving it up, but I'm not sure that I am retaining length.
I am dealing with random sections that have very little hair. I have a 2*2 inch section that i cut down to the root by mistake, another section that i believe is a product of alopecia. These are all in the temples/front area and hard to hide. I am having issues with what to do with them, and how to hid them while they grow.. they cut hair is my own fault, but the temples have been like this for about 4 years now....
Right now I am battling split ends from my months of straight hair and my dye job. I find my new hobby to be looking at my ends and cutting (or biting, yes biting ughhh) them off. I'm hoping this doesn't affect my WL goal *crosses my fingers*
Right now my biggest issue is the knots and tangles and also my shrinkage. Because I have a TWA it is so hard to detangle it. So much so I have decided to stop using my denman til my hair gets longer and start finger combing. The lady that fingercombs on youtube has THE thickest type 4 hair I have seen. I wanna get on her level.