What keeps you motivated to continue your hair journey?

What is your motivation?

  • Growth/Retention

    Votes: 170 73.0%
  • Discovering new products (ex. oils, butters, etc)

    Votes: 10 4.3%
  • Being on the varies hair boards

    Votes: 21 9.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 32 13.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
When I look back at why I wanted to learn how to take better care of my hair it was because I was tired of my natural hair at the time staying around NL to SL for almost 5 yrs. I didn't understand how it was taking years to get just an inch until I realized my hair technics were bad.

What keeps me motivated is the new discovery of varies oils, and butters. I feel as if I was to stop buying commercialized products for my hair, I will still have hair on my head from just using my oils and butters. They are also multitask able, I use them for not only my hair, but my body.

What is your motivation?
I'm enjoying the journey to reaching my goal of BSL. It has allowed me to work on having patience. When I first joined I wanted to be bsl over night & now i just say I will get there when I get there. It's fun to try new products I learn about on here.

I would also like to show my family & friends that long healthy relaxed hair is possible :yep:
What keeps me motivated the most is the possibility of one day having 100% natural 4a/b WL/HL hair!

I can't wait!:yep:
When I look back at why I wanted to learn how to take better care of my hair it was because I was tired of my natural hair at the time staying around NL to SL for almost 5 yrs. I didn't understand how it was taking years to get just an inch until I realized my hair technics were bad.

What keeps me motivated is the new discovery of varies oils, and butters. I feel as if I was to stop buying commercialized products for my hair, I will still have hair on my head from just using my oils and butters. They are also multitask able, I use them for not only my hair, but my body.

What is your motivation?

This is true because ppl had hair in ancient times and there were no commercial products at all...:look:

What motivates me is keeping my goal length in mind, watching my new growth grow wilder, and discovering great new products/oils/butters.
I've always wanted it, but I never thought I could have long hair. This is what led me here. What keeps me motivated is seeing progress. As my hair grows longer, I can't help but to want to keep going harder. Also, there are a lot of people in my family who think I am delusional abt growing long hair. Proving them wrong keeps me motivated to stay on top of my regimen.
This is true because ppl had hair in ancient times and there were no commercial products at all...:look:

What motivates me is keeping my goal length in mind, watching my new growth grow wilder, and discovering great new products/oils/butters.

I was always amazed seeing the peoples hair in ancient time and they had no commercial products at all, even in slavery days the women had long thick hair.
Hair Health. Remembering....What 'use to be'.:blush:

I am on the Quest to Restore My Hair back to it's Rightful Place (on my head). And that keeps me motivated.:yep:

To recapture the Strong, Healthy Hair I had before my '08 Setback. So, I look at it like a Project.:look:

Enjoying the Knowledge, the Journey and the Great e-Friends I've made along the way.:grin:
I say being on this board motivates me... I never thought FULL or WL hair was possible for my hair type.

When I see progress pics from a member who was once SL and is MBL or longer using LHCF methods I am motivated to continue on my journey

I was always focused on having a style....LHCF has changed my focus to style + retention, in the hopes that I can acheive great lengths too!
Periodically looking back at the pics I've snapped from my beginning progress and every few months after that. You swear your hair is not growing until you look at intervals. Even 3 months can show you a difference.
Seeing results (!!!)- in length, fullness, overall look even after just a few months.

Loving and appreciating what I've already achieved, even as I dream about what's to come.

Having fun figuring out what my hair loves. I see growing my hair as a fun challenge.

Enjoying other's progress- whether they are reaching SL after being CL or above their whole life or going from WSL to HL and beyond, I love seeing others reach their goals.

Seeing my overall health improve because of the internal things I'm doing for my hair.

Having positive people in my life who support me in my hair journey.

And believing and knowing that I can achieve my hair goals- it's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of HOW. Seeing that this is the case with my hair is inspiring me in other areas of my life, and I love it!
Firstly, being on hairboards, it gives me inspiration seeing other peoples' growth. Then seeing my own growth is the thing that keeps me going.
I consider taking care of my hair as ME time and I'm worth it!

