What is your biggest issue / goal obstacle?

What is your greatest hair problem/ length goal obstacle?

  • Excessive shedding from the root

    Votes: 34 12.3%
  • Excessive breakage from weak hair

    Votes: 104 37.7%
  • Split ends / knots on ends

    Votes: 103 37.3%
  • Excessive tangling

    Votes: 50 18.1%
  • Slow growth rate

    Votes: 77 27.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 52 18.8%

  • Total voters
I am currently transitioning and my issue is shedding, breakage, and tangling. I can understand why people do the BC. It is terrible transitioning. The relaxed ends are more tangled than the damn NG. :wallbash: What is up with that?
My biggest issue is my impatience. I don't run into too many hair obstacles. I get SSK's but not enough to impede my progress. My hair grows at it's own steady pace but I want it to grow FASTER!
Same for me.:spinning:
i cut too much. i bced twice to 4 inche last year
and i play in my hair too much. if i leave my hair alone it grows with no problems
Split ends and/or knots. This is my biggest obstacle. I would be BSL by now if I didn't get these and keep cutting them. But yeah, that's my problem. It used to be breakage though.
I have breakage (2 and 3 inch hairs all over the place) and severe Hand in Hair Syndrome. I think that may be the cause of it because I am always playing with it and combing it. That's going to stop because it's hindering my progress. I've started to wear it up nearly everyday to prevent this from happening and keep a scarf on my head when I am lounging around the house.
My hair tangles so easily. Drives me nuts. If I put the wrong product on my hair, it tangles up into a matted up mess. Then after awhile, I just lose patience and start racking. I'm sure my hair in certain areas would be longer if not for this reason.....
It tangles and knots very easily, and is prone to split ends. Over the past three years, I have lost 3 inches of length. I was MBL in 2005, and aside from dusting a few times (and snipping off split ends whenever they appeared), I didn't retain any growth.
This is me except BSL in 2007. I don't think I've increased my length this year because of all the splits I've had to cut off - especially in the middle of my head, where they sometimes are 2-3 inches up the strand. I want to figure out what's up with that.

I hate wearing my hair up because I think my head is shaped funny, plus I have some acne issues I'm dealing with.
Yeah, I hear you. Just last week I realised how useful hair is when you have blemishes. I was getting my Veronica Lake on :gorgeous: to cover this random breakout. Had to make sure not to get my face greasy though - not make things worse in the long run.

I am currently transitioning and my issue is shedding, breakage, and tangling. I can understand why people do the BC. It is terrible transitioning. The relaxed ends are more tangled than the damn NG. :wallbash: What is up with that?
You have beautiful relaxed hair. Not trying to get you to backtrack, just saying. :look:

My biggest obstacles are:
1. Shedding is a beast (I'm suprised I even have hair left at times)
2. Tangles... tangles... tangles
3. Excessive trimming
(due to #1 & #2)
This is me. I swear the amount of hair that sheds from my head annually could stuff all four pillows on my bed. Maybe even some on the couch too. I really don't understand how my dome isn't as bald and shiny as Kojak's. The difference is my trimming is mainly because of splits.

So you ladies who have identified your hair issue(s), do you search on LHCF mainly in relation to these, or do you just browse generally for hair tips. And do you look for new products only / mainly to address your issues, or do you go for whatever looks good?
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My obstacle is honestly laziness. I know it sounds so bad but, it's a little over a year since I joined LHCF and although I moisturize and co wash all the time and make sure to cover my hair, I'm just not so... obsessive with growth and new products and all that anymore. I just started using that Moe's growth oil again after months, I am so content to just literally co wash and forget about it. I am retaining some sort of length because my hair is a lot heavier and is tickling me places it usually wouldn't. Not to mention how it looks when I come out the shower, but still, when I think about where it could be, its kind of annoying. My resolution for this year though is to make sure and apply it and try to get at least 12 inches in the year. I just hope I still have steam by june.
Mine is breakage and tangling. When my hair is wet it is so so fragile and I don't know why I never noticed this before. when it gets tangled I lose hair and have a hard time with manipulating.
My biggest obstacle is maintaining the health of my hair. I'll do ok and then I'll get lazy like I've gotten these last couple of months.
my hair grows veeeerrrry slowly. coupled with a few horrible scissor happy styling incidents it took me almost 9 years to grow my TWA to a bit past APL when stretched. i've learned a lot about protective styling and moisturizing which has helped me retain all of the hair that i've grown since my last horrid cut.
OT: Tami2shoes I am interested in reading the article in your avi. Do you have a link?

