What will your length be by this time next year?

:lachen: I don't know why, but that made me laugh! :lol:

Well, I hope to have already achieved BSL by then (9/07) and hopefully at or going towards mid-back. I'm hoping this will happen especially since I'm putting myself on a year-long vitamin challenge. I've never been into taking vits, but the ladies here have inspired me to do so!

Well, I didn't keep up with the vits :lol: But I DID make BSL! I was so afraid to check my last post here, cuz I was afraid I didn't meet my goal, but I did! So pat on the shoulder for me. LOL.

Now I ain't making a prediction for next year, cuz I've been slacking on my hair & don't have the time/energy to devote to it like I used to. I'm just happy with my hair & hope I can keep it healthy! :yep:
about a year ago I said i'd be at shoulder length and I am almost there. I am hoping by next year I will be near APL.

I planned on being near APL but I have to cut off about 5 inches of thin ends. So I plan to be the same length (near SL) or maybe shorter but with full, thick ends. :grin:
six more inches and the back should be just past apl, for once i'm greatful i'm only 5. 2":grin:

:rolleyes: Well, wha' ha' happen' was... I think i'm still on course for this *crossed fingers* I should be just touching shoulder length (not full :() I think by this December 2007; so I'm claiming APL by my birthday (March) or close to it!- Deluded? :look: I don't think so:grin:

ETA: and this time next year (Nov) I best be bra-strap!!
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I'm praying that by this time next year I'll be MBL...considering that I don't have any setbacks. I'm just gonna take it one day at a time.
since my length is shorter in the front - I am striving for a full head of SL hair by this time next year.


Front: NL
Sides: SL
Back: pushing APL

*fingers crossed!
I'm predicting that my hair will be at my bra strap in the back...as long as I keep rollersetting my hair and doing what I'm doing...:yep:
At this time next year I *will* be at BSL stretched....I'm claiming it!!!! :p

HA! :rolleyes: I'm smack dab between SL and APL. :ohwell: That's what I get for claiming ish. :blush: I did not account for any possible setbacks, which indeed is what happened to me. :wallbash: I'm going to make a more modest prediction of APL by the end of my countdown ticker in my siggy which is around Sept 2008. I'll check back then to see where I'm at in my journey.
Hopefully with no setbacks - grazing bsl or at bsl.

*that would be a Thanksgiving/Christmas miracle for 2008*

My shortest layers in the front are currently an inch past my chin - if that hits collarbone, I'd be happy with that.
oooooh What a thought I'm aiming for about 8 inches max next year. 6 inches minimum, but every inch is a blessing. That should take me past bra strap but not at waist length. I have a loooong upper body, at 5'10 so It's a harder challenge for me than most of the midgets on the board. LOL

Ladies you know I'm just playing. Nothing but love for you guys!!

hopefully by this time next year i'll be at/near bsl.

i'm going for at/near apl in may
and bsl for my 3 year natural anni in november

we'll see how it goes

woop woooooop

best wishes to everyone.