What does your SO or DH do that really turns you on lol?


Well-Known Member
I would have to say my SO really turns me on by the way he talks to me. He is really respectful and sweet. If he makes a mistake a bumps me he says sweetheart I'm sorry and he always says thank you and you're welcome. He always calls me sweetie or baby or sweetheart...things like that. It's the little things that really get me going. Am I weird for this lol?

what about you ladies?
Just his way... his voice, his demeanor, his manlinesss.... I am actually most turned on when he's in his clothes looking just manly, no non sense stern face... :lick:
his maturity, he's deep voice with a tinge of southern drawl, his demeanor. Him with his shirt off or in his underwear. He has a PERFECT body :drool: :lick: :drool: :lick:
The way he takes the garbage out without me asking or it stinking the house up first. The way I come home to a clean house.
No dishes in the sink.
Made up bed.
The way he calls me to say, "I love you."
And the way he looks at me when I know what's going to happen next.
The way he rubs my feet without me asking.
When he is facing the wall sleeping and he turns over to hold me.

Yeah, I have a list, LOL!
His footrubs, his massages when he starts kissing me on the back of the neck, when he sends me flowers, cooks, and when he gets angry when someone is disrespecting me.

Well, I'm about to log off for the night. ;)
The way he makes me laugh
His body
The way he smells
His hands
His arms
His chest
The way he takes such great care of our daughter :love:
I love the way my SO is with his daughters it is so beautiful. I love the way he cleans his apartment every morning before work...there is nothing more sexy than a man with a vacuum cleaner and duster in his hands lol...

I'm def feeling all of you ladies responses....keep em commin...
When he lotions my entire body and gives me a massage after bathing....
The way that he walks (macho man like)
Dinner prepared and ready by the time I get off....
When he gets a fresh hair cut, how he blushes.....
The way he looks at me... he has these certain looks that make me just melt... :drool:, the way he walks, the way he dressed.... Those are just a few things :love:
Oh I love when my husband is freshly shaven. So sexy to me, and I love to when he sleeps, it is so sweet. He looks like a baby. I don't know I miss my hubby a lot right now, we've been separated for almost 7 months due to his schooling. Everything about him is turning me on right now. lol.
When he lotions my entire body and gives me a massage after bathing....
The way that he walks (macho man like)
Dinner prepared and ready by the time I get off....
When he gets a fresh hair cut, how he blushes.....

Yes, I can def relate to this one...:yep: :lovedrool:
* It Drives me crazy when he grabs my neck and kisses me passionately :lick:

* I Get turned on when he tells how much he loves me and how im the only one for him.

* The way he makes me laugh, so much that my side hurts and my cheeks get tired :)

* I get so hot When he stares me in my eyes and plays in my hair (all though im a 4b natural so most of the time he catches a 2 strand knot and then its not so pleasant :nono:)
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when he grab my waist from the back (and no, we don't have to be doing the nasty...), just the way his man hands feel on me.
When we're sleeping and he hold me and interlocks his hand with mine...I love it!
When we ride in the car and he looks into my eyes and sings to me at the red lights...
When he picks me up and kisses me...
When he comes out of nowhere and starts to slow dance with me...no music playing or anything...he just wants to be close to me.
Way too many to name....
-when he takes charge
-when he kisses me on my neck (im extremely ticklish, he is the only one that can kiss my neck w/o me cringing)
When we're sleeping and he hold me and interlocks his hand with mine...I love it!
When we ride in the car and he looks into my eyes and sings to me at the red lights...
When he picks me up and kisses me...
When he comes out of nowhere and starts to slow dance with me...no music playing or anything...he just wants to be close to me.
Way too many to name....

This post is too cute...especially the bolded...:blush:...I ain't mad at all...lol
The way he takes the garbage out without me asking or it stinking the house up first. The way I come home to a clean house.
No dishes in the sink.
Made up bed.

The way he calls me to say, "I love you."
And the way he looks at me when I know what's going to happen next.
The way he rubs my feet without me asking.
When he is facing the wall sleeping and he turns over to hold me.

Yeah, I have a list, LOL!
Gosh, you really found a good one :lol:
I love it when he takes charge, even though I don't tell him that. He just exudes confidence. I especially love it when he caresses my arm or leg, that just speaks volumes and does all kind of things to me inside--Whew, is getting in hot in here:burn:--I may have to skip out and take a COLD shower just thinking about it...:bath2: