Whatcha Trying this Weekend?

Well I did the coconut/limel relaxer last night.
I like it. I'm going to try and do it more often.;)

ETA: Results.

New growth is smoother and my hair is over all more moisturized. I can even tell a difference in the ends of my hair. I'm going to try to be more accurate w/my measurements and see if I can get a good consistant formula. Anyhow..

1 can of coconut milk
3 limes
ORS Mayo
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im about to see what all the fuss over castor oil is about later tonight :D

i figure i'll add it to my dc and then maybe use it to seal my ends
Ayeshia said:
im seriously going to do my first henna treatment outside under the hot sun....and Im gonna do the dye relase in the car with the high temps. I got it all planned out :lol:

:lol: This is what I should have done. I was completely put off by the mess, but you've got a solid plan.

Your siggy is hilarious!
I think I'm going to try that protien/moisture avacado recipe (oh of course now I forget who) someone posted earlier.
This weekend I am trying:

Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor.

Biolage Detangling Solution

(maybe) Lekair Cholesterol+honey+evoo+coconut oil as a DC
Today is Thursday again:lol: , so let's roll it :look: What are you guys trying this weekend!!!

I am gonna try henna/indigo gloss with coconut milk
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la flaca said:
:angel: Ladies, post your results please:wasntme:

nacidit olive oil rinse

I did an emergencee treatment and my hair was very tangles. something told me to put the rinse in after the treatment and when i say the tangles were gone immediately, i am not exagerrating. and I didnt even use this under the shower. I was skeptical about it at first but I am so happy I bought it. plus it made my hair feel like butter. im thinking about using it as a prepoo.

lacio lacio

gave me a lighter smoother rollerset. smoothed my ends really nice. didnt give me the shine eveyrone was talking about but my hair is always dull. i never get a shine. also i didnt buy the one with mink oil in it maybe that had something to do it.
Results from last weekends DC w/ NTM Mask + EVOO = A winner!! :D Hair feels much much more moisturized. I actually forgot to clairfy before hand but I still noticed a difference.

This weekends new thing to try = Im gonna clarify tomorrow nite then do the DC w/ NTM Mask + EVOO under heat for 20 (last weekend I just left a baggie on my head). I might add a bit of honey in the mix. I was contemplating using an ORS pak instead of the NTM Mask. We shall see. Im tryin to find my staples and dont wanna keep jumping back and forth between products all willy-nilly w/o knowing what really works.
This weekend I am going to try to put my DD's hair in kinky twists! This will be my first time. Wish me luck!
LocksOfLuV said:
This weekend I am trying:

Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor.

Biolage Detangling Solution

(maybe) Lekair Cholesterol+honey+evoo+coconut milk as a DC

This is what I am trying and I am excited!
I brought all Kenra on my trip since they are easy to travel with. ( I have a Kenra travel bag that holds their bottle perfectly.)

I have the clarifying poo, moisturizing poo and moisturizing conditioner.

I don't think I have ever used all together. I am going to try it this weekend.
Last weekend results:
I tried Sedal Lissage conditioner treatment. The description of this product is written in spanish but there was a sticker on it that stated it helped achieve "flat/straight hair". My verdict - this product is so/so not sure how i feel about it yet. I will give a couple more tries.

This weekend:

I'm going to rollerset my hair. (I'm saying NO to the blowdryer this weekend :mad: )
This weekend I will be doing the same as last-prepoo w.something like suave and an oil, shampoo, DC and rinse w/la bomba. Then I will do my scarf method,
This weekend, I'm going to buy and try the Aveda DR line :grin:. I'm going to the salon and have my stylists use my products instead of hers. Wonder how that's gonna fly with her :look:. Wish me luck ladies.
this weekend I want to pre poo with jojoba oil/honey and DBP, clarify and then I im going to do a protein treatment with Mizani KeraFuse and I am thinking about adding coconut milk to it and then follow up with my second try of castor oil added to my DC.

I am soooo tempted to buy lacio lacio, but I am happy with my current leave-in so maybe another time.

I would also like to give rollersetting another shot, but use mesh rollers (if i could figure out where to buy them) instead of magnetic rollers.

Oh yea, last week I also began taking Silica, so we'll see in a couple months how that progresses :)
la flaca said:
Wao! That's really pretty. Can't wait to see yours. By the way, did you henna? I saw your pixs and they look kind of brown and very pretty:)

Isn't it though? I think so too!

No, I didn't henna. I did a Sebastian Colorshine in a warm golden color. I like that it lightened my highlights from the sun from vacation. I like it too, thanks!
la flaca said:

:lachen:Trust me I'm just as surprised.
I am itching to try a biolustre pro treatment that I just purchased to see if it really can repair hair in just one treatment. But I just did a protein treatment last week and I think it might be too much to do a similar treatment this weekend. :perplexed
I think I'm going to try a super protein/moisture treatment with the avocado recipe someone posted last week. And I might attempt a flat iron but I'm not sure about all that yet.