So You've achieved Your Hair Goal...Now What??

I plan to go back to work in late '09 or early '10. And when I start wearing my fly suits, I cannot wait to wearing my long locs to match. :grin: I will probaby wear it out 4-5 times a week, and up when its due for a wash.
lol That sounds great. And your hair is really long and pretty already. I'm kinda that same in that for the next school year that starts in September, I want to have long hair that I can do a ton of styles with. And I especially cant wait to wear it straight and long and sleek :grin:
When I reach WL, I am probably going to wear my hair out at least twice a week with rollersetting or flexirods.

I don't think this is my final goal though so I will continue to try and keep the ends protected for the most part until I get to hip length. If I am blessed to get to hip length, I will wear my hair out probably three days of the work week and still try to see if my hair will grow any longer.:look:

Yes, longer than hip length. I guess I just want to see how long it can grow.:ohwell:
Actually I'll probably keep my hair habits the same. I bun or braid my hair 5 days out the week and on the weekends I'll wear it out. I plan on keeping the same schedule once I get my goal
I think my biggest thing once I reach my goal length is not to get too comfortable and go back to bad habits or form new ones.
I seriously doubt I'd feel comfortable walking around with classic length hair just loose and blowing around. Plus I'm not one to want to draw attention to myself that way anyway.

I guess for women who only enjoy thier hair when it is down, bunning etc is boring and they hate it. But I dont' like having my hair down anyway, never really have. So it won't be too much skin off my back to continue wearing it up.
Once I get to my ultimate goal length which is WL I'll definitely be letting it down more often. I do however LOVE my up-do's so I'll continue w/ them as well.
lol That sounds great. And your hair is really long and pretty already. I'm kinda that same in that for the next school year that starts in September, I want to have long hair that I can do a ton of styles with. And I especially cant wait to wear it straight and long and sleek :grin:

Aww. Thanks. After more than 2 years of protective styles, I spent this entire year with it down. But I am back to protective styles for the next year, 'cause I have my mind focused on some other stuff. But when I return back to the workforce, oh hellz yeah, I'm gonna rock what I worked so hard to grow/retain.
Aww. Thanks. After more than 2 years of protective styles, I spent this entire year with it down. But I am back to protective styles for the next year, 'cause I have my mind focused on some other stuff. But when I return back to the workforce, oh hellz yeah, I'm gonna rock what I worked so hard to grow/retain.
lol You're welcome. But I truly agree. I feel like when you reach your ultimate goal whether it be SL or WL, it's really something to be proud of. So for me that'll mean letting it loose sometimes.