What do you use Lye or No-Lye and why?

Which do you use?

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Back in the day I swore by Fabulaxer, but I finally realized that it wasn't doing my hair right so I switched to lye.
I pick lye. It leaves my hair with elasticity and body unlike no lye which made my hair bone straight but lifeless and dull.

With lye my hair is not bone straight but I like the texture and makes it easier to stretch relaxer touch ups since they is not an extreme difference between the new growth and previously relaxed hair. With no lye I had to relax every 6 weeks cos of the difference in texture – kinky new growth and bone straight ends(plus dryness) made my hair break.
Ucha123 said:
I pick lye. It leaves my hair with elasticity and body unlike no lye which made my hair bone straight but lifeless and dull.

With lye my hair is not bone straight but I like the texture and makes it easier to stretch relaxer touch ups since they is not an extreme difference between the new growth and previously relaxed hair.

Same here!
I use no-lye relaxers. I have used lye before and it burned my scalp REALLY REALLY bad and didn't straighten my hair good enough for me. Now that I use no-lye, my hair is bone straight like I like it and without those horrible scalp burns :)
I switched to lye from no lye a couple times. and i noticed that I burned quickly, my scalp was horriblly burnt, and my hair never got straight in the recommended time frame. I now use ORS regular and my hair likes this one alot beter than silk elements lye... I say u gotta use what works best for you, and no Lye is my friends.. just make sure to watch out for calcium build up, and ORS has something for that, so why burn if you dont have to?
I picked Lye. I was a lifetime no-lye do it yourself or sometimes mama user. Most recently (few years) it's been Optimum. I switched to lye and there was an immediate difference. My hair was/is softer with more mobility and bounce and it holds moisture better than when I was using no-lye. I feel like no-lye was the culprit to my dry hair causing breakage and split ends. I feel like I can attain and retain more length after switching to lye.
I use ORS no-lye regular because of all the raves from this board, and because the strand test came out great. It left my hair feeling so soft and smooth and it got it straight. I have never had such a nice relaxer result before.
I use lye. I actually got the most scalpe burns when I use no lye. Plus, most no-lyes come in kits and I'd be too afraid I would run out of something I need.
I've always used No-lye since I first started getting relaxers. I heard that lye was bad for you when I was younger...dunno why, thats just what I heard. I'm scared to switch cuz they say lye burns.....I have a burns sometimes with no lye so i think lye would tear my scalp up!:eek:
I use lye because no lye left my hair really dry and weak overtime. Now it's more moisturized and alot stronger than it use to be. Oh, i use Silk Elements lye mild.
I use no-lye because that's what I've always used. I've never experienced the dryness many often associated no lye relaxers nor have I experienced any hair trauma w/no-lye.
I started using No-Lye, but switched to Lye. Now that I'm back to No-Lye, I've seen tremendous growth. I think the Lye was way too strong.
Dana03 said:
Lye leaves my hair silkier
Yup Yup... I got a perm (Affirm Mild Lye) @ a Beauty Parlor and when the stylist washed it out SHE WAS SOOOO AMAZED AT HOW SMOOTH AND SILKY it came out... I guess that was first time doing an Affirm Lye perm... lol... I also have tried Mizani Mild... I alternate between the two.... I dont burn that much because my scalp gets based...

Additionally, I think it is worth the price... You get a big tub for like $30, and that tub can last 2 yrs... well at least for me it did... lol... GREAT investment...
I'm 100% natural now. But in my relaxed days I used GentleTreatment no-lye regular strength relaxer. Then when I started going to the salons I relaxed with Mizani (lye) relaxer, usually regular strength, but sometimes mild. I liked both relaxers a lot but I don't think my hair did. Even though I always maintained shoulder length or longer, my hair would break on a regular basis. I constantly had broken hairs on my clothes and in the bathroom sