What will your length be by this time next year?

I am going to have to copy and paste this to the journal so I can look next year and see what actually happened.

Right now, I have just over three inches of new growth using the crown and glory method, so that means averaging about 1/2 inch per month. I began vitamins about a month ago and I being super good about eating well, exercising, and taking those vits. Yea me! By July/August when I end the C&G, I expect to have two more inches of new growth. I am seriously considering Viviscal, but haven't gone so far as to actually spend the $50 to buy and ship. We'll see. I would love to try, but will be so disappointed and annoyed if I don't get the inch per month.

I expect to be a cool shoulder length by this time next year barring miraculous occurrances. Though my hair will grow a bit longer than that, I want it to be trimmed/cut so all of the ends are perfectly even. I'm going to stop at shoulder length and trim city until that happens and then I will continue.

I've read so many times that shoulder length is the dangerous point, but I think I know enough now that I will not make the same mistakes as I have in the past (one hopes).

Okay - I'm claiming it - healthy, even, shoulder length by March 2008.
I'm currently 1 in from APL on one side...

and 1 in above APL on the other side... my hair just grow like that....

Does anyone know how many inches are from APL to BSL ?

I hope to reach bottom BSL next year.
The front of my hair will be shoulder length and the back will BSL. Hopefully, all of the back will be even or U shaped by next year also...in the name of Jesus!
Well, right now I am about 1 1/2 to 2" below shoulder. Let's assume that even without my overall good health and haircare regimen, I still only get the standard 1/2 inch a month. That means this time next (April 2008), I should add 6 inches. That should put me at or below BSL. I'm hoping, however, that with all the protein, great diet and exercise regimen, water intake and hair regimen I'll get more than 6 inches. I'm willing to be patient and resolute in my health, though.

Happy growing, ladies!!;)
If my stylist would stop 'trimming' my hair it would be much longer.
My ends are always dry and she says it is because my ends are damaged. :look:
I'm praying for BSL in the back and past APL in the front, unstretched and with healthy,even ends. So sayeth, so shall it be:yep:
Provided my hair stay healthy and strong...I believe that I will be at shoulder length stretched this time next year.....I am claiming it so I know its going to happen!:yep:
This time next year .... Arm-pit length in the back and chin length in the front. Of course these are stretched lengths :lachen: because my afro will still probably look like a twa. :lol:
Hopefully a little bit above bsl stretched, maybe full shoulder length curly. I'm excited though. I mean this time last year i couldn't even make a bun, and now I live by them.:yep::rolleyes:
I think somewhere just past the bra strap hopefully on its way to waist.

STRETCHED that is! :grin:

With no stretching I am hoping APL.
This time next year I will hopefully be sporting a very thick, silky, under brastrap hair. I want my layers to catch up and hair to thicken up before length....Good luck ladies:spinning:
Hopefull THICK healthy hair between APL and Brastrap.
If I am at Full APL with most layers grown out--i'd be happy:yep: