What is your biggest issue / goal obstacle?

What is your greatest hair problem/ length goal obstacle?

  • Excessive shedding from the root

    Votes: 34 12.3%
  • Excessive breakage from weak hair

    Votes: 104 37.7%
  • Split ends / knots on ends

    Votes: 103 37.3%
  • Excessive tangling

    Votes: 50 18.1%
  • Slow growth rate

    Votes: 77 27.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 52 18.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I was just wondering what people think is the biggest problem with their hair that has prevented them from reaching or surpassing their length goals.

Does excessive shedding, i.e. a very short growth cycle mean that each strand never stays on your head long enough to grow as long as you want?

Does breakage prevent length retention?

Do splits and/or knots on your ends mean that you have to keep trimming and so don't see as much increase in length?

Does excessive tangling mean you tend to rip your hair out / break it while combing, or have to occasionally cut out a snarl or two?

Or does your hair just grow extremely slowly?

Please respond to the poll. Multiple choices possible.
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My biggest issue is my impatience. I don't run into too many hair obstacles. I get SSK's but not enough to impede my progress. My hair grows at it's own steady pace but I want it to grow FASTER!
My biggest issue is fine, thin hair. I have no problem with growth, and I'm retaining quite well. I've been dusting frequently to get rid of some damage from about a year ago. It's just that the longer it gets, the more noticeable it is that it's so fine, thin, soft and see-through! I'm going to use MT/OCT all year, bun ONLY and see what it looks like in December '09.

I'll post when I update my fotki so you can see what I mean.
After seeing everyone's year end progress I started to reflect on why Ive been on this board two years and have yet to reach APL. After reflecting for a very long time I came to the conclusion that the following are reasons I have not reached my goal

-No "set" regimen
-not keeping up with my growth aids
-after coloring my hair and seeing it grow out...i realized that I have a very slow growth rate
-not deep conditioning enough

Im sure there are others that I will think of later
After seeing everyone's year end progress I started to reflect on why Ive been on this board two years and have yet to reach APL. After reflecting for a very long time I came to the conclusion that the following are reasons I have not reached my goal

-No "set" regimen
-not keeping up with my growth aids
-after coloring my hair and seeing it grow out...i realized that I have a very slow growth rate
-not deep conditioning enough

OMG!!! I totally understand where you are coming from! I feel the exact same way! I did well in 2007, but my hair was on a downward spiral for 2008. I'm thinking it is due to many of the reasons you listed above. Right now, shedding is my biggest problem. :sad:
My biggest problem was retaining length because of excessive breakage. That coupled with a scissor happy stylist (trimming/cutting every 6-weeks) left me with chin length hair for years. Now that I am texlaxed vs. bone straight, stretching for 6-months at time, and trimming only twice a year my hair is a lot stronger and I have eliminated most of the breakage and I'm finally able to retain most of the length.
i think my biggest obstacle is not keeping my hair moisturized enough. i only wash and Dc like every week ....and other than that i keep my hair up in protectieve styles which may dry my hair out?...i am still undecided if thats true or not...i think that if i would wash my hair more frequently that would minize any dryness or whatever?...:spinning:
Thanks to all who responded so far.

i think my biggest obstacle is not keeping my hair moisturized enough. i only wash and Dc like every week ....and other than that i keep my hair up in protectieve styles which may dry my hair out?...i am still undecided if thats true or not...i think that if i would wash my hair more frequently that would minize any dryness or whatever?...:spinning:

Well, it depends on your hair. For some people, if they wash too often, especially with a harsh shampoo, their hair dries out, because their natural oils are depleted. For others, washing frequently helps with moisture because it removes buildup that can cause hardness/ dryness and/or their hair needs to be wet with water to get and stay moisturised. For two years while natural I washed every two weeks, and wore protective styles nearly all the time. And I retained a lot of length.

Protective styles should not dry your hair out, it should help you retain moisture if done properly. Basically, what you put in, you will get out. So if you put dry thirsty hair in a bun, then you will get dry thirsty hair when you take down the bun.

