What will your length be by this time next year?

I will be waist length if I grow 12 more inches. I'm short only 5 feet.

Are you serious!!!??? You mean if I get 12 inches I can be waist lenght too??? I'm shorter than you (4'11). ~goes for ruler~ OMG.... You're right. I'm at APL now. Oh I so want this....

Well if I don't make it I expect to be at least MBL....But I want that WL!!!!!
by this time next year, assuming I retain the normal 6 inches of growth, then I should be about tailbone length or so....not sure. I've learned that my hair seems to grow fast and my hair is grazing waist length. I'm hoping to be full waist length atleast by next summer; I don't know....wishful thinking, perhaps? lol. I started from bra strap in March of this year.
If and when i gt six inches and i'm able to retain it i'll be BSL but i'm really hoping to be BBSL(below brs strap length).
By end of 2009- Want to be APL to BSL ( I have layers so I expect the back to be close to BSL and the front to be at APL (maybe even a SL patch or two at the front)
I hope to midback lenght this time next year I got about 10 inches to waist lenght. But if I am afull Brastrap I will be very happy, but I am claiming midback, I will check back this date and see if I made it.
I'm hoping to big chop by then and hopefully it will be near to shoulder length if possible. All naturale!
I'm aiming for my usual textbook six inches. Since there are approximately 6 inches in between major lengths, that should definitely put me at APL. I went from neck length to shoulder length in one year :grin: so, I'm hoping I can repeat this act to take it to the next length! Whatever length I can retain, I'll be happy with. Just want my hair to be healthy!
Provided it stays healthy and strong.

I'm guessing if I get the normal 6 inches a year,by this time next year I should be just 1 inch from waist length,just 1 inch!!!!!.......thats kind of exciting. How about you ladies,what will your length be by this time next year?

Tee Tee

I am assuming definately midback or waist length:drunk:
I'm praying for APL.
If I am good and resit the urge to cut too much I should be MBL I am BSL now. I am sure I will only retain 3 of the 6 inches. I will try to cut half an inch every 3 months to keep the most.