what would you do? stay or leave


New Member
your once SO use to be the perfect gentlemen, would cook for you, give you massages without you asking, take you out and always make sure you're comfortable, lets not forget he is super sexy, has no kids and no record and is great in bed.

does a complete 360, constantly asks you for money, wants you to buy him food, wants you to give him O's everyday amongst other things... cant keep a job for more than 2 weeks. sells everything you had gave him as a gift, does nothing but sit and smoke weed all day (but you don't mind because that's the only time you can actually tolerate his personality) never buys you anything (even when he was working) spends 8k in 2 months and has absolutely nothing to show for it, insecure (constantly accuses you of cheating), sells your item without permission, the final straw.... steals money out your bag, admits it when confronted then says its not a big deal after making up and giving him a FOURTH chance.

...every time Ive had enough, and want to seriously end the relationship, he would cry, literally cry and say how much he loves me and will change. he would call my phone non stop until i answered to talk to him, apologize sound so sincere but then does all the bs over again.

im tired of it... i love him but we've been together a year now, and i feel like im wasting my time being with him, its not going to change, i am tired of supporting him, tired of expecting more and getting absolutely nothing, tired of being lied to, stolen from and taken advantage of.

he holds my hand in public, and says i love you a lot. but that means nothing when you get treated like an atm machine. he tells me that he's good to me because he has never cheated on me. i owe him the world cuz he never cheated on me...?

ive put up with his BS, which is why i think he continues it, he figures all he has to do is say sorry and everything is A ok.

get this though, he has a lawsuit in his hands and may be comming into a lot of money,i mean A LOT but theres no telling how long that would take. and you just want you bank account back to the state it was (or 100x that) before meeting him, would you stay with him or is it not worth it?
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Is this serious???? For real???

This shouldn't even be something to think about for more than a half second. Bye bye!
He has shown you WHO is he, now take heed and save yourself..:Rose:

Unless of course you have the stomach/time for more disrespect & abuse..
are you sure he's not doing drugs (other than weed)? His behavior of stealing and selling your things (this would have been my final straw) and losing a lot of money in a really short period of time, makes me wonder. I would leave.
I agree with everyone else.

Do you want to stay so you can have a piece of his potential money? The money won't treat you right and he sure isn't. Drop that zero....
ive put up with his BS, which is why i think he continues it, he figures all he has to do is say sorry and everything is A ok.

get this though, he has a lawsuit in his hands and may be comming into a lot of money,i mean A LOT but theres no telling how long that would take. and you just want you bank account back to the state it was (or 100x that) before meeting him, would you stay with him or is it not worth it?

Apparently he figures right if thats what he does and u act like everything is ok

so if u stay how much more money and emotional well being do u estimate losing in order for a potential "payback".....and what happens if he gets some money and doesn't give u any.....???
are you sure he's not doing drugs (other than weed)? His behavior of stealing and selling your things (this would have been my final straw) and losing a lot of money in a really short period of time, makes me wonder. I would leave.

I've thought about that. its impossible to spend 8k in 2 months when you don't pay rent or any bills. but honestly i don't think so because i am with him nearly everyday, i don't see how he would have the time or ever seen him act like he was on any other drug.

he sold the psp i gave him for xmas
and the dreamcast i had in his house, (not his!!! specifically told him not to). he said "well its about 7yrs old and you dont play it"

the dreamcast selling ticked me off, so i cut his hair. he had braids, hair longer than mine and didnt flip out on me, which made me take him back that time...
I agree with everyone else.

Do you want to stay so you can have a piece of his potential money? The money won't treat you right and he sure isn't. Drop that zero....

that's the thing that is bothering me. is it really about money?, i don't care that he doesn't have any or will get some. i just hate how he uses mine.

i love this guy, i really do. its just MY money is going down the toilet, while he sits and does nothing but enjoy it. all i want is for him to pay for his own **** and show a little appreciation. i guess i need to give a lot of background information on him so you guys can get a gist of what I'm dealing with
that's the thing that is bothering me. is it really about money?, i don't care that he doesn't have any or will get some. i just hate how he uses mine.

i love this guy, i really do. its just MY money is going down the toilet, while he sits and does nothing but enjoy it. all i want is for him to pay for his own **** and show a little appreciation. i guess i need to give a lot of background information on him so you guys can get a gist of what I'm dealing with

He's tricking you and you're letting him. Step your game up and stop being tricked. Yeah you love him a lot but that doesn't mean this relationship is healthy.

