What will your length be by this time next year?

I, too, have uneven hair, with it being the shortest in the crown area. By this time next year, my nape should be APL with the rest of my hair being SL or right at SL.
BSL. Although I am very close to it now. That way, when I come back next year, I will see I reached (possibly surpassed) my goal :grin:
As my front is still shoulder / back approaching APL I'm praying to be Full APL all December 2008 or before:grin:
Next year arond this time my hair bra strap length. It would be a bonus if it would be waist length. But I'll keep dreaming until then.
if I gain 6 inches then I'll be about 2 inches from WL (even though I'm at APL now lol). But hopefully I'll get a little boost somewhere, either from the summer or vitamins or this oil I'm using. Being 5'2" comes in handy sometimes :grin:
Well for one, I hope to retain six inches of growth!!!! If I can, I should be well on my way to waist lenth, but I gave myself until June'09 to do it just so that it will be an even twoo years from the day I satred over and cut my hair back to APL.
I posted in here before but couldn't resist a second time. This time next year i hope to be MBL on my way to WL. I hope to be very close to WL seeing that that is one of my goals, WL in 2008.:grin:
At the min: Shoulder length for the back, sides neck length, bangs chin length.

At the max: Somewhere near collarbone length in the back, a bit shorter for the sides/bangs.
If I BC- I should be natural... and that's all that matters!

If I can hold off the BC- I should be hovering between APL and BSL