What the Korean lady said to me today


Well-Known Member
At the BSS today, a Korean woman leaned over and touched my hair. She grabbed a fist full and tugged it a little, then she ran her fingers up and down it.:ohwell: Then she rubbed it between her fingertips and said "Nice! great quality and so soft. What brand is it?" :grin:

Just had to share. And no I didn't give her a beat down.:look:
At the BSS today, a Korean woman leaned over and touched my hair. She grabbed a fist full and tugged it a little, then she ran her fingers up and down it.:ohwell: Then she rubbed it between her fingertips and said "Nice! great quality and so soft. What brand is it?" :grin:

Just had to share. And no I didn't give her a beat down.:look:

HAHAHHA how farse

i personally wouldve done the same back to her
:lachen: I'm sorry but that is so funny! Not because she did that to you but it's because of the voice I imagined hearing in my head.

At the BSS today, a Korean woman leaned over and touched my hair. She grabbed a fist full and tugged it a little, then she ran her fingers up and down it.:ohwell: Then she rubbed it between her fingertips and said "Nice! great quality and so soft. What brand is it?" :grin:

Just had to share. And no I didn't give her a beat down.:look:
Wow! That is an awesome compliment. She didn't mean any harm. Your hair IS beautiful and full and strong.

It is a nice "quality". Next time, tell her the brand is "Sweetcashew".

I'm headed to read your regimen right now...
At the BSS today, a Korean woman leaned over and touched my hair. She grabbed a fist full and tugged it a little, then she ran her fingers up and down it.:ohwell: Then she rubbed it between her fingertips and said "Nice! great quality and so soft. What brand is it?" :grin:

Just had to share. And no I didn't give her a beat down.:look:

OMG!!! :funny: This is PRECIOUS. Candid Camera, anyone??? We need the street address of that BSS, so we can parade in WL and TBL ladies every 30 minutes, until she GETS it! You were toooooo nice, Cashew! :lachen::lachen:
At the BSS today, a Korean woman leaned over and touched my hair. Between She grabbed a fist full and <<right here>> tugged it a little, then she ran her fingers up and down it.:ohwell: Then she rubbed it between her fingertips and said "Nice! great quality and so soft. What brand is it?" :grin:

Just had to share. And no I didn't give her a beat down.:look:

. . . she would would have caught one to the esophagus:look:.
Wow! That is an awesome compliment. She didn't mean any harm. Your hair IS beautiful and full and strong.

It is a nice "quality". Next time, tell her the brand is "Sweetcashew".

I'm headed to read your regimen right now...

:lachen:Where can I get some of this? SweetCashew's hair is gorgeous, I'd pay top dollar for it!
Compliment or not I, that is plain RUDE!!! As much as I like a person's hair or weave I dont go round touching people up like that. I am also the kind of person who does not like my hair touched by too many people so for someone to think they can just come up and do that....that is off the chain....the moment she touched you hair you should have told her to keep her dirty little paws of your locks....:nono:
I don't like when strangers touch my hair. I would never dream of doing that to someone else. I probably would have been highly irritated, though I doubt I would have said anything nasty to her. I'm glad you took it as a compliment. But for more than one reason, it would have ticked me off. I'm not proud of that. But it is what it is.
:grin: O.K. I am nearly in tears b/c this same exact thing happened to me when I was in outside sales. I too, was imagining that "voice" inside my head which is why I am dying laughing!

I had called on this Korean BSS for advertising for at least 2 or 3 years and I don't know why this man was acting brand new, but I was in there standing at the counter chit-chatting with one of his co-workers. We happen to be standing near the weave. He comes up (he didn't touch my hair though) and said "Oh very pretty; what number you use?" I just burst out laughing at him and told him that he knew good and well that all that time I had been coming in there that that was my hair. (he was cool and he started laughing too and swore up and down that he always thought it was a weave)
. . . she would would have caught one to the esophagus:look:.


I don't like when strangers touch my hair. I would never dream of doing that to someone else. I probably would have been highly irritated, though I doubt I would have said anything nasty to her. I'm glad you took it as a compliment. But for more than one reason, it would have ticked me off. I'm not proud of that. But it is what it is.

Ditto Cichelle:nono:
I can't help it! I could see myself acting stupid if someone did that to me.
I HATE it when people run their hands through my hair and all that crap.

But SOOO FUNNY!! :lachen::lachen:
:grin: O.K. I am nearly in tears b/c this same exact thing happened to me when I was in outside sales. I too, was imagining that "voice" inside my head which is why I am dying laughing!