ETA: you're prob. paying for his yayo habit you don't know about
that's the thing that is bothering me. is it really about money?, i don't care that he doesn't have any or will get some. i just hate how he uses mine.

i love this guy, i really do. its just MY money is going down the toilet, while he sits and does nothing but enjoy it. all i want is for him to pay for his own **** and show a little appreciation. i guess i need to give a lot of background information on him so you guys can get a gist of what I'm dealing with
A man should be the head of household, provider and leader. Sorry that equals breadwinner and not using women for their bread. Not to mention no romance without finance. On top of that he doesn't treat you right WTH? Why would you not want a man that is able and willing to provide? Wow just wow babygurl. :nono:
Apparently he figures right if thats what he does and u act like everything is ok

so if u stay how much more money and emotional well being do u estimate losing in order for a potential "payback".....and what happens if he gets some money and doesn't give u any.....???

i constantly remind him that i am not happy with the way things currently are and he promises me better. i guess i am weak in believing that. Ive seen the better side of him and just really think it can come back. i do trust that he would pay me back, he has before in full.

everything went downhill when he lost his job (we worked at same place, its where i met him, he got fired the day after asking me to be his gf, yes the manager (jealous b) was out for me too, i got fired 2 months after) . this is when he starts borrowing money and stops catering to me.

every new job he got, he would call out then get fired for calling out... this is 3 jobs later...

its as if he gave up on life and just wants to smoke weed and have me by his side.

i dont want to fund this which is why he started selling things.

we sat down and talked one day, he really broke down and vented everything on his mind, and admitted he is depressed. he is mad that his mother "didnt support him enough" to succeed in life. how he's the only one in his family to complete high school and go to college. how when he was working he gave his family money but now that he's out, no one wants to help.

i do believe that story, ive met mostly all his family members and lets just say he turned out different...

but he has all the resources in the world to be what ever he wants, i keep telling him that he didnt and doesnt need his mom or family to support him. that its not all for nothing and to get over the past and move on.

its like, all he wants is handouts now, doesnt want to do anything for himself. he told me he's been working since he was 14 and is just tired so was taking a break (for a year?) , but that im right and its time to move on, this was 2 months ago. he did get a new job and quit it the next day... sigh.

it was today i found out he took money out my bag, i asked him about it and he said yea and its no big deal i shouldnt over react. ive since blocked his # from my cell and dont know how long i can last...
l'll be sure to bump this bs up at 6am pst for folks to participate and give you advice. Even though we know you ain't listening and got on earplugs. LOL
A man should be the head of household, provider and leader. Sorry that equals breadwinner and not using women for their bread. Not to mention no romance without finance. On top of that he doesn't treat you right WTH? Why would you not want a man that is able and willing to provide? Wow just wow babygurl. :nono:

i turned 19 in November, and have a really good job making some good money (T-mobile). i don't pay any rent or bills so i really don't need a man to provide for me

i just don't like providing for him... he actually treats me really good except for the fact that its draining my bank account. and that i now have to ask for the things he use to do willingly before

i feel like i'm paying to have a bf.
l'll be sure to bump this bs up at 6am pst for folks to participate and give you advice. Even though we know you ain't listening and got on earplugs. LOL

I'm listening! lol, just the thought that he might be on some other drug is extremely scary

but seriously, you guys honestly think that he wont change ever? :nono: even if i don't see or speak to him for a whole week? to let him know that i will seriously leave him if he don't change his ways?
that's the thing that is bothering me. is it really about money?, i don't care that he doesn't have any or will get some. i just hate how he uses mine.

It's NOT about the money. He is shirking away from his responsibilities as a person in life. You just don't get to 'give up' and rely on others for your livelihood, (well one shouldn't). This is about so much more than money. He has developed a stank attitude, and you don't have to allow youself to be his crutch.

i constantly remind him that i am not happy with the way things currently are and he promises me better. i guess i am weak in believing that. Ive seen the better side of him and just really think it can come back. i do trust that he would pay me back, he has before in full.

That's when he WANTED to work. Now he's just sitting around all day.

we sat down and talked one day, he really broke down and vented everything on his mind, and admitted he is depressed. he is mad that his mother "didnt support him enough" to succeed in life. how he's the only one in his family to complete high school and go to college. how when he was working he gave his family money but now that he's out, no one wants to help.

So, he's mad at everyone else but himself? The only person whocan get up off his @ss and change his own life? Hmmmmmm . . . .

its like, all he wants is handouts now, doesnt want to do anything for himself. he told me he's been working since he was 14 and is just tired so was taking a break (for a year?) , but that im right and its time to move on, this was 2 months ago. he did get a new job and quit it the next day... sigh.

:rolleyes: Wish I could 'take a break'. I've been working since I was in my teens as well and I'm sick of it. I guess you don't want to date me too huh? :grin:

it was today i found out he took money out my bag, i asked him about it and he said yea and its no big deal i shouldnt over react. ive since blocked his # from my cell and dont know how long i can last...

