What happened to tha sistahood of hair-growing?

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Well, I left another forum because the negativity was soo bad..............

I try to stay positive.... but I am definately afraid of any dissent or differing opinions.
:hide: I just hide out.....


Bump that, I ain't running from no fight. I have had plenty of knock down drag out cyber fights over the past 5 years. I won't be intimidated by some childish clique of members that can't think for themselves and have to run to their friend's aid. I am positive on this board but occasionally you have to set folks straight. It's fine to have a healthy debate but when folks start getting personal, you know you won the battle and it is not worth continuing the conversation. So don't let those chicks intimidate you, I am sure we will have a cleansing in August. It never fails, summer time is known for banning.
when a person speaks about a product and has a differing opinion of it and people dont like it, thats fine, but when it turns into what went on here, its a whole bigger picture going on than just the difference of opinion/thoughts/feelings on that product. this has turned nasty repeatedly and seems to be about 'tag teaming' and control of whatever member they decide to tag team to death

I wasn't disagreeing with this, nor really addressing this in my post. I was just referring to enchantmnt's post, and how I was in agreement with the OP.
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Irresistible, going foward, if something like that happens again, just use the report post button. The sooner a thread like that is reported, the sooner it can be brought under control. Its a whole lot easier to delete one or two posts, and notify and/or give an infraction to the poster and therefore keep the post alive, than to try to clean up a thread once it gets 15+ pages, with a lot of back and forth bickering. Then the post has to be locked or moved, and a lot of good info is lost. What's done is done, as far as the recent posts in the past week. You are a long time member here. In fact, you were here before I joined. People who know you know where your heart lies, the value of the knowledge you have, and what you have accomplished with your hair care. I know you only want folx to be aware of potentail health risks, but once the info is out there, they have to make their own decisions. You are just going to stress and wear yourself out trying to defend yourself every 2 minutes so just let it go.

Thank you for this Enchantment and should it happen again I will definitely put it into use! and your right about defending myself being useless and your right about people knowing me, this is also why it hurt me, Establishing myself with people just to have a few want to drag me through the mud! Its hard not to want to defend yourself when you got a whole tag team going on you, but your right its done! and any thread that goes personal again, when I have the right to speak my mind about a product , and nobody should be controlling to whom I say it to or when, as I am not disrepecting any members here, then I will immediatly notify with that button because you are right this has gotten so tiresome for me! It hurt that I was even being put in the position repeatedly to even have to defend over and over what I felt was so obvious and thats , that it was never personal , even though it kept turning back personal on me! Thank you for that information! That will save alot of what has went on lately

I think there is less reading and more posting and that's why some of the crap that has been happening is happening, folks need to do a lil reading, some self inventory and then POST.
I waited almost a year after joining and lurking to begin posting. I noticed the cliques then & I notice them now.
As IRL I avoid them at all costs. :yep:
IMO nothing has changed I don’t notice a heightened tendency towards snarkiness. It’s the same as it ever was.

Happy Hair Growing!
I was just wondering why I hadn't seen a posts from two specific people in a long while.

It's not only affecting the gurus by driving them away but it's also affecting those of us who ARE congenial and who really are interested in their insight, recs, guidance, etc.

ITA, especially the post the are generated to start drama, I'm still relatively a newbie, but I have definately noticed a difference :nono:
I waited almost a year after joining and lurking to begin posting. I noticed the cliques then & I notice them now.
As IRL I avoid them at all costs. :yep:
IMO nothing has changed I don’t notice a heightened tendency towards snarkiness. It’s the same as it ever was.

Happy Hair Growing!
in all the years I have been here I have never seen anyone get ambushed and tag teamed like I was
Good grief you guys...the sisterhood is still here in my opinion. You just need to know where to look. Take the meat and toss the bone. This thread is probably headed for lock down anyway but i wanted to get that in...
Don't view it that way at all. Everyone has a part to play in this. All you can do is just ignore those who seem intent on putting you down and keep giving the advice you give. (As I would advise those who may not agree with you to ignore you as well.) You are not dispensing advice for them, but for all the lurkers, all the newbies, all the people who appreciate differing views. I do. Thanks. Don't let them change the nature of who you are -- seemingly since I don't know you -- a very sweet and giving person. Forget it, let it go sweetie. Seriously. :yep:

its hard to ingnore and ambush and character assasinations even lies being told on you!
I waited almost a year after joining and lurking to begin posting. I noticed the cliques then & I notice them now.
As IRL I avoid them at all costs. :yep:
IMO nothing has changed I don’t notice a heightened tendency towards snarkiness. It’s the same as it ever was.

