What happened to tha sistahood of hair-growing?

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I am going to say this and I'm out, b/c I don't do online or IRL life drama.

I really don't think all of this is that deep. Do you all realize that this is the INTERNET? Please, let's all move on!

If e-peeps really get on your nerves that bad, then take a break and only come back if all your hair falls out, other than that, go relax.

As my grandma would say "Go rest your nerves somewhere!" This is getting rediculous.....

I say this out of love, don't want nobody's pressure to go up!:nono::grin:

this was the funniest most realest post :lachen:

I am going to say this and I'm out, b/c I don't do online or IRL life drama.

I really don't think all of this is that deep. Do you all realize that this is the INTERNET? Please, let's all move on!

If e-peeps really get on your nerves that bad, then take a break and only come back if all your hair falls out, other than that, go relax.

As my grandma would say "Go rest your nerves somewhere!" This is getting rediculous.....

I say this out of love, don't want nobody's pressure to go up!:nono::grin:

Man, I have seen worse. This really isn't as bad as it has been nor as it ever will be.
I am going to say this and I'm out, b/c I don't do online or IRL life drama.

I really don't think all of this is that deep. Do you all realize that this is the INTERNET? Please, let's all move on!

If e-peeps really get on your nerves that bad, then take a break and only come back if all your hair falls out, other than that, go relax.

As my grandma would say "Go rest your nerves somewhere!" This is getting rediculous.....

I say this out of love, don't want nobody's pressure to go up!:nono::grin:

Why I gotta go RELAX, what if Im stretching, transitioning or natural. I dont think relaxing is the answer either!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen: J/K...Im going back to lifetime now!!!!
I was referring to this thread. I just find it ironic that with all that has been said, only one side has been edited out. It seems to me that some people are just allowed to do whatever and thats fine. Thats life, it isn't always fair so so be it.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I have attempted to be fair to everyone, and posts that I'm sure some would have liked to have had deleted, I've kept in place, even though they are boarderline forum rule violations, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who sess this as the ones who reported them weren't even involved in main discussion. As I've said throughout this thread, everyone deserves to be heard, not just the most vocal of the bunch, the ones with the most tenure, or the most keystrokes. I see no point in keeping comments that are only going to inflame the issue and cause folx to go off on another tangent, rehashing the same drama.
and that is the difference between you and me. You saw my question as an insult while I saw it as a possible solution for someone who seems deeply offende by a situation and an atmosphere she is NOT GOING TO CHANGE...therefore all she can change is herself (if such change needs to take place) This is what I am suggesting...anything else is in your own head, your own issue, do you. And if you are not ok with someone pondering a sabbatical, then fine, what that gotta do with me? I think it's fine to ponder and ponder i shall.
I already knew I could leave anytime though tyvm!

the point is you pondered it for me! LOL ,u can only really ponder over that for yourself, I know already that I can leave, thank you. I am not trying to litterally change the whole atmosphere, I am just standing to have my personal space and membership and free speech-as long as its not personally disrespecting other members-respected.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I have attempted to be fair to everyone, and posts that I'm sure some would have liked to have had deleted, I've kept in place, even though they are boarderline forum rule violations, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who sess this as the ones who reported them weren't even involved in main discussion. As I've said throughout this thread, everyone deserves to be heard, not just the most vocal of the bunch, the ones with the most tenure, or the most keystrokes. I see no point in keeping comments that are only going to inflame the issue and cause folx to go off on another tangent, rehashing the same drama.

I am not sure I understand the value of that question. Why does she need to think about what would happen if she was to take a break? Are you suggesting that only she needs a break? It takes at least 2 to tangle. Who are you sending on this sabbatical with her? Lastly, I pose your question back to you. What do you think would happen?

P.S. I realize you posted right after a "what if we all took a "sabbatical " post. But, not only do I not need a "sabbatical" I also would not be ok with someone other than a MOD suggesting or even pondering a "what if" "sabbatical" scenario regarding me.

Exactly, I saw no point in the question either:spinning: until I went back and read her answer to my question:look:
and that is the difference between you and me. You saw my question as an insult while I saw it as a possible solution for someone who seems deeply offende by a situation and an atmosphere she is NOT GOING TO CHANGE...therefore all she can change is herself (if such change needs to take place) This is what I am suggesting...anything else is in your own head, your own issue, do you. And if you are not ok with someone pondering a sabbatical, then fine, what that gotta do with me? I think it's fine to ponder and ponder i shall.