Don't know how long you can last? Gal, that is the LAST STRAW!!!
Drugs, or no drugs, that is the ULTIMATE in disrespect and misuse of trust. You can't trust someone who goes through your things like that. And then he says that it's no big deal. Uh-uh, time to go.
i turned 19 in November, and have a really good job making some good money (T-mobile). i don't pay any rent or bills so i really don't need a man to provide for me

i just don't like providing for him... he actually treats me really good except for the fact that its draining my bank account. and that i now have to ask for the things he use to do willingly before

i feel like i'm paying to have a bf.
Sweetie it doesn't matter how much money you make or what bills you have. Your not a man and should never step into that rule ever. Dump him. I hate to tell you this but he is sorry as hell and not worthy of you. Please find yourself a real fella that is self sufficient and knows how to be a man. Thats a using as boy your dealing with and he needs to be kicked to the curb. Run don't walk away from him sweetie. :nono:
I'm listening! lol, just the thought that he might be on some other drug is extremely scary

but seriously, you guys honestly think that he wont change ever? :nono: even if i don't see or speak to him for a whole week? to let him know that i will seriously leave him if he don't change his ways?
It doesn't matter if he changes or not. You need to change and dump his lazy excuse making angry at folks dope smoking butt. Mind you this is coming from an ex on again off again weed loving and smoking ole scallywag. :lachen: Drop that boy like a hot potato and I ain't talking about for no darn week either. Any man that will accept all that your putting out is less than a man. Real men won't take a womans money and have some pride about that kinda of mess. I have a brother and cousin that use women so take heed. :look:

He took money outta your bag? Yikes you need to pepper spray his as or hit in the knees with a bat!
Unless its your life's ambition to be involved with a lazy, mooching, drug-addicted, sorry excuse for a man; I'd bounce. Otherwise, if you allow it, you may very well deserve it.

Maybe you should re-read your post and imagine that it was your mother or your sister with the exact same story, what would you tell them to do? I'd be willing to bet that not only would you tell them to leave, but you'd be pissed at any man who would treat a woman this way.

I really hope you make the right decision, I know you're only 19, but its never too early to start respecting yourself and demanding that others do the same.
Remember that your affection for him has nothing to do with whether this relationship is good or worthwhile or not. Women definitely have a great capacity to love fools and men who do not deserve them in the least. As much as possible keep your feelings for him separate from your assessment of his character.

You said that you know how he could be--that charming, sexy man from before. But that wasn't the real him. Trials show a person's true character. The person that he is right now is who he truly is--everyone has stress and goes through difficult times. Tons of people wish their parents had done x,y, and z for them. But somehow they manage to do what they need to do everyday (why was he calling out of work so much anyway?). And no matter how depressed he might be, that could never justify stealing.

...and he really is showing signs of a serious drug habit. $8000 was there, and then it wasn't. It didn't just disappear into the ether. He's pawning off valuables? This isn't even debatable, really.

And besides, you're too young to be supporting some man. Women shouldn't support men regardless, but 19 is an age where you should be developing your life in positive directions, not saddling yourself with some obligation to a grown man who is stealing what you work hard for. Forget how great you think he is and start focusing on what you want for yourself and protecting that.
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I only read the 1st 2 paragraphs, sounds like a crackhead move.

ETA: I went back and finished your post and it is worst than I thought. Well I will just piggy back on what everyone else has told you. Wake up young lady, you two are on different paths. The only positive note is that he is young enough to correct his actions, but you can't make him do it. He has to want to do it for himself. Don't hang around waiting for him to correct because if you do, he has no incentive to change because you are so accepting of his bad behavior. Good luck, but it seems that you have made up your mind to stick with this "good" man.
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He steals from you...it doesn't matter WHAT he did in the past, he steals from you NOW. He's riding you like a child. He quit his job and now he wants to take a year off. :rolleyes:

Baby girl, you keep talking about how much you love him, you have to love YOURSELF more. You're so young, and yet, so desperate to put up with such nonesense. Why??? Girl, you will feel the pain of having left him for all of a month (at the MOST) and then wonder why you hadn't done it sooner. He's bringing you down.

Stop worrying about how he's about to come into some money. One thing about it, if a man gets used to dogging you out, that's what he's going to do with you, period. No matter how his circumstances change, he won't be the guy you used to know anymore FOR YOU. He may do it with someone else but he won't do right for YOU. You have to just accept it and move on.

Oh, and I do think 'ol boy is pulling crackish moves...stealing money.
i turned 19 in November, and have a really good job making some good money (T-mobile). i don't pay any rent or bills so i really don't need a man to provide for me

i just don't like providing for him... he actually treats me really good except for the fact that its draining my bank account. and that i now have to ask for the things he use to do willingly before

i feel like i'm paying to have a bf.

I'm listening! lol, just the thought that he might be on some other drug is extremely scary

but seriously, you guys honestly think that he wont change ever? :nono: even if i don't see or speak to him for a whole week? to let him know that i will seriously leave him if he don't change his ways?

Please leave him asap. You are only 19 years old, you have many years to find a good, decent man that you don't have to lay awake at night worrying about.
You are NOT responsible for him or his life.
He should be so thankful that you're still there, but now it's time for you to move on to someone better :)
You are only 19, and you have your whole life ahead of you. We all make stupid mistakes for the sake of love, but eventually you need to realize your mistakes, move on and learn from them.

This guy is trouble and is dragging you down a devastating path. You need to let him go. You CAN NOT change him, he has to recognize his self destructiveness on his own. This is his battle, not yours!

I feel bad knowing that all the advice here will not be enough for you to leave this, poor excuse for a man, alone. :nono:
Everyday you are getting older. Don't waist another day. Make some moves.

"get going action is important"