Korean BSS Topic Agains: Black-owned Entrepreneur Interviews

^ Who is the owner? American doesn't mean not Korean. Korean ethnics are American citizens too.

Sorry if I missed it up- thread.
^ Who is the owner? American doesn't mean not Korean. Korean ethnics are American citizens too.

Sorry if I missed it up- thread.

Leonard Lavin, Chairman & Founder of the Alberto-Culver corporation:

In short.. a rich white guy :lol:
JeterCrazed, You seem to know a lot. I wish you would share it without all the abrasive-ness, it really detracts from your larger points.

Has anyone DONE anything? Have u called Consumer Affairs? I don't want to make a point. I want people to do something about their concerns or can it.

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Has anyone DONE anything? Have u called Consumer Affairs? I don't want to make a point. I want people to do something about their concerns or can it.

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JeterCrazed, You're being rude and you know it.

People are learning the lay of the (bss) land. We, like the good folks of OWS, have an over-whelming sense of unease about an industry that seems to have tentacles throughout this country and internationally. We, much like them, don't trust the regulating agencies and, quite honestly, no longer desire to do business with the offending parties. We are attempting a work-around similar to that which led the OWS movement to encourage a mass switch to CU's, that's what we're DOING.

If you have anything helpful to add, hop to it. If not, stop mucking up the thread.
JeterCrazed, You're being rude and you know it.

People are learning the lay of the (bss) land. We, like the good folks of OWS, have an over-whelming sense of unease about an industry that seems to have tentacles throughout this country and internationally. We, much like them, don't trust the regulating agencies and, quite honestly, no longer desire to do business with the offending parties. We are attempting a work-around similar to that which led the OWS movement to encourage a mass switch to CU's, that's what we're DOING.

If you have anything helpful to add, hop to it. If not, stop mucking up the thread.

I'm being real and straight forward. You think black people got anywhere by working around the law? Or did they face the law up front? Did u read the whole thread? All my posts and recommendations?

Please speak for yourself with trust issues.

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I've been following this thread since the first post (yes, even the snide and childish remarks thrown around) and have seen some flickering of the diamonds in the "rough", so to speak. I'm in my first year of grad school, so I can't offer to take command in leading this, but as others have said, coming up with a solid plan is key. Everyone could offer 1–3 "to do" items, clearly enumerated and labeled, and someone with some free minutes could go through those posts and compile them into one for accessibility. Just a thought before I roll into bed for the day.

And don't forget the golden rule of the internet: if you don't like it, don't respond! Feeding into what you perceive as aggression/sidetracking/negativity only helps to make it grow. I know everyone wants to put in the "final word", but this isn't Jerry Springer, and no one is cashing in on high drama ratings ;)

Stay positive!
This topic is interesting. I've been meaning to join this community for a while. I don't understand why some people are being so patronizing. There is nothing wrong with a boycott. If you don't want to participate you don't have to. If you want to more power to you.
I have plenty of Korean friends from college and although they are nice people, I've learned they have little regard for black people period. Sometimes I wonder if Asians are more racist than whites but that's another topic. So anyways, I've been on this boycott for about 2 years. I try to order things online from black owned business or just shop at local DrugStores, Sallys or Organic Grocery Stores. So far I have been successful. I have to admit there have been times I have made pit stops at Korean BSS but I refuse to spend anything over $5.00. I know drug stores, organic grocery stores and Sallys are a little more expensive and out of the way for many black women but believe me it's worth it. You get better customer service and they treat you like a human being.
And you think black people working for black businesses make more than minimum wage?
Do you to the most of your grocery shopping at Whole Foods/ Kings/Food Emporium/Wegman's/ Trader Joes?
Where do you buy your groceries?

Publix chile!:lachen:...(Best cakes!:lick:)

I see where you're going w/this....but my thing is they are putting up a facade as if the BSS is Black owned...the store i was shopping at....i don't recall seeing an Asian face...Black ppl everywhere!!! Why are they being fake about it? You feel me tho?

It's like saying...."Yeah i will hire all these Black ppl so that they will attract their own ppl since they don't feel comfortable with Asians all around them...but i'm not gonna pay them jack squat! Mwahahahaha...!!!!"

