Korean lady at Nail Salon said i had TO MUCH hair!!


Well-Known Member
WTH..!!I went to nail salon to get a pedicure and eyebrows waxed. the whole time im gettin pedicure, asian lady talkin back and forth w/ othr lady who keeps sneaking glances at me. Finally i get up to follow her to wax room, as i sit down she moves my hair off my shoulders..scrunches up her face and say 'u got too much hair' wth:look:does that mean? i didn't say anything I just:look: So then she repeats TOO MUCH!! ..i chuckled nervously and jus said well thats how my hair grows..sorry:look:
not sure what she meant or thought. did she think i bought to much weave..wth!!?
It's called hate, girl! Your hair is gorgeous!

Either that, or you have "too much hair" to give her cousins any business at the hair weave store.
Hmm... did she mean you have too much hair to be desperate to buy weave from her brother who owns a beauty supply store? Makes me wonder.
A lot of older korean women don't like "too much" hair. They think it's only for young girls. You ever notice once most Korean women reach about 25-30 their hair is cut short to the shoulders (if not shorter)?

I think that was just their cultural ish, but it was still rude. Your hair is gorgeous, pay them no mind.
LMAO that is hilarious!! I wouldn't take offense to it though. just a rediculous RANDOM comment.
i dont think it was rude. different cultures say things that seems odd to us but they dont mean it in a rude way. you do have too much hair in the sence that not many of us can say we see it everyday or have the pleasure of having it too. it was just the way she said it i guess....
me either..it caught me off guard like..wth!!huh?

Don't you hate when folks catch you off guard with a comment, and you can't think of a good comeback until after the fact. She may not have know how to put her english words together enough to just say "Wow, you sure have a lot of beautiful hair!"
WTH..!!I went to nail salon to get a pedicure and eyebrows waxed. the whole time im gettin pedicure, asian lady talkin back and forth w/ othr lady who keeps sneaking glances at me. Finally i get up to follow her to wax room, as i sit down she moves my hair off my shoulders..scrunches up her face and say 'u got too much hair' wth:look:does that mean? i didn't say anything I just:look: So then she repeats TOO MUCH!! ..i chuckled nervously and jus said well thats how my hair grows..sorry:look:
not sure what she meant or thought. did she think i bought to much weave..wth!!?

Are you running Wong-che chung out of their BSS business girl???:lachen:

They probably think that if these black women keep growing their hair long, they will have to close down their stores cause the bulk of their money comes from fake hair:lachen:
My thoughts on it is that it was one of those backhanded compliments.

If she was black, how would you interpret that comment? Well... Asian ladies can be haters too. It's a woman thing :lol:
They tickle me saying ole crazy stuff. I am sure she thought you bought it. I loved your comeback, "That is how my hair grows."
I would take it as a compliment ... Like yes girl! I grew it all myself and I'm glad I have 'too much!' beats being bald! and laughed...
So What, a black women can't have long gorgeous hair without them saying you have too much hair.

That sounds like a bunch of bull because they wear thier hair long all the time.

They study and watch us all the time because we are a lucrative source of income for them. Sounds like she was curious and wanted you to talk about it.

I guess she doesn't see a beautiful head of hair like that every day.:grin:
i dont think it was rude. different cultures say things that seems odd to us but they dont mean it in a rude way. you do have too much hair in the sence that not many of us can say we see it everyday or have the pleasure of having it too. it was just the way she said it i guess....


A lot of older korean women don't like "too much" hair. They think it's only for young girls. You ever notice once most Korean women reach about 25-30 their hair is cut short to the shoulders (if not shorter)?

I think that was just their cultural ish, but it was still rude. Your hair is gorgeous, pay them no mind.

ITA. When I was shopping for a wig an older Asian lady told me to go long. She said that short hair was for old ladies. I really liked her though. She was awesome. :yep:

Regardless of cultural differences, that was rude by our standards. Perhaps she thought it was weave. You know people think that our hair will not grow past a certain length.
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Sylver darling, I'd have told you the same thing if I were her, but you know what, it would have been a compliment, because I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR HAIR :) So take it for what it is, women of all races are paying billions to get long hair, and you have it naturally, so her comments couldn't be anything else than a compliment... Take care :)
A lot of older korean women don't like "too much" hair. They think it's only for young girls. You ever notice once most Korean women reach about 25-30 their hair is cut short to the shoulders (if not shorter)?

I think that was just their cultural ish, but it was still rude. Your hair is gorgeous, pay them no mind.

now that you said it, you have a point. sylver dont mind her. keep doing you. do you have anymore length goals?
A lot of older korean women don't like "too much" hair. They think it's only for young girls. You ever notice once most Korean women reach about 25-30 their hair is cut short to the shoulders (if not shorter)?

I think that was just their cultural ish, but it was still rude. Your hair is gorgeous, pay them no mind.

Korean women keep their hair cut short and get curly perms because they start to go bald after they hit a certain age. They keep it curly so you can't tell that their hair is thin.

So yea it was just pure jealousy... :ohwell:
Are you running Wong-che chung out of their BSS business girl???:lachen:

They probably think that if these black women keep growing their hair long, they will have to close down their stores cause the bulk of their money comes from fake hair:lachen:

I agree,call me paranoid but after discovering this site I wonder why 99% of black women dont know how to take care of our hair,
Other cultures are making BIG money out of our ignorance.
It is very lucrative to other cultures that most of us are ignorant when it comes to having healthy long hair.
I'd take that as a compliment.
You can never have 'too much' hair. :)
Especially when it's as nice and healthy as yours.
Sounds like cultural mis-communication and cultural mis-understanding to me. Asians aren't big on "big" hair coupled with the unblinking earnest-ness from the older people; I could see why you would have been caught off guard by her comment.

...this one would have rolled easily off my back. I would have forgotten about her as soon as I got outta her chair :)
A lot of older korean women don't like "too much" hair. They think it's only for young girls. You ever notice once most Korean women reach about 25-30 their hair is cut short to the shoulders (if not shorter)?

I think that was just their cultural ish, but it was still rude. Your hair is gorgeous, pay them no mind.

well unless asian women start to stop blk women in their tracks when they try to buy 32 inch of remi weave at the asian bss b/c *it's too long* i'll just book this comment under rude and possibly hateful.
it's amazing how many ppl think their unasked for ,often incredibly rude advice is needed.
sylver your hair is beautiful and you're not an *older * woman.don't cut your hair short,dress only in sackcloth and cover yourself just b/c some ppl think it would be appropiate lol.
"You have too much hair blaq girl" just like Mae Ling from the Russ Parr show. Nothing wrong with having too much hair they need to talk to the folks with jacked up hair.