What will your length be by this time next year?

Shoulder Length, I don't need more than that, just enough to have a good looking rollerset and to pull back from time to time,anymore is just awaste for me.
I am thinking about APL. It depends on if my hair keeps growing at it's current pace. It's growing at about an inch per month, but I don't realisticallty expect to keep that up.
My hair is currently barely touching my bra-strap when wet so if I grow 6 inches that would be....what....WSL? or almost WSL?

That's actually very frightening. But exciting! :drunk:
I wonder if the people who posted in the begigning of this thread reached their goal?? :D anyone??

By this time next year I hope to be healthy and even , just below brastrap :)
Changing mine!

This time next year, being November 2008, I expect to be 1/2 inch away from BSL!

ETA: OMG! I just realized that I met my goal EXACTLY that I posted here last year! I said that I wanted to have thick, healthy APL hair and grow out my bone straight relaxed hair and that's exactly what I did! I'm proud of my hair! Hopefully this winning streak will last!:grin:
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This time next hair I will have healthy, thick, and beautiful past armpit length hair when stretched. My unstretched hair will hover between my shoulder and armpit. I am claiming it!:grin:
If things go according to plan and I gain at least six inches of growth, my hair should be BSL or even past that. It's a beautiful thought :rolleyes:.
By this time next year I will be full BSL and my bangs and front will be shoulder length. I can't wait, just talking about it makes me excited.