Korean lady at Nail Salon said i had TO MUCH hair!!

Well, my best friend is Korean and she strives to keep her healthy waist length hair, and her family encourages her.

If she saw Sylver's hair she would LOVE it. She notices hair like a hair board chick. :lol:

I think that was this woman's personal opinion and does not apply to the bulk of Asian women.
WTH..!!I went to nail salon to get a pedicure and eyebrows waxed. the whole time im gettin pedicure, asian lady talkin back and forth w/ othr lady who keeps sneaking glances at me. Finally i get up to follow her to wax room, as i sit down she moves my hair off my shoulders..scrunches up her face and say 'u got too much hair' wth:look:does that mean? i didn't say anything I just:look: So then she repeats TOO MUCH!! ..i chuckled nervously and jus said well thats how my hair grows..sorry:look:
not sure what she meant or thought. did she think i bought to much weave..wth!!?

she ASSUMED it was weave....when u assume you make an ass out of you lol... you insipre me my hair was once below bsl and i started getting relaxers doing them myself hair broke off and depression kicked in. I miss my hair so much. I found this website and every since i have been dedicated. i got rid of all my flat irons and curling irons. So now i apply MT to my scalp everynight and braid it then wrap in silk scarf . I am so motivated and determined i am not trimming and dont get relaxers. As of now my hair is below SL stretched.
Thank you
It's called hate, girl! Your hair is gorgeous!

Either that, or you have "too much hair" to give her cousins any business at the hair weave store.[/quote]

:lachen:LMAO. Your hair is beautiful. I wish that was me, i would of just smiled and said thank you... i take very good care of it
I love your hair and it would flatter me to hear that I have too much hair! I Know the tone she used with you was negative but we have to look at it as being positive. Keep on pushing.
WTH..!!I went to nail salon to get a pedicure and eyebrows waxed. the whole time im gettin pedicure, asian lady talkin back and forth w/ othr lady who keeps sneaking glances at me. Finally i get up to follow her to wax room, as i sit down she moves my hair off my shoulders..scrunches up her face and say 'u got too much hair' wth:look:does that mean? i didn't say anything I just:look: So then she repeats TOO MUCH!! ..i chuckled nervously and jus said well thats how my hair grows..sorry:look:
not sure what she meant or thought. did she think i bought to much weave..wth!!?

Girl, "you got too much hair, too much":lachen:, and it is beautiful!!!
I think it is totally cultural. Take it as a compliment and keep it moving! People gawk and stare and comment all the time about what they doln't have or understand.
WTH..!!I went to nail salon to get a pedicure and eyebrows waxed. the whole time im gettin pedicure, asian lady talkin back and forth w/ othr lady who keeps sneaking glances at me. Finally i get up to follow her to wax room, as i sit down she moves my hair off my shoulders..scrunches up her face and say 'u got too much hair' wth:look:does that mean? i didn't say anything I just:look: So then she repeats TOO MUCH!! ..i chuckled nervously and jus said well thats how my hair grows..sorry:look:
not sure what she meant or thought. did she think i bought to much weave..wth!!?

I think it's cultural. You may notice that Korean women don't keep their hair long after a certain age. Most of them are brastrap, shoulder length and above. I think she meant what she said, that in her opinion, you have too much hair. But not because she thinks that you have a weave. One of my closest friends is Korean, her mother HATES her waist length hair too. :lachen:
I think it's cultural. You may notice that Korean women don't keep their hair long after a certain age. Most of them are brastrap, shoulder length and above. I think she meant what she said, that in her opinion, you have too much hair. But not because she thinks that you have a weave. One of my closest friends is Korean, her mother HATES her waist length hair too. :lachen:

Same thing with my filipino friend. I drool when her hair gets long, her mother HATES it! She's always cutting her hair into bsl layers. Come to think of it my romanian friend is the same way.
She thought it was a weave. I hate that other races think black women CAN'T grow our own hair. It's like if it's passed the expection then it's GOT to be a weave. keep growing girl your my inspiration
She didn't think it was your hair. You know how some people buy too many packs of hair...she thought you were one of those.
I would have told her that she has 'too much mouth. . . TOO MUCH!' and went on about my business
Are you running Wong-che chung out of their BSS business girl???:lachen:

They probably think that if these black women keep growing their hair long, they will have to close down their stores cause the bulk of their money comes from fake hair:lachen:

That would be amazing wouldn't it? I don't think it will happen in our lifetime though.:nono:
hey this is like someone saying...
you are just too beautiful... sounds like a compliment to me no matter how she meant it. but i agree with those that said this was cultural. they do tend to wear their hair short. i am sure if you could speak to one of them you would find out their reasons. i doubt it would send you to the barber though. LOL
I am rocking Slver's style but I had to buy hair for my look. :lachen: Sylver- I would of ask her what does she mean. Your hair is beautiful. I absolutely in love with your hair. You have a great personality behind the big beautiful hair too. :grin:
Dang, all this speculation! I lived in Korea and I still can't be sure what she meant, though that screwing up of the fact thing, um . . . anyway, you're going to have to go back and ask now because we got to know which of these 5 options it really was that she meant.
That would be amazing wouldn't it? I don't think it will happen in our lifetime though.:nono:

Never know in a day. The way things are going for us "black folk", with possibly having our first Black POTUS, and at the rate our black women are either going beautifully natural, or having beautiful healthy relaxed hair, we may see it in our time:yep:
WTH..!!I went to nail salon to get a pedicure and eyebrows waxed. the whole time im gettin pedicure, asian lady talkin back and forth w/ othr lady who keeps sneaking glances at me. Finally i get up to follow her to wax room, as i sit down she moves my hair off my shoulders..scrunches up her face and say 'u got too much hair' wth:look:does that mean? i didn't say anything I just:look: So then she repeats TOO MUCH!! ..i chuckled nervously and jus said well thats how my hair grows..sorry:look:
not sure what she meant or thought. did she think i bought to much weave..wth!!?

I can't wait until someone says that to me, :grin:
She probably was wondering if it was your hair. Haters! Remember they have problems growing hair too. your hair looks great.
How did your nails and eyebrows turn out? lol...

I'd just tell her to FOCUS, FOCUS! lol

they came out great thanks:lol:

I would have told her that she has 'too much mouth. . . TOO MUCH!' and went on about my business
:lachen:oh lawdy..im picturing that:lachen:
Dang, all this speculation! I lived in Korea and I still can't be sure what she meant, though that screwing up of the fact thing, um . . . anyway, you're going to have to go back and ask now because we got to know which of these 5 options it really was that she meant.
i kno,, i was really thinking about it. i am bothered if she does think its to much weave. i want thm to kno..damn ...blackwomen have hair too. i jus may ask nex time.
lololol:lachen::lachen:YOU GUYS ARE CRACKING ME UP....

:lachen:i kno..im on da floor with the comments