I did not see you question as an insult, I said I did not see the value of the question. I simply responded to your post. That's all no need to get fired up, laughing. I have no issues. Ponder away.
I already knew I could leave anytime though tyvm!

the point is you pondered it for me! LOL ,u can only really ponder over that for yourself, I know already that I can leave, thank you. I am not trying to litterally change the whole atmosphere, I am just standing to have my personal space and membership and free speech-as long as its not personally disrespecting other members-respected.

I was thinking the same thing, "Who doesn't know how to click the 'X'?" I was seriously confused by her suggestion...

But, honestly I agree, if you leave there will still be drama, it takes 2 to tango.
I already knew I could leave anytime though tyvm!

the point is you pondered it for me! LOL ,u can only really ponder over that for yourself, I know already that I can leave, thank you. I am not trying to litterally change the whole atmosphere, I am just standing to have my personal space and membership and free speech-as long as its not personally disrespecting other members-respected.

yes, I know that you know that you can leave, but you don't seem to know that you can do things to empower yourself and not be the perpetual "victim"...unless you like that? You ain't dealing with NOTHING that has not already been dealt with by others, so from what I have seen in the past, I opened up the sabbatical option. I don't think you should do anything you don't want to, that wasn't my point, I was just trying to open up a line of thinking that could lead to some clarity, an end to your victimhood. But there are many other ways, all of which I'm sure you are aware of...at the end of the day, I'm really good and can't nobody put me on the "oh, woe is me" trip, I just wish the same for you, sista.
yes, I know that you know that you can leave, but you don't seem to know that you can do things to empower yourself and not be the perpetual "victim"...unless you like that? You ain't dealing with NOTHING that has not already been dealt with by others, so from what I have seen in the past, I opened up the sabbatical option. I don't think you should do anything you don't want to, that wasn't my point, I was just trying to open up a line of thinking that could lead to some clarity, an end to your victimhood. But there are many other ways, all of which I'm sure you are aware of...at the end of the day, I'm really good and can't nobody put me on the "oh, woe is me" trip, I just wish the same for you, sista.

Ooohhh I get it now....I see what your saying.

...now it is time for me to click the "X" and go do what I need to do! But, I will be lurking unless this thread it "POOF!" before I return.
I did not see you question as an insult, I said I did not see the value of the question. I simply responded to your post. That's all no need to get fired up, laughing. I have no issues. Ponder away.

It's ok if you don't see the value and I'm glad you needed to come and let me know this. I'm not fired up, just ready and willing. Ponder that :lachen: Actually, it is valuable, because if you get to a point on a messageboard were you feel so attacked and insulted, then taking a break could be a good thing. I don't see where the confusion is coming from. Ain't nobody going to give you a break from the "abuse" so sometimes, you have to give yourself a break, is this not true, in some situations?
once again, i'm convinced that some folks are just messy. you can try and be peaceful and get folks to attempt to understand you, but if a person is messy, you will be fighting a losing battle.

also, i mean really, how much weight does one give to folks(strangers) KEYSTROKES? I'm beginning to think this is much more than about hair fights
It's ok if you don't see the value and I'm glad you needed to come and let me know this. I'm not fired up, just ready and willing. Ponder that :lachen: Actually, it is valuable, because if you get to a point on a messageboard were you feel so attacked and insulted, then taking a break could be a good thing. I don't see where the confusion is coming from. Ain't nobody going to give you a break from the "abuse" so sometimes, you have to give yourself a break, is this not true, in some situations?

In my post nowhere did I say I was confused. There is nothing to ponder.....Bottom line is she chooses to stay. I am also not going to get into a tit for tat. I respect your right to ponder. But, in light of the tension and atmosphere, I did not see the value of the question. So ponder on sister, I walk in peace.
In my post nowhere did I say I was confused. There is nothing to ponder.....Bottom line is she chooses to stay. I am also not going to get into a tit for tat. I respect your right to ponder. But, in light of the tension and atmosphere, I did not see the value of the question. So ponder on sister, I walk in peace.

I don't see the value in your responses, but whatev, you have your needs, so let's walk in peace together...on to the next thread or sabbatical or whatev
Ok, ladies! I was hoping to end this on a high note, but its starting to take another dive so I'm going to cut my losses and call it quits on this thread. I hope everyone got to air their grievances, and speak their minds on the matter. I also thank the OP, Lucia, for starting this thread so everyone would get a chance to address this issue, as its obvious some of us have some very strong thoughts and feeling about the matter.

Please dont let anything from this post carry over in a negative way into the other threads. All the snide remarks and insinuations we can do with out. You dont need to post a 3 paragraph disclaimer with every post you make, either.

We have more things in common than not. We all have goals toward healthy hair so lets continue to work together to embrace what we do have in common and not focus on the minor things we disagree over.

Love, :love4: Peace, :luv2: and Hair Grease! :afro:
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