I had called on this Korean BSS for advertising for at least 2 or 3 years and I don't know why this man was acting brand new, but I was in there standing at the counter chit-chatting with one of his co-workers. We happen to be standing near the weave. He comes up (he didn't touch my hair though) and said "Oh very pretty; what number you use?" I just burst out laughing at him and told him that he knew good and well that all that time I had been coming in there that that was my hair. (he was cool and he started laughing too and swore up and down that he always thought it was a weave)

Years ago I had a hair grabbing match with a Korean man on the street. He told me my hair looked really fake and I should buy his 'less fake looking' weaves.
I told him it was my hair he said yeah right and stuck all 10 fingers all up through my hair. I was so mad I did the same thing back to him. He thought I was crazy after that and moved away from me real fast.

Ladies, I was in too good a mood today to let anything spoil it. I just smiled at her and that was that.
Years ago I had a hair grabbing match with a Korean man on the street. He told me my hair looked really fake and I should buy his 'less fake looking' weaves.
I told him it was my hair he said yeah right and stuck all 10 fingers all up through my hair. I was so mad I did the same thing back to him. He thought I was crazy after that and moved away from me real fast.

Ladies, I was in too good a mood today to let anything spoil it. I just smiled at her and that was that.

:blush: The nerve. But you handled the situation with the Korean lady well. Did you tell her that it was YOUR hair? I just want to know how she responded. Shocked, I'm sure.
:lachen::lachen:This is too funny! I like the way you handle yourself. The WW always fluff, and flip and play with mine when it is down, they don't seem to have a problem recognizing that it is real. Only those who look like me seem to have a problem recognizing that.:spinning:

ETA: I don't get offended if it is a nice gentle touch. NO PULLING! Grrr!

At the BSS today, a Korean woman leaned over and touched my hair. She grabbed a fist full and tugged it a little, then she ran her fingers up and down it.:ohwell: Then she rubbed it between her fingertips and said "Nice! great quality and so soft. What brand is it?" :grin:

Just had to share. And no I didn't give her a beat down.:look:
O my goodness, lol lol, that is something, you should have been like,"Its my( insert ur name here LOL) brand, the one that GROWS out of my scalp,", lol, what gall she had to say that, I know those Korean BSS women have SOME nerve
I did tell her it was all mine. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. I even let her feel my scalp. I'm on my first relaxer stretch in 10 yrs (I'm now 11.5 weeks) so there was a whole lotta new growth for her to feel.:grin:
haha. i wish i saw her face when she found out it was yours

i don't usually go into the Korean stores anymore because they just don't have anything i want anymore. i use to find my large satin scarves in there and whenever i went the korean guy would stare then would say u have nice hair.
The same thing at the nail salon. getting eyebrows done, they would stare for a minute then come out and say u have a very nice hair.
I did tell her it was all mine. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. I even let her feel my scalp. I'm on my first relaxer stretch in 10 yrs (I'm now 11.5 weeks) so there was a whole lotta new growth for her to feel.:grin:
:rofl: I love your attitude Sweetcashew. She learned a lot from you. BTW, this lady could be someone to do business with. :yep:
Your hair is beautiful. Really, I rarely see someone with beautiful, healthy and long hair....most have only one or two of those qualities...lol. Some have long hair but it doesn't look healthy...(dry looking, rough ends, just bad looking). Some have beautiful hair but it may be very short and some have healthy hair but they don't do anything with it. So yeah, white, black , Korean or whatever...Your hair --with all three qualities---is not common...lol.
That woman is in the business of selling hair and most of the hair she sales is probably to black women looking to have hair that looks like YOUR real hair. So it's no surprise that she (the Korean lady) may believe--in her ignorance--that no black women with such beautiful, long and healthy that is ALL of their own..exist.

Take it as a compliment. Some just don't know any better....:nono:.
haha. i wish i saw her face when she found out it was yours

i don't usually go into the Korean stores anymore because they just don't have anything i want anymore. i use to find my large satin scarves in there and whenever i went the korean guy would stare then would say u have nice hair.
The same thing at the nail salon. getting eyebrows done, they would stare for a minute then come out and say u have a very nice hair.

I hear you. I walked around the store for a while and didn't buy anything but some conditioning caps. I just keep reading products and putting in back down. They're not appealing to me anymore.
At least they compliment you. You do have beautiful hair.