At least that's how it is in my mind:look:....it's like the Black ppl are being used as decoys.
I have plenty of Korean friends from college and although they are nice people, I've learned they have little regard for black people period. Sometimes I wonder if Asians are more racist than whites but that's another topic. So anyways, I've been on this boycott for about 2 years. I try to order things online from black owned business or just shop at local DrugStores, Sallys or Organic Grocery Stores. So far I have been successful. I have to admit there have been times I have made pit stops at Korean BSS but I refuse to spend anything over $5.00. I know drug stores, organic grocery stores and Sallys are a little more expensive and out of the way for many black women but believe me it's worth it. You get better customer service and they treat you like a human being.

It might be off topic but i felt the need to chime in. LOL. It's not us in general they aren't particularly feeling, it's everyone. I didn't realize how deep it was until I took Japanese in college and for an entire semester, literally, one side of the room sat all of the Korean students, the other side was Chinese, Black, White, Latino, foreign and American, whatever. I never noticed that ALL THE REST OF US were friendly with each other but THEY only spoke to/sat with each other. Somehow it came up and this Chinese girl I was friendly with who sat next to me said something along the lines of, "Of course they only talk to each other, they're Koreans. They hate everyone else." I was like :blush: I don't like to make sweeping generalizations about ANY group of people but what she was describing had been playing out in front of me for weeks. I had never looked at it in that way until she said something to me. This is a group that just REALLY sticks together.
It might be off topic but i felt the need to chime in. LOL. It's not us in general they aren't particularly feeling, it's everyone. I didn't realize how deep it was until I took Japanese in college and for an entire semester, literally, one side of the room sat all of the Korean students, the other side was Chinese, Black, White, Latino, foreign and American, whatever. I never noticed that ALL THE REST OF US were friendly with each other but THEY only spoke to/sat with each other. Somehow it came up and this Chinese girl I was friendly with who sat next to me said something along the lines of, "Of course they only talk to each other, they're Koreans. They hate everyone else." I was like :blush: I don't like to make sweeping generalizations about ANY group of people but what she was describing had been playing out in front of me for weeks. I had never looked at it in that way until she said something to me. This is a group that just REALLY sticks together.

A thousand thank yous.

Koreans were enslaved by the Japanese, so of course they have a "look out for each other" attitude. Too many black people think that racism is always about them. While the nazis were killing Jews, Japanese were killing Koreans and Australians. The Koreans are doing quite well as exslaves. As are the Jews. I don't think they hate or boycott anybody, but they are coming up from a long line of oppression by their own people in North Korea and the Japanese. They didn't boycott. They incorporated.

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Publix chile!:lachen:...(Best cakes!:lick:)

I see where you're going w/this....but my thing is they are putting up a facade as if the BSS is Black owned...the store i was shopping at....i don't recall seeing an Asian face...Black ppl everywhere!!! Why are they being fake about it? You feel me tho?

It's like saying...."Yeah i will hire all these Black ppl so that they will attract their own ppl since they don't feel comfortable with Asians all around them...but i'm not gonna pay them jack squat! Mwahahahaha...!!!!"

At least that's how it is in my mind:look:....it's like the Black ppl are being used as decoys.

In my hood, the Koreans are always on duty. They put black people up front cuz they have no idea what the hell we be talkin bout when we're gettin these 3D hairdos.

Walmart puts disabled people at the door as greeters knowing they have peasant policies on them. I shop at stores like Publix and Whole Foods because they do pay their employees above minimum wage usually starting at $12/hr. There are nothing but minorities on the registers, but I know its not black owned. You know where I'm going, tho.

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LOL @ Sally Beauty Supply treating us like humans...because the ones in this city will follow you around the store. I made an anonymous complaint but they got my email address. There were several people of Black and Hispanic origins who had faced the same. Do you know that a journalist got to me and asked me for an interview? LOL.

Thanks for that! I have heard other Asians say the same about Koreans too...........LOL! One Chinese guy I was dating said if he had to rank Asians by order of who was the most racist he said Japanese and Koreans trump everyone else like elephants. I couldn't help but laugh when he said that. Koreans are a peculiar bunch though, I use to attend an all Korean baptist church and funny thing I felt more at home there than I have at any black baptist church. Funny huh???

