What will your length be by this time next year?

If...(a BIG IF), my hair has not reached its terminal length I should be at waist length. I am hopeful. I still can't believe that I have achieved the length that I currently have....so trying to be content and modest at the same time.:)

OneInAMillion said:
I hope I'm floating somewhere between APL and BSL. As long as it's thick I'll be happy :D

Wow, I forgot about this...thankfully I achieved that goal last December. Next year at this time, I should be between BSL and Midback :grin: .
If I get 8 inches, after trims as needed, I will be at bra strap with my hair stretched.:grin: ;) :D
I give God thanks for every inch and every inch to come.
There's no reason that I shouldn't be on my way to tailbone, if I don't cut it first. Brastrap is starting to cross my mind again. :look:
Ooowwee, I know I posted in this thread before - but I really don't have the time nor the engery to do and look through all 47odd pages for it.

Lemme say, that by Mar 2008 - I hope to have FULL shoulderlength (unstrecthed) and a GOOD BSL, stretched.

Hopefully I'll as least be brastrap thick and full. I should be looking to BC by that time though. I will be 18 months post.
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my hair is about almost to my chest (stretched), natural.... i think by this time next year it should at least be covering my chest (stretched).... well i can hope anyways...
I'm not sure. My hair grows about 5-6 inches a year so hopefully since i'll be taking better care of it it will grow 6+ inches and be past brastrap.
six more inches and the back should be just past apl, for once i'm greatful i'm only 5. 2":grin:
ETA: I BC-ed soon after :rolleyes: so hopefully this time next year I'll be aiming for BSL
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I just cut 1 inch off yesterday and I'm about 1.5 inch away from BSL...(:eek: unbelievable). So I hope by next year this time I'm creeping up on MBL. That's as far as I could go and even hope to manage taking care of my hair. But I'm not gonna get caught up cause I don't know where my growth ending point is, and I'm blessed to have come this far in this short period of time.