Roll Call: What is ur current length? Where do you want to be?

I am currently touching the top of my brastrap...My official goal is to be at least 4 inches past brastrap (mid-back length)...I hope to make it there sometime in 2007...For the next couple of months...I will be focusing on evening things up...and growing out these basically, i'll be stuck at brastrap for a while.
my current length in most places is 8-9 inches, by july I would like to be at 12 inches, by year end I'd like to be at 16 inches
Lady_Lioness said:
I am currently touching the top of my brastrap...My official goal is to be at least 4 inches past brastrap (mid-back length)...I hope to make it there sometime in 2007...For the next couple of months...I will be focusing on evening things up...and growing out these basically, i'll be stuck at brastrap for a while.

Looks like you've made alot of progress, WTGrow :grin:
I've given up on even ends for a while until I reach my goal
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Lucia said:
Looks like you've made alot of progress, WTGrow :grin:
I've given up on even ends for a while until I reach my goal
Thanx girl...:D
This was my plan at first...but the front and sides...which are layered...grows alot slower than the back...I just would like the layers to at least catch up to the rest of my seems like forever.
FlowerHair said:
I'm at waist length right now, a little below actually (depends on where you think waist length is of course). My ultimate goal is hip length which I think I'll reach by the end of this year.
Ok, my ultimate-ultimate goal is down to the middle of my butt :D

My hair is about the same length....I'm a little below waistlength now, but I have relaxed hair...Not planning to get much longer, it's a lot of work to manage & my hair when down gets stuck in everything
I'm currently at shoulder length. My goal is APL...but my ultimate goal is BSL! That's it...I don't think I can handle and deal with anything longer than that. :)
LaLa you have made MADD progress over 2 years! From what it looks like, you had APL in 2004?? it was kinda hard to see because you had on black. When in 2004 was this? How many inches did you actually grow/retain and how many did you cut off - assuming u kept track
FlowerHair said:
I'm at waist length right now, a little below actually (depends on where you think waist length is of course). My ultimate goal is hip length which I think I'll reach by the end of this year.
Ok, my ultimate-ultimate goal is down to the middle of my butt :D
I know you'll reach your goal, you've come so far already.
have you ever straightened or stretched to see where you are now?
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This is my current length... I don't know what to call it.
I want it to reach the top of the tattoo :)


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Before joining, I was actually natural...I was just tired of my relaxedhair that just never seemed to grow past shoulder length. It was longer in high school, but when I came to college, I didn't know how to take care of it and couldn't afford salons. I ended up going natural, but then I found this board and saw that you can actually have long relaxed 4a/4b hair, so I went back to the relaxer. I"m currently a little past shoulder length -I just gave myself a good trim...and on my way to bsl :)
Newbie in the house:D . I'm currently neck length with layers. I've made good progress growing them out over the past few months. My crown does fine, its the back thats constantly breaking.

Gosh, everybody is aiming for bsl and waist length. I will think i'm too superfine with shoulder length! If i can conquer this darn dryness, i think i'll make it.
When I started on this board I was very close to BSL but had severe damage from relaxing and coloring. I've done major trims to get rid of damaged hair and I'm currently at a healthy thick shoulder length. I'm working towards APL by the fall-winter and then BSL by the end of this year or beginning of next year.
amorette said:
LaLa you have made MADD progress over 2 years! From what it looks like, you had APL in 2004?? it was kinda hard to see because you had on black. When in 2004 was this? How many inches did you actually grow/retain and how many did you cut off - assuming u kept track

I have made some good progress, I am surprised that my hair grew as long as it did in 2 years time. My hair was SL/APL in that pic in 2004. If you look at my fotki album you can see the length it was before I cut it. That pic was taken in the fall, in Sept. 2004 I believe. I didn't track how many inches I cut off. I didn't want to know at the time. But it's now 30" and if I had to guess I'd say it was between 14-16" long in the pic.
Caramela said:
This is my current length... I don't know what to call it.
I want it to reach the top of the tattoo :)

Well the pic is not so clear and a little dark, but it looks WSL or just touching WST, I would call the tat Hip bone length=between WSL and Tailbone. Oh yeah wow your hair looks fab thick and beautiful.
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I am now shoulder length... my goal is bra strap length... the waist thing may be a little too far fetched but if my hair can get there, why not?:p
Lucia said:
Well the pic is not so clear and a little dark, but it looks WSL or just touching WST, I would call the tat Hip bone length=between WSL and Tailbone. Oh yeah wow your hair looks fab thick and beautiful.

I'm not so good with taking pictures of the length in the mirror. Some of you ladies make it look so easy. Anyway, here's another try. I think this one turned out a little bit better. I guess it's just barely touching waist. I guess I want it at the bottom of my waist!
Thanks for the compliment! My hair is very thick anyway, but I'm 9 weeks post trying to make it to 12 weeks!! Thank God for CON shampoo!


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I'm focusing on thickness now rather than length. My hair is past the top of my brastrap now but the ends are too thin for my taste. I'd be happy with THICK brastrap length hair. I'm hoping that if I let it grow a little longer and then get a good trim, it'll be thicker AND brastrap length.
I'm at about 26" right now (the longest part), which is 2" below BSL. I'm getting a trim of about 1" so I will be at 25" after that ordeal.
I want to be at 29" eventually. So basically I need 4 more inches. I'm tired of getting trims. I will return to dusting every 8 weeks so I can retain all the length I gain from now on, and there won't be any use of heat, except for graduation, maybe.

I think 29" is the smallest part of my stomach, around my belly button, so I guess that would make it my waist. I used to have the ultimate goal of 31" , but i will settle for 27" this year, with all those trims I have to get:ohwell:
wow LaLa, so your hair grew to waistlength in 1.5 years from shoulder length! great! was it all because of the products and new hair treatments etc, you learned on lhcf? this site is a gem! :)
Right now i'm shoulder length when stretched. I would looooove APL unstretched and bra strap when stretched. I don't really know to be quite honest. Just anything thats longer than shoulder length and shorter than waistlength.
I am currently about 3 inches from a solid BSL. But, I also have 12 wks of new growth. I don't know what it will be when I relax at 16 weeks. I started at base of neck length on Feb 1st of 05. It's been a long road and I thought I'd be at BSL by now but I am still pleased with the health of my hair. Once I reach BSL, I am going to start the trimming process to gradually grow out overprocessed hair and then from there, grow it on out to waist length. Dreaming big! :o)
It's almost to my shoulders. I've recently gotten it cut and I just want it to be shoulder length. It's been midback for most of my life and I want it shorter but thicker for the time being.
My current length is about chin length (unstretched).
And my goal is BSL (unstretched).

It's going to take years and is unpredictable due to shrikage so I'm not doing any time related goals.