The Asian beauty supply lady said...

Sistaslick said:
I agree with her about alot of stuff she said. The advice isn't all inclusive though. The thing about airdrying though really solves itself. If you are using a leave in and oil after washing (like she suggests) then those products will smooth your cuticle and should allow you to airdry without the issue of raised, rough cuticles. You can also smooth the cuticle with a cold water final rinse before you airdry.

Some of us can take a daily washing-- some of us can't. It would depend on your products too. If you were using a harsh shampoo and trying to wash daily then yeah- it would be too much. It might be different for a daily conditioner washer or someone using a moisturizing poo. For me, I can't wash more often than every 2-3 days- its just too much manipulation for me.

OT Sista, your hair is beautiful!
tthreat08 said:
In Asian woman's defense, I actually do have oily hair. I have oily hair and skin. I have always been a frequent washer for that reason. Granted I didn't do it everyday, but I would wash every three days. When I used to get my hair pressed at the salon, I stopped letting the stylist add any oil to hair. By day three it would be an oily stringy yucky gross mess. The Asian lady said that I was actually the exception to the rule.
Wow, you must be the only black person I know with oily hair. I have oily skin on my face but my scalp, although it isn't dry, doesn't produce so much oil as my facial skin does. At one time I wasn't using any oil, greases etc in my hair and I could get away with it, but not now.