My biggest issue is impatience, hoping that this is always my biggest problem :pray:
Breakage in one weak area in my hair & prevention of split ends. I voted "other" because the breakage is not excessive & I think I have learned how to prevent split ends.
I hold split ends and breakage to be a big problem for me. I still managed to keep 4 to 5 inches on my head this past year. I hope to keep 6+ of all growth (minus dust). I wanted to start this year of with a healthy start so I relax'd (and corrected underprocessing that caused breakage). I've also been laying off flat ironing and just rollersetting my hair. BIG Difference.
I currently struggle with self relaxing. I have several different textures on my hair that are underprocessed and overprocessed. The biggest problem with my hair is that even when I flat iron it, I can still tell that I have 292942 different textures to my hair.
Sounds like you need a good corrective. I really helped me. I hope this doesnt happen to you but hair began to break, was rough, and tangle easily because of the multiple textures. If you dont correct, it may lead to breakage eventually but pray it doesnt.
I currently struggle with self relaxing. I have several different textures on my hair that are underprocessed and overprocessed. The biggest problem with my hair is that even when I flat iron it, I can still tell that I have 292942 different textures to my hair.
Right now I'm not having an obstacle preventing me from getting to my goals. My obstacle is impatience! I want it NOW! So lately I've been braiding it up and getting it out of my face so I don't buzz it off. I just passed mid back by an inch but want waist length yesterday, and I want it blunt without layers, but I know that while waist length is around the corner, aprilish/mayish, getting out these layers could take a year or more!

SO I really am just being an a--! and I know it, but I can't help it because I'm IMPATIENT! So anyways I've been walking around with cornrows for the past couple of months when not flatironing just so that I don't undo all of the progress I've made by chopping away out of annoyance.

I think you have to perfect solution for impatience - keep it out of your sight! You'll be WL in no time! :yep:
I chose "other" on the poll because in the past, I had retention problems due to scissor happy stylists, over-manipulating/combing my hair all day long and not moisturizing/sealing properly. Things have been much better since I changed those things.
I currently struggle with self relaxing. I have several different textures on my hair that are underprocessed and overprocessed. The biggest problem with my hair is that even when I flat iron it, I can still tell that I have 292942 different textures to my hair.
Have you sworn off stylists for any particular reason. If self-relaxing is doing more harm than good....
Tangling is an issue for me. It was an issue when I was relaxed, and it's an issue now that I'm transitioning. After trying different conditioners I found that Tresemme works well for me if I detangle in the shower under running water with conditioner in my hair. But as soon as I step out of the shower my hair is tangled again, so I've been looking for a leave in that will detangle my hair. I want to be able to comb my hair easily right before I put it in twists/braids or straighten.
My obstacle is Patience I would love 1 inch per month I need more hair by July for a wedding
I rather have underprocessed hair than have no hair at all.

That bad, huh.

But I understand. I've been self-relaxing and went for a corrective early last year because I always underprocess myself. The stylist noted that the ends were already relaxed, but then proceeded to process me from root to tip for a long *** time. I had to ask her if it wasn't overprocessing for her to wash it out. The leeway I gave her was because at that time I was just so fed up with my underprocessed hair that I just thought, anything to fix it. But it did mess up my ends which affected my retention last year.
My hair grows, however, because I get split ends, I am forced to trim. I have been baggying and paying extra attention to my ends lately, so hopefully I will not have this problem any more.