What do you use Lye or No-Lye and why?

Which do you use?

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I.switched.to.lye.last.year.because.of.all.the.dryness.I.experienced.with.no-lye.relaxers..Now.I.use. Silk.Elements.lye.and.I.have.no.problem.with.dryness.now.and.the.shine.I.get.is.incredible.
I use Designer Touch Sensitive Scalp which is a mild relaxer that I dilute even more with oils. I've always used no-lye because that is all I've ever known. Now that I've been a member here and solidified my healthy hair care regimen, dry, brittle hair is a thing of the past.
No-Lye thinned and dried my hair out terribly so it is definitely a no-no:nono:. I had to return to putting Lye relaxer back in my hair if I wanted to keep the remainder of the hair left on my head. I don't get any burns because I base very well the evening before my relaxer with Vaseline petroleum jelly. My hair is happy again.

:yep: :yep: :yep: :yep: :yep: :yep:
I used No-Lye because it doesn't burn my sensitive scalp. Relaxers with Lye tend to be stronger and they usually make your hair straighter - but they also burn your scalp much quicker (if you're sensitive).
I used No-Lye because it doesn't burn my sensitive scalp. Relaxers with Lye tend to be stronger and they usually make your hair straighter - but they also burn your scalp much quicker (if you're sensitive).

I'm sorry, but the bolded is incorrect. It is the No-Lye relaxers that gets the hair bone straight. I used to use no-lye relaxers and they are were wayyyy more damaging to my hair than lye relaxers. You are correct in saying that lye relaxers burn the scalp quicker though. I find that when I base properly, I never ever experience burns with my Lye relaxers so I'm never concerned about scalp burns.

Now with no-lye relaxers on the other hand, it really does dry out the natural moisture of our hair to excessive proportions unfortunately. I did like the fact that I didn't have to spend time basing so carefully with no-lye. I prefer to have long thick tresses on my head than thinned-out hair that no-lye relaxers gave me. That was why I switched to Lye relaxers. I think that people with very thick hair can use no-lye relaxers without worrying too much about thinned-out hair. This is only my opinion however. My hair is still recovering from the damage done by no-lye relaxers.
I never thought I had a problem with no-lye, but I switched after hearing it is bad for you hair. It dries your hair, causes dandruff, it coats the hair which locks out any mositurizer you try to put in your hair, and the list goes on.... But the only difference I can see since switching to lye is I have no more dandruff, my hair does not break as badly as it did before. But that might have been because I learned to take better care of my hair with forum help of course. With no-lye there is more to choose from and it comes in kits and it's cheaper. Maybe I won't switch back. I don't know. I do get burns with lye. That is the main reason I wanted to switch back to no-lye. To avoid burning. But is it worth it. I don't know...

I feel the same. I'm thinking about switching back as well. (never had burns with no lye). But lye kills my scalp.
I use no-Lye because Lye burns my scalp really bad and has caused really thin temples for me when beauticians used it without consulting me.
i use no lye cause lye didnt get my hair straight no matter how long i kept it on my head i wud be sitting here permanently bald headed if i hadnt based my scalp real good and no lye is doing my hair good :yep:
I was always confused about this. At the Dominican salons, they praise no-lye up and down and talk about how bad lye is, and they have always given me very soft and shiny results with my ends feeling like silk. With Black salons, it seems that many swear by lye (Design Essentials in particular) and seem not to use any no-lye products. It's very confusing, but I have been using no-lye and although I have seen the dryness mentioned, it is easily remedied with proper moisture retaining techniques. I don't have any breakage or problems. I am going to stick with no-lye.
I used to use no-lye for most of my life, and had thin hair most of my life as well. Finally, when I switched areas, I got with a different stylist, who used Affirm Lye, and my hair thrived, and has thickened up tremendously! It is no longer limp, and lifeless. No more thin, anorexic hair! :yep:
I used to use no-lye for most of my life, and had thin hair most of my life as well. Finally, when I switched areas, I got with a different stylist, who used Affirm Lye, and my hair thrived, and has thickened up tremendously! It is no longer limp, and lifeless. No more thin, anorexic hair! :yep:

ITA with you hOnii. My hair is gloriously thickening up. I'm lovin' it.
I used to use no-lye for most of my life, and had thin hair most of my life as well. Finally, when I switched areas, I got with a different stylist, who used Affirm Lye, and my hair thrived, and has thickened up tremendously! It is no longer limp, and lifeless. No more thin, anorexic hair! :yep:

I have the same story!

