Lye Vs No Lye Relaxer?

Hello guys :)

So, I really want to make bsl hair in a couple of months. My main issue is moisture! My hair is always terribly dry, although I started using KeraCare Humecto which really helps :D

My mother used to relax my hair with Motions Lye, and I remember that relaxer leaving my hair dry and stiff, and oddly enough, my widows peak specifically would be so thin after every touch up :( So, we switched to no lye. I liked the way my hair felt after using a lye relaxer, but since I have suuuuper dry hair, I now realize that no lye isn't good for my hair. I chelate, but it doesn't help as much as it should.

Im thinking of switching back to lye when I relax in January, using ORS lye. I hear that lye doesn't straighten the hair as much as no lye does however, which kinda puts me off from going back to lye(although my hair was pretty bone straight using motions lye...) My hair is texlaxed pretty thick with no lye(although I wish is was a little bit more smooth, its ok), so Im not sure how it'll turn out with lye. Perhaps its all about the smoothing? What are you guys experiences with lye vs no lye?
I have low porosity hair btw.
For me.....

Lye relaxers were really harsh on my scalp and I couldn't get a lot of smoothing done before having to rinse. Left me texlaxed, but I loved the results. I had no stiffness immediately after and my hair seemed to retain moisture better. I used Linange.

No lye relaxers are easier on my scalp and I can get desired smoothness. I deliberately texlax these days. After relaxing, I do have flat/stiff hair until I wash again. Then it's great. I'm better with keeping my hair moisturized because I rely heavily on cleansing conditioners and clay instead of shampoo so much.
Thats good to hear :)

I don't have a sensitive scalp, I've literally only been burned by a relaxer once and it was really minor. so I think if I base my scalp really good, make sure my new growth is detangled, it should go really good... How thick is your hair? Its it resistant to chemicals?
My scalp is made out of metal and the one and only time I switched to a lye relaxer I was crying. I ended up going natural after that so I don't know what happens if you switch from no-lye to lye then back.
Thats good to hear :)

I don't have a sensitive scalp, I've literally only been burned by a relaxer once and it was really minor. so I think if I base my scalp really good, make sure my new growth is detangled, it should go really good... How thick is your hair? Its it resistant to chemicals?

My hair is fine and with medium density. Regular strength relaxers work well for me. Super strength is way more than my strands need.
Take this with a grain of salt because I'm not at all knowledgeable on porosity but lye relaxers have been so much better for my hair. It always comes out much softer and my hair stays moisturized. It did however burn my scalp easier so I had to be extra careful with that.
Bump :D

Yeah, im really thinking about switching to hair really needs help in retaining moisture, and I dont think no lye has been helping me...