How has not moisturising enough affected your reaching your length goals? Does the dryness cause your hair to break? Or is the dryness just a separate problem that doesn't really affect your length retention?
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My top three obstacles to growth have been:

1- trimming/cutting too often
2-splitting/breaking ends
3- overuse of styling tools and heat

Thank God I found LHCF!
My biggest problem is slow growth rate. In 20 weeks, I got just over an inch of new growth. My next problem is breakage due to improper handling of my hair. It tangles and knots very easily, and is prone to split ends. Over the past three years, I have lost 3 inches of length. I was MBL in 2005, and aside from dusting a few times (and snipping off split ends whenever they appeared), I didn't retain any growth.

I started off 2009 by trimming a half inch, and I am now at blunt cut BSL. I started using Mega-Tek to help achieve more growth. I also stopped chemically processing my hair.
I think my biggest obstacle was that I used no protective styling whatsoever and thats why I cant get past APL. I hate wearing my hair up because I think my head is shaped funny, plus I have some acne issues I'm dealing with. I just recently began to shed so Im working on stopping that. I gave up on growth aids 2 years ago and just recently got back on it. My hair grows at a pretty good rate and I took it for granted that it would always be long, but I want it longer.
My biggest issue would be actually getting there. I've never had excessive breakage or shedding issues I just get these urges to cut my hair super short (i've done it 2x since my BC back in June 07). If I hadn' t given into the urge in May I'd of met my goal last month
My biggest issue is my impatience. I don't run into too many hair obstacles. I get SSK's but not enough to impede my progress. My hair grows at it's own steady pace but I want it to grow FASTER!

I was just about to put this, but you already said it! I am getting better at it though...I haven't picked up a ruler in a while and am just trying to let it grow. It'll get where I need it to be in time :grin:
Having very fine hair on a big head lol. it wasn't as noticeable when i was relaxed but after I bc'd I look like I have bald spots even though I don't. My hair is so clumpy it leaves spots *sigh* :( i already know I'm going to have to get it cut until it's even so that it will look full. It's going to take me twice as long to meet my goals
Right now I'm not having an obstacle preventing me from getting to my goals. My obstacle is impatience! I want it NOW! So lately I've been braiding it up and getting it out of my face so I don't buzz it off. I just passed mid back by an inch but want waist length yesterday, and I want it blunt without layers, but I know that while waist length is around the corner, aprilish/mayish, getting out these layers could take a year or more!

SO I really am just being an a--! and I know it, but I can't help it because I'm IMPATIENT! So anyways I've been walking around with cornrows for the past couple of months when not flatironing just so that I don't undo all of the progress I've made by chopping away out of annoyance.
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i don't wear protective styles...not sure if that is it, cause my hair is definitely growing...but i wonder if i am retaining all that i can retain. other than that, i'm just impatient...
My biggest obstacles are:
1. Shedding is a beast (I'm suprised I even have hair left at times)
2. Tangles... tangles... tangles
3. Excessive trimming (due to #1 & #2)
Dryness. But NOT shedding or breaking. I'm using more moisturizing products now, so that's getting better. My hairline has been thin since I was a teen, because of wearing tight ponytails so often. It didn't bother me much until I started on this site, and seeing how good other people hair look with full hairlines.
Breakage due to dryness and single strand knots are my biggest issues. I'm also very impatient.
How do you NOT be impatient onthis site?

:lachen: I know right.

For me, it was damage from past stylists. Now that I self relax, that shouldn't be an issue.

But i have very dry hair so that causes my hair to snap very easily as times. I working on this in the 09.
1. Playing in my hair
2. Dry hair: DC is helping along with coconut oil and shea butter
3. Patience: I'm actually getting much better.
4. Being a newbie. I'm still getting to know my hair.
My biggest problems and obstacles are:

1. flat iron / heat
2. dyeing
3. not having a consistent regimen because I'm a pj
My hair is very fine. It grows but because it breaks easily and is fragile, I have to be extra delicate with it. I don't go to salons because no one fully understands how delicate my strands are. Since I've come to LHCF, I have learned how to treat my hair and it is longer than it's ever been. It has also gotten much stronger and much thicker. It's still fine, but no where near as fragile as it used to be. The solutions? Protein treatments, followed my moisturizing shampoos and deep conditioner. OCT has also really helped a great deal.