Also, I used to be scared to use lye because I thought they would burn my scalp (even though the home no-lye kits were not all that gently on my scalp). Once I started taking care of my scalp and going to the salon for my touch-ups, my hair & scalps health improved tremendously!
I use ORS Regular No-Lye. I have a sensitive scalp and lye caused my scalp to burn to no end. I love the relaxer though because it makes my hair soooo shiny and nice! I would never go back to Lye relaxers ever..
Currently I'm using lye (Motions) but I think it's thinned out my hair. When I used Affirm (no lye) I had a lot more hair. I had a bad scalp burn my last relaxer (my scalp is very sensitive). I'm planning to self-relax in a few weeks with ORS no lye.
I jumped on the Affirm lye wagon last year, but my hair no likey!! It was never straightened enough for me no matter how long I left it on.

I went back to Soft and Beautiful no-lye in October and my hair is responding wonderfully. Its straight, but not limp. i agree with the importance of basing. I have burned with both. If you work to keep your hair moisturized, that lessens bigger problems later.

And my hair LOVES Blue Magic grease!!!!

I had a similar experience I swiched to ORS Lye Professional LYE relaxer and my hair hated mefor it! I switched back after trying it out twice but my hair is now shedding and breaking as result. STICKING WITH ORS No-Lye Regular like usual....
I like no lye because lye starts tingling as soon as it touches my head. No lye relaxers are drying, but I just put back in what they take out and I'm fine. I've always had thick hair anyway so I never worry about thinning or anything like that. I want to try the ORS lye relaxer, but I'm scurred. I'll stick with Optimum Breakage Therapy or ORS No lye for now.
I use No Lye (phyto). Lye rips my scalp to peices, I've never been able to find any lye relaxer that I can tolerate. Even with no lye I have to take care (all relaxers are not created equal)

Lye just because I like it better. It makes my hair feel the best afterwards compared to the box relaxers.
I use no lye. I think my hair prefers no lye too. I think it depends on what you feel works best for your hair.

Same here. I switched to no lye at the beginning of the year and my hair loves it! No burns, no dryness, none of that 'straw hair.' I use the Soft & Beautiful with Triple Hydration Oil and I love it.
I use lye and I love it. I switched over 2 years ago.

Lye=softer, silkier hair. At least for my hair. :)
Lye usually eats my scalp up, the only lye I ever used was Motions Salon Herbals, and while I didn't burn right away, when I did get burned it was always bad.

I've switched now to Affirm for Sensitive scalp and it's no-lye. No burns and my hair is soft and moisturized. I used Phyto too, which is also no-lye, but while my hair was fuller, it was too dry.
In March I switched from no-lye (Phyto II) to SE regular and I love it.
My hair is a lot softer and holds moisture better.
I used to use lye. Then I started doing my own relaxers last year and switched to no-lye. Yesterday, I went to a salon and got a relaxer because there was no way in hades I was tackling 11 weeks of new growth myself. She used a lye. I've decided I like lye better. My hair felt really moisturized afterwards.
No-Lye thinned and dried my hair out terribly so it is definitely a no-no:nono:. I had to return to putting Lye relaxer back in my hair if I wanted to keep the remainder of the hair left on my head. I don't get any burns because I base very well the evening before my relaxer with Vaseline petroleum jelly. My hair is happy again.

:yep: :yep: :yep: :yep: :yep: :yep:

I did this before I went to the salon yesterday; then, she based me again when I got there. I got NO burns!