What is/was the hardest growth goal for you to reach?

What is/was the hardest growth goal for you to reach?

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shoulder length to apl didn't seem too hard for me but my struggle seems to be getting pass apl. I see a huge difference in thickness now than before but length wise it seems like my hair is going nowhere and its kinda frustrating.
Mine is shoulder length. I am currently TWA at the moment and it seems to be taking forever for me to get to shoulder length. Even when I was relaxed, I never hit SL.
BSL. While it did seem to take a while to get from SL to APL, I eventually got there without any setbacks. I'm having problems getting to APL to BSL. I'm not sure if my hair is breaking, grows slower on one side, or what, but I've noticed my right side always seems to be less even than my left. I cut it my last TU and switched some of my habits around (which helped a lot) but now I'm noticing some thin areas in the middle of my hair toward the ends. And slight uneven lengths on my right vs. left side again (not as bad as last time but still there). Which means I'll probably have to cut again to even things up but that'll put me back at APL... again. I'm seriously about 1.5 inches away from BSL but it seems more like 6. I'm starting to doubt I'll be able to get to BSL now, honestly :/
Apl because I was just starting to learn about healthy hair practices. Now as I'm nearing WL my retention is continuing at a slower steady rate because my end are older but it seems easier because now my regimen is solid and uncomplicated.
I've been in awkward length stage for about 2 years!!!! I'm trying to reach full shoulder length but it's so difficult!!! I've tried everything and I have the worst time retaining length! Everyone else sees my growth but me! I just started incorporating deep conditioning into my regimen and I trimmed my ends either this past December or early January so I'm working on babying my ends but I'm gonna assess this again at the end of the year to see how much length I gain in a years time so we shall see!
Bsl is just so far away from apl (around 5 inches). It takes a year or more for me to go from grazing Apl to grazing Bsl.
For me it is full APL the back of my hair grows like a weed but the center part is slower than a snail. So every year part of my hair is past my bra strap but the crown is just now below my shoulders.

Hopefully this year it will all be APL.
I am short so I was able to get to MBL in the back in less than 3 years after bcing. The back grows faster than the rest so I will probably be waist length in the back at the same time the crown is APL. It grows slower and has a tighter texture. I am fine with the layers since I wear my hair curly most of the time. I dread getting it shaped up though.
I've managed to get to (just about!) APL reasonably quickly since starting to take care of my hair in September, but now it seems stuck. So I guess BSL!
BSl as a relaxed head. Took me 4 years from sl to grazing bsl and I still had to keep cutting my progress because my ends were always thinning.
Full BSL seems like it's taking forever for me. Everytime I get close I have to do a major trim or I have breakage. My plan is to PS for the rest of the year to see what kind of growth I get/maintain.
Apl... I think it's because I'm so concerned with my ends so I cut and cut and trim and cut. I need to just let this junk grow and trim it as it grows past bsl and then as it grows past wl. That's my current goal because I have a problem.
Waist length was my hardest goal to reach when i was relaxed. Every other goal before that came quickly...it took me about 6 months between each goal but for some reason...once i hit MBL i had a weird stall:perplexed...it started growing very slowly.

Same thing....I'm at waist now...but it is slooooooowwwwly growing past waist. I have a few strands that are past WL...like a couple :lol:

Sometimes it feels like it has gotten longer....but then some days it feels like it hasn't grown at all.

I'm seriously gonna need to be on a bunning challenge or something. :look: :(
I reached it, had a "trim" and it hasn't gotten back there since.:nono:
My hair is at a stand still.
And making no progress.
Very disappointed right now.
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was well on my way to. In 2011 decided to salon press it with a marcel maybe 3 times that year. That's all it needed to get heat damage. My breakage didn't peak until April 2012. Also some happy scissor stylist stole inches from me.
While I still have a 1-3 inches or so of remaining heat damage, I'm 3" to WL. Let's hope I make it this year before killing it again. I'm MBL now.
For me, it'd be a full shoulder. I cut my hair to ear length in December 2014. I went home for break and had intentions on straightening my hair and finally giving it a break from braids from (2005-2009) and sew ins and upart wigs from (2009-present). I thought I had been making good progress for never having really long hair, but when I straightened it, it was horrible! Uneven, broken off, and it just didn't feel healthy and was crunchy. It was about "shoulder length" So I decided then and there, that I would restart my hair journey and cut. Now 3.5 months in, I did another length check. Again it was "shoulder length." I was able to grow it back in 3 months, it didn't feel as horrible as before, but I can't seem to get all of my hair to grow out. So I cut it again! Lol. I went in harder this time. And I'm determined to make this hair grow. I'm not playing. I'm tired of being "the girl that never wears her real hair."
For me it's getting to full Apl. I cut my hair in June 2013 and I feel like I haven't reached any of my health goals. I am putting myself through a strict regimen now.