Happy Hair Growing!

Trust me girl, this forum has changed. If you notice, the people talking about "the good ol' days" are people who've been posting here from before you even started lurking. And there's been a mass exodus since back then. If you do a search of the hair forum for discussions from back then, you'll see what we're talking about. CG nailed it when she said a any drama on LHCF was only ever in the OT forum. And actually that's also where trolls would show up. :yep:
Good grief you guys...the sisterhood is still here in my opinion. You just need to know where to look. Take the meat and toss the bone. This thread is probably headed for lock down anyway but i wanted to get that in...

I'm trying to avoid having to lock it, as a respected long time member has voiced her concern, and deserves to be heard. I'm sure others feel the same way and want to voice their concerns as well. Seeing as how the majority of the women here are adults, I'm hoping this can be addressed in a civil manner to either get things back on track, if needed, or at least let her know there are like minded folx who agree with her.
You are getting yourself worked up again. I say just let it go....

no girl I'm okay , not even worked up. But for the first time I can speak openly about this without the threat of another ambush, pls understand after thread after thread of that, this actually feels good to bring this in the open like this
I'm trying to avoid having to lock it, as a respected long time member has voiced her concern, and deserves to be heard. I'm sure others feel the same way and want to voice their concerns as well. Seeing as how the majority of the women here are adults, I'm hoping this can be addressed in a civil manner to either get things back on track, if needed, or at least let her know there are like minded folx who agree with her.

Thank you Enchanment I am not going to put a negative spin on this at all or make anything personal at all. It does feel good to have some support and an open forum after all of that! it really does and I am just thankful and I hope this plays a part in changing the tone of how things have been going
I agree with sooo much in this thread! I've always loved this board and could spend hours lurking and posting... now I mainly lurk because of the negative vibes i see (even tho i really would like to post more). I thought it was just me who've noticed the negative change. Lately, i'll cringe and shake my head reading some threads, topics and posts and wonder, "Why?" I mean, real life can be so drama filled, negative and "real", and i used to come here to kinda get away and get lost in all things hair... now i've avoided posting as much as i'd like because i dont want to invite negativity towards myself. Even tho these are simple posts, with words and opinions... i know that these simple posts can really effect people IRL offline, and i dont want other's quick witted remarks to effect me in a negative way, so i just avoid posting for the most part.... Maybe that'll change soon, i dont know. I appreciate all views and methods, and love learning new things... and i hate seeing people get bashed for unpopular thoughts, questions, methods and beliefs - and people are labled too sensitive if they complain about things worthy of complaint. I dont want my post to be a list of everything i dont like, but i do hope that the recent "turn" in the atmosphere isn't permanent, and that the pendulum would swing back to harmony sometime soon. for the most part, (aside from the drama and negativity)i really do like coming here.
I'm trying to avoid having to lock it, as a respected long time member has voiced her concern, and deserves to be heard. I'm sure others feel the same way and want to voice their concerns as well. Seeing as how the majority of the women here are adults, I'm hoping this can be addressed in a civil manner to either get things back on track, if needed, or at least let her know there are like minded folx who agree with her.

Absolutely, she deserves to be heard and she has been heard over and over again. We get where she is coming from, but when you're constantly trying to dominate threads like this it breeds discontentment. I'm new but there is still a ton of support on this board. If there were not, I would not have paid to join this community. The point is we should all work on being more supportive and choosing our battles. This topic is turning into a battle and it's the result of specific people who would rather beat a dead horse for months rather than working on rebuilding sisterhood. Like other ladies have already said, just let it go, so we can focus on moving forward in a positive manner.
Hello All,

I must say that I am a newbie, have been here for a few months yet I don't post or ask questions for this reason. I am not with the drama and so for me I just read what I think might help me instead of asking questions. I have read many post that have turned into childish fights over NOTHING. I would love to comment on some things just not sure what one might respond to me. I hope things change for the better. As always peace and love.
Hello All,

I must say that I am a newbie, have been here for a few months yet I don't post or ask questions for this reason. I am not with the drama and so for me I just read what I think might help me instead of asking questions. I have read many post that have turned into childish fights over NOTHING. I would love to comment on some things just not sure what one might respond to me. I hope things change for the better. As always peace and love.

Awwww :welcome2: Don't be afraid to post, most of the women here are very welcoming :yep:
Yea its been silly season for a while now, I noticed the changed about a year ago after the mass bannings and adding of all the new features (good additions, but bad attitudes followed):look::yep:
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