Roll Call: What is ur current length? Where do you want to be?

My current length is bra strap but I'm going for a haircut in a few weeks so it will be about 3" past shoulder after the cut.
My goal is elbow length.
My current length is shoulder length and my goal is to be right above bra strap in a V-shape.
This is a great thread. I've noticed that a lot of other ladies have the same goal as me, I'm at SL striving for APL. It's just nice to see that I'm not the only one ;).
My current length is APL. I am aiming for BSL. I straightened my hair a couple month ago and saw I was at APL. I was shocked because of the shrinkage and I always wear braids. Currently I am on the hide your hair until Chrismas challenge so I won't be updating until then. Happy growing ladies! :)
I am a few inches past shoulder in the back, trying to get my hair at a thick, blunt cut APL and then down to BSL...after that, we will see...