• I can't seem to keep the hair I grow

    Votes: 326 64.4%
  • My hair grows super slow

    Votes: 74 14.6%
  • BOTH

    Votes: 106 20.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think both are an issue for me. :ohwell: My hair grows normally until it gets to the tops of my shoulders (it has NEVER grown too far past that point, even when I was natural. :perplexed). Then there's the breakage...
I've been in detention for no retention. :look:

My hair grows, but I think I'm too rough with my ends. I slack on moisturizing and sealing sometimes due to laziness.

I'll get it right soon.
As far as I'm concerned hair will grow if you leave it alone. So now I do.
When i did have issues with length it was always a retention issue.
I was constantly breaking.

Then the light bulb went off: You can't heat-style thirsty hair every 3 days and NOT have issues. I know...Duh, right!
But I'm incredibly bull-headed and I like my wraps--so what can I say?

I laid off the heat and beefed up on the moisture.
Problem solved.
First of all I want to say, Im so happy to see a website thats dedicated for women of color, on how to grow hair and keep it. Im very excited to join the club and ready to grow some hair and keep it.

I have to say, I have no problem growing hair, my downside is keeping it. It seem when it get to my shoulder and longer it just break off. :nono:

Since comming to this site, I realize that I been doing all the wrong things, so right now, my goal is to get pass the shoulders and beyond.:grin:
Retention is my issue. I have been hovering around BSL for months. I have decided to comb only on wash days with conditoner so I can get to MBL by December 2008.
back when i was previously relaxed, it was a retention problem, i used way to much heat, never moisturized(which relaxed hair needs), didnt really care if i was raking a comb through it, cause at that time i wasnt really focused on length. so my hair never got past shoulder length.

it wasnt till a horrible weave disaster left me with 3 inches of hair that i decided to look for healthy hair care habits, that my hair has grown to lengths i never thought id have :)

The same here! I was told by my aunt(cosmetologist), that shoulder length might be my terminal length when I was 13, but when I got a touchup it was always trimmed. I always wanted longer hair, but never had the tools or information on how to retain my length, til I found this site! :yep:
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Mine seems to grow slow but I'm not quite sure about retention. I don't think I lose a bunch of hair, but I feel like I should be a lot further by now...even with slow growth.
Knowing what I know now, in the past it was definitely retention. After finding this board and others, thankfully, I don't have an issue w/growth nor retention anymore. I've actually figured out this here hair thing!
Both but mainly growth.

I was trimming every relaxer, about 1/2 an inch maybe more:ohwell: but I don't even get 1/2 inch per month of growth. My hair grows very slowly but I started scalp massages and eating better and I think I'll see a difference.
I get the average .5" per month but I want it to grow faster. I don't have problems retaining growth. I normally wear protective styles. I do know how to get it to grow faster though...vits and cardio:yep: so I guess it's just my lack of patience sometimes.
I wouldsay retention..i had so many bad ends from relaxing bone straight that i had to cut them off..i think i've cut off about 2 inches in 2 years which isn't that much..but i still have some more to cut off..don't relax bone straight!!!

My hair grows pretty fast though so i don't even count those trims on my hair growth calender:look: i don't really have that much breakage except when i get a lot of tangles but that has been fixed by washing in sections and detangling in sections also!!

I'm really happy with my growth and retention right now, can't you tell?? :grin:
Just takin' it one day at a time tho not rushing anything!
I believe that my problem is slow growth. I've been stuck in the same no man's land between SL and APL for over a year now.

My hair is not breaking and I have always been a chronic shedder:ohwell:
Somebody said patience... that's my issue.
So what's up with all the growth aids...
looking at the poll...
whatever genius finds a retention cure
would find much success...
... I'm just saying
I would have to say both, but mostly retention, I mean I do notice that my hair grows but it grows really really slow, and then when I get some growth it breaks off, because I can't seem to keep my hands out of it. Really I hadn't been taking care of my hair, so hopefully now I will start to see a change. If anyone has any advice for that let me know. I need all the help I can get.
I definately don't have a growth problem and i used to have major problem with length retention because as soon a i see a lil hair touching my shouders i wouldn't stop combing, never moisurised properly and was always letting it loose so it would grow yes, but then i'd lose all that growth and then some.
But now i'm so much more kowledgeable about caring for my hair, i don't comb often anymore, my stretches are so much longer (4-5-6MTHS, my most recent and presently going on stretch) and now i'm retaining much more length than ever before. I'm also more consistent with my vitamins too. My biggest lesson to date has been patience and learning that my hair loves to be left alone.

Thanks to all the ladies of LHCF, i've truly learnt much!! HHG
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I DEFINATELY don't have a growth problem and i used to have major problem with length bcause as soon a i see a lil hair touching my shouders i wouldn't stop combing, never moisurised properly and was always letting it loose so it would grow yes, but then i'd lose all that growth and then some.
But now i'm so much more kowledgeable about caring for my hair, i don't comb often anymore my stretches are so much longer (4-5-6MTHS, my most recent and presently going on tretch) and now i'm retaining much more length than ever before. I'm also more cosistent with my vitamins too.
RETENTION :wallbash:, RETENTION :wallbash:, RETENTION :wallbash:.
I've been transitioning for 5 months and already, as my sister put it the other day...I have quite an afro (under my relaxed hair).
I should be ashamed because I have NEVER really taken care of my hair AT ALL until March of this year and my hair was always really dry and over processed.
I'm hoping that come june when I do my update I will see that my hair has grown a bit since the end of March due to actually taking care of my hair for a change :rolleyes:.
My problem is definately retention my hair grows averagely but I can't keep it since I get split ends mad easy. I think my problem is that I'm too rough and impatient when combing and I put too much product on my hair forcing me to clarify, add more product, a viscious cycle. The excess product seems to suffocate my hair. So now I need to focus on not ODing on product, being more gentle, avoiding clarifying too much, and being more attentive when my hair starts to break or shed.
I voted both!!! I have now realised that i have extremely dry hair and its nothing to do with colouring and texlaxing:look: i have coily dry as hay nappps and i am on a mission to learn to deal with them without putting it in braids, weaves or any other cornrow or twist that means I won't be dealing with it in its free flowing state. I plan to DC for at least half an hour a week moisturise 2ce or thrice daily (once every 2 days wasn't cutting it!) hopefully i'll begin to retain more