What will your length be by this time next year?

Based on my progress so far... I think I will be AT LEAST full collarbone (shoulder)...APL by 2008 ...*sigh
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Hopefully I will be APL when stretched (and of course fully natural!!) I'll take that!
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1-2 inches above waistlength. Then I'm cutting layers . My shortest layer will be at brastrap. But if it starts thinning out as it gets longer I'll cut it first.
If I continue growing, I'd definitely be waistlength by this time next year, but I don't think I'm going to do that. I'm not sure I want hair longer than 2 or 3 inches past BSL so I think I'm going to spend the remainder of the year growing out no-lye relaxed hair and maintaining just below BSL.
meia said:
by this time next year im hoping i'll be almost waistlength curly...with no split ends, deep black in color, and smooth and well-moisturized...a girl can dream cant she?!!?!? lol:lol:

Wow to think that was last december i wrote the above! I actually hit waistlength by June '06 so i came in a few months before my goal ended but now I chopped...i'm there on the curly, i don't have any split ends 9since i cut alll the relaxed bits off), its currently deep deep black, smooth, and with PLENTY of grease slapped into it! lol!

but- by October 1st, 2007, i'd expect to be BSL unstretched or perhaps APL unstretched. I'm after some aggresive goals but before the end of this decade (damn...lol :lol:) I should reach my goal with no problems!
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HoneyLemonDrop said:
I would like to see healthy bottom of brastrap by this time next year. I Might even extend my bun wearing to 18 months if it has proved good results.

October 2007, I definitely would like to see myself full waist length.
I just cut whats left of mild chemically texturized hair this morning. Now completely natural. I cut 4 inches off. I feel great! My hair now very short above nape of neck (feels kinda weird for now-but I've been here before). My goal is to have bra strap length hair by October 2007. When I keep moisture in my hair, it grows very quickly.:rosebud:
...oh and when I stay away from bad hairdressers!

Ciao for Now,

Okay, make that 2007. My sides are in a growth spurt. My hair grows only in certain areas really noticeably. I am trying to jumpstart the back. With my shrinkage...and the longer it gets, the more shrinkage....go figure!. But it is getting thicker all the time. The length is in there somewhere....(looking around ...peering through the bushes...looking....looking...sigh...where is my waistlength? And I am very long waisted which makes it a challenge. Big boobs (even more in the last 2 years...probably those vitamins!!!!and long waist. I tell you the hair has a few challenges!!!! bonjour
Hopefully I'll be a few inches away from Brastrap or Brastrap. Time will tell. I have to keep babying my hair first.
Well right now I have a section of my hair touching my bra strap...not at the point to officially declare BSL though, in my opinion. But by this time next year, I'll be somewhere past brastrap length, probably around mid-back which is where i want to keep my hair. :) Woo hoooooo!!!
This time next year? mmm.... I'd like to be at thick Hip bone or Tailbone maybe we'll see I haven't measured in months.
Tee Tee2 said:
Provided it stays healthy and strong.

I'm guessing if I get the normal 6 inches a year,by this time next year I should be just 1 inch from waist length,just 1 inch!!!!!.......thats kind of exciting. How about you ladies,what will your length be by this time next year?

Tee Tee

woaaah... what inspiration!!!!
You know you need to be retaining that length and minimising breakage
I'm believing that the sides will be armpit length and the back will be bra strap length! And it will be thicker and stronger!