What will your length be by this time next year?

I hope I will be shoulder length stretched. I hope that isn't asking for too much. I hope I don't get post partum shedding too bad this time around.
My longest layers will be waist length or longer my shortest layers will be between collar bone and armpit length.
This time next year it being July I should be brastrap. I just hope to make armpit for christmas. havent' done any thing special to acheive it though have to work on it a little harder.
By July "08" my length should be MBL! Thick, strong, healthy silky hair is what I wish to achieve & maintain. :yep:
Ok...now let's c...I would have to say Full Bra Strap.....this would actually be nice!!...Yep very nice!! :yep:

4a Relaxed
Currently: SL
1st Goal: APL (thicker)12/07
Ult. Goal: jus above waist lenght that is thick and happy!!
If my hair keeps growing at its current rate and nothing happens to ruin my progress, I hope to be at MBL by the middle of next year. However if it doesn't work out I would at least like to reach full BS.
By this time next year, I should be at waistlength!:grin: I will probably keep the layers, the shortest being shoulder length...kinda like Aaliyah's.