What is/was the hardest growth goal for you to reach?

What is/was the hardest growth goal for you to reach?

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I have been BSL since about 2005-present. I admit my heart wasn't in it anymore circa 2006, but now I'm rejuvenated...lol.

I always take good care of my hair, and just thought it was terminal length, but I found a long hair board for yt people this year, and found a thread where they said your hair will start to form a V shape you cant get rid of once it hits terminal. My hair doesn't have a sharp V yet, so I figured I'm just lazy and need to step my game up.

I been weaving it up off and on since June this year, and I'm due to take this sew in down in two weeks so I'm hoping I'm at least halfway to MBL! **crosses fingers**

I also realized since having this "invisible part" in that my hair only grows 1/4in give or take a month :-( In the past few yrs I've been chopping off 1/2in every few months for trims. My hair doesnt grow fast enough to trim that frequently so I'm sure that played a huge part in why it hasnt really budged.

But to answer the question, MBL from BSL has been a BEAST!!

ETA: It seems I went from SL to APL in no time, but I was leaving my hair alone and wasnt paying attention. I think the golden rule to get over a hump at any stage is to just leave your hair ALONE.
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It seemed like it took forever. When I finally made it there, it was only 5 months later that I actually made BSL :look:

Same. APL took forever and while I was happy I assumed it would be another long wait for the next goal. It wasn't. :) I think APL took "forever" in my case because I had been APL before with horrible hair habits so I assumed it would be easy to get back there with better habits. And I started my hair at just touching SL after years of breakage so it took me a long time of fixing my regimen before I could really hold on to growth. Oh, and when I was finally getting to APL I had to do a lot of big trims to get rid of horrible ends from years before.

I think keeping my hair up and out of the way really helped. I plan to relax this week, try henna next week, do one last flat iron for the year, wear my hair out for a few weeks, then hide my hair for the rest of the year. Either braids or buns, I haven't decided yet.
Hmm this is an interesting thread. I like ones like these. I cut my hair to about an inch or two below SL in January and I'm almost hitting BSL/BSB. The hardest part was ignoring it so I wouldn't drive myself crazy.

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WL has been a real challenge for me. I've been chasing it for two years now and am really praying that this Dec when I straighten again that I will have finally obtained my goal!
Even though I'm only grazing MBL, I voted WL :lol:. Honestly, I haven't had much trouble yet, but I can already tell that WL is going to be hard. There's a long distance from MBL to WL for me. I'm not even full MBL yet & I'm already debating with myself when I'll be able to claim WL. I think it will take a full year of growth retention.... And we all know a "retention" year could last longer than an actual year. I think I'll create a millstone goal between MBL & WL to make the target less daunting.

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I got to full SL very quickly, but I've never really had a problem getting to full SL even before I found LHCF. I'm about 1.5" away from APL and it seems like this is taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R. When I BC'd in march I was SL. I probably wont be grazing APL until December and probably wont be full APL until March... Which is weird because everytime I look down it doesnt look like 6 inches from my shoulder to my armpit...
Definitely APL, I was there for so long, I felt like giving up. I had to do a full year and a half of weaves to get past that hump. Right now, I'm at BSL and I feel like I've been here forever too. After MBL, I give up

In the siggy pic you're already MBL, congratz.
What is/was the hardest growth goal for you to reach?

I'll have to say MBL the first time, I was in MBL purgatory
This time it's been a breeze maybe cause I don't length check every week and and don't try to reach hair goals on certain dates.
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Mine was APL. I've had many trims so this time when I got my hair straightened I told her not to trim my ends. I pray it doesn't take as long to make bra strap and waist. Lord help me! I transitioned from November 2007 and bc January 2009. I made many mistakes, but I've found that leaving my hair alone in protective styles, mostly full sew-ins, I get great retention. I've also found out what my hair likes and dislikes and do not let anyone tell me what's best for my hair. Here's a picture of my hair from Friday, 10/07/11
It took me like 1.5 years to get to APL. And it is taking me even longer to reach BSL. It's been almost 2 years and I still don't think I will reach BSL this year. Grrrrrrrr. Im so frustrated.
BSL took forever. Between being trim happy and having setbacks, I hovered between APL and BSB for years. Hopefully it won't take me forever and a day to get to WL.
APL....i just can't get there feels like I have been at SL or CBL forever but I am hoping by December I will be there God willing
First it was APL. Then when I made that BSL seemed to take forever. This time I plan to just leave it alone in PSs and keep it moisturized. I played in my hair too much, with combing 2x daily in its natural state, not washing in braids, not using protein, and not trying to keep my hair stretched as much as possible.

I should reach it a lot faster this time.
I voted for MBL! It seems like I have been at BSL forever. I know that this is my own fault and I would probably me at WL had I been taking care of my hair the past couple of years. I want beautiful thick MBL hair so badly. I am back on the haircare train so hopefully I will get there at some point.
MBL!! I've been BSL for what seems like 3 years!!! And that's just the back of my hair. The front is still stuck at APL. What's a girl to do?
At first I thought MBL cuz goodness I kept getting trims and couldn't get past my darn low brastrap. Now it's WL. I'm so close I can taste it but I had two trims this year too so it's taking a while. I know my hair is growing and I'm retaining, it's those darn scissors and the desire for blunt cuts!
Definitely MBL...APL was actually easy, because all I did was keep my ends moisturized, DC often, and bun every single day. Got there in no time.
BSL was harder, but not so hard, and MBL has been impossible.
It's my damn ends...they never look right and I refuse to claim a length with raggedy ends so I always end up cutting. It's been twice now I've had to do that foolishness. -____-
I said HL only because I never had length goals before that, so I wasn't watching and measuring like I am now. Plus I kept trimming so I really haven't made any progress since July.

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MBL...but that's mostly due to me sabotaging myself when I'm almost at the finish line.

At the very beginning of my HHJ I went from SL to APL in about 7 months. That was an easy breezy journey. I spent about 2 months of that time in human hair braids. I was taking vitamins for the first time and also using BT on my scalp so I experienced a spurt.

After I reached APL there was a sense of contentment with my length for a while. I went into auto-pilot mode of washing, dcing, rollersetting (sometimes) and flat-ironing weekly or bi-weekly. I went through a Dominican products phase and just enjoyed treating my hair and wearing it out mostly all the time.

Maybe a year later I got back on my hair growth kick and ordered the Ovation system. All of a sudden one day I was BSL. Thats literally how the realization was to me. That was a crazy growth spurt and it probably crept up on me because I wasn't obsessing or length checking at all.

After BSL I hit a hair lazy phase and then I got bored and said "F the hair growing, I want STYLE!" so I cut my hair into a bob. It grew back and then I did it again...

I would probably be WL by now if I didn't lose my hair growing momentum. So now I'm back in the hair-growing saddle determined to reach MBL and beyond this time around. I see myself making it by the fall of 2012.
I feel like my hair is approaching that point where it usually starts to break off. I'm hoping through my new lower manipulation routine I can retain any and all growth I get this fall/winter period.
APL without a shadow of a doubt. The distance between SL and APL on me is incredibly long nad it took me a loooooooong time to get there. I am now trying to get there again after going natural, now I'm texlaxed at SL again and 3 inches from APL.

I zoomed through SL, BSL, and MBL... I've been at waist length forever and a day LOL and I should be very close to tailbone but its taken me a while. Or at least it feels that way.

I thought for sure this Poll results would be bra strap length. I was surprised to see APL at 45%.
BSL is giving me the hardest of hard times! I'm getting so discouraged that, if I'm not at least BSB when I relax in a couple of weeks...I'm about to throw in the towel.