Interesting. I have never had this experience with Sallys ever in my life. Maybe it's all about location? Interesting though. Glad you mentioned it. Now I'm gone be watching my back when I go into Sallys............LOL!!

Thanks for that! I have heard other Asians say the same about Koreans too...........LOL! One Chinese guy I was dating said if he had to rank Asians by order of who was the most racist he said Japanese and Koreans trump everyone else like elephants. I couldn't help but laugh when he said that. Koreans are a peculiar bunch though, I use to attend an all Korean baptist church and funny thing I felt more at home there than I have at any black baptist church. Funny huh???

If it wasn't for Koreans I would not have been able to successfully run my business. I had a dry cleaning pick up and delivery business. And the dry cleaning business is primarily dominated by Koreans. I went to the two black owned businesses in town and they wouldn't give me any credit terms.

I didn't have 1 Korean business refuse to talk to me or not be willing to hear my offer. They were all willing to offer me the credit terms I needed without blinking. So I ended up doing business with 3 Korean Dry Cleaners for the duration of my business.

And I have not had any issue with Korean BSS in my experience as well.

So I am not against Koreans or Korean businesses. Now if there are unfair business practices I would like to address those if they exists. Or if there is a way to improve AA businesses in our communities I am for that.

When I see those same Korean dry cleaners out in the street they yell my name and come hug me like I'm family :blush: I show them the same courtesy and respect they have shown me.

I like doing business with people who do good business and that are good to me. Thats really the bottom line.

Brighteyes35, this really isn't directed at you. I was just using your 2nd paragraph as a jumping off point.
A thousand thank yous.

Koreans were enslaved by the Japanese, so of course they have a "look out for each other" attitude. I don't think they hate or boycott anybody, but they are coming up from a long line of oppression by their own people in North Korea and the Japanese. They didn't boycott. They incorporated.

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That's right. Too many of us don't look at things GLOBALLY.


I use to attend an all Korean baptist church and funny thing I felt more at home there than I have at any black baptist church. Funny huh???

I'm not a religious person but I must say, those people were CHRISTIAN first. TRUE Christians.
Isn't that what this thread is for? A look out for each other thread as in the black communities supporting each other. I've never thought racism was only about blacks in my life. I know plenty of Koreans who boycott Japan. Japanese is banned from being played on music stations in South Korea. If Koreans can have that outlook what's wrong with black people having the same outlook?
I have been on my own movement for years. The last time i went to KBSS In a predominantly black area of town and the security officer had on full Kevlar with the hat and I was highly pissed. The area is not that bad and it offended me.....




It's been 2 whole days and it's after 5 in Cali.... Everybody seems to be all talk....*clears throat*
Have you called consumer affairs yet?

I think they're going the boycott route.

Anyway, thanks for the vids. I have been a victim of housing discrimination. I called and filed a complaint. I regret not following it through all the way but boy did I give them a scare.
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I have been on my own movement for years. The last time i went to KBSS In a predominantly black area of town and the security officer had on full Kevlar with the hat and I was highly pissed. The area is not that bad and it offended me.....

I would have burst into laughter and forgot what I went in there for. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I have been on my own movement for years. The last time i went to KBSS In a predominantly black area of town and the security officer had on full Kevlar with the hat and I was highly pissed. The area is not that bad and it offended me.....

It's stuff like this that made me reluctant to do business with these people. My problem is why does it take us so long to recognize things and why don't we do something about it right away?? Sometimes I feel like the majority of black people out there just don't care if people blood suck from us. And it's not that they are uneducated because many times I have heard black women complain about KBSS yet what do they do??? Continue to spend their money at KBSS. Is getting weaves and wigs that serious!!!!!!!!!!! I mean is it??? Is that how heavy this weave and wig addiction is? I don't wear weaves or wigs so somebody please help me understand.
I need a list of BBS vendors we can purchase from. Can someone make a new thread of this? It would be nice for it to become a sticky as well.

I really despise giving my money to the other suppliers including Sally's.