I stay motivated after seeing all of the heads of broken off, thin, dry & dusty hair during my commute (on the DC Metro) to work.

A healthy head of "black" hair (at any length) is still a rare sight for me.
Before suscribing to LHCF, I was a skeptic of AA women having hair longer than APL. I thought it could happen, but when you don't see it on a regular basis, it's hard to actually BELIEVE it. After seeing everyone encourage each other (AA women not being catty about hair, something I'm definitely NOT use to), I'm now trying to show my family and friends that it's possible with the right techniques.

My motivation for having healthy, long hair is to be proof for those close to me that it actually can happen. My only dilemma is whether or not I want to remain relaxed, or transistion to natural so I can grow dreads... :wallbash:
Seeing others progress as well as mines. Looking at my hair, touching it, smelling it.

New hairstyles and accessories also help to keep me motivated!
I've always wanted it, but I never thought I could have long hair. This is what led me here. What keeps me motivated is seeing progress. As my hair grows longer, I can't help but to want to keep going harder. Also, there are a lot of people in my family who think I am delusional abt growing long hair. Proving them wrong keeps me motivated to stay on top of my regimen.

Same here!!! I love when people tell me I cant do something...:boxing: I just nod pleasantly,, :rolleyes: but in my head im like watch this !@#$%!!!! :evillaugh:
I am so determine to get my hair long and strong!
IT's what drives me. I know me once I get to a length I am happy with
I will stop obsessing so much. Ya'll might not even see me around here so much. SO if you are sick of me pray for my hair to grow faster I will go away a tee hee hee
The fact that I started using the techniques I learned on LHCF and after only a few weeks I saw some improvement in my hair. Also seeing the pics of other members here and their beautiful hair and taking a look at their regimens and techniques keeps me motivated. I know that if I stay on top of my own regimen and take care of my health my hair will follow!
What keeps me motivated? All of you lovely ladies on LHCF!

I've been natural for almost ten years, but until late last year, I didn't realize how much more I could do other than micro braiding and quick weaves to keep my hair healthy.

I started with curlynikki, naturallycurly.com and then LHCF. I learned about co-washing, twisting creams, henna, amla, cassia....etc.

Now my hair is the healthiest it's ever been!
Being on these nice and informative hair boards keeps me going. (Retention helps but I wouldn't have that if I wasn't able to read the latest news here!!!!)

I've learned so many do's and don'ts here that I am determined to keep going. I look around at my friends and coworkers, every few months they are cutting off their hair due to breakage and I just relish in the fact that I know proper hair cair tips so that I don't ever have to cut my hair due to breakage again. (praying as I say that)

I am determined to have long, healthy hair and when I see all of your avatars, signatures, Youtubes and Fotki's, I know its possible.

Great thread.
Honestly my growth retention. My niece came over this weekend and she hasn't seen me since February, I turned my back and she said "Auntie, how did your hair get so freaking long so fast?!!" That was how I knew I was making progress despite me getting so frustrated lately and feeling like I was losing length. :yep:
The eagerness to finally have a head full of afro hair keeps me motivated. I also genuinely enjoy learning about the science of hair; there's always more to learn. I like knowing the "hows" and the "whys" of things as opposed to throwing any old product in my hair, crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. Reading up on different things such as oils and their benefits has quickly become a favourite pastime of mine. Hair care in general is just fun.
The eagerness to finally have a head full of afro hair keeps me motivated. I also genuinely enjoy learning about the science of hair; there's always more to learn. I like knowing the "hows" and the "whys" of things as opposed to throwing any old product in my hair, crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. Reading up on different things such as oils and their benefits has quickly become a favourite pastime of mine. Hair care in general is just fun.

I voted other b/c it's a combination of things but DNA pretty much summed it all up in her post.
1. ... if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
(1Co 11:15)

2. The more I learn and the longer my hair grows, the easier it is for me to leave my house looking stunning with minimal effort.
My personal goal of living a healthier and simplified lifestyle is my motivation. Also, my hatred of the harsh chemical processes that I used to use when I relaxed. Finally, my desire to be comfortable in my own skin and grow my hair out as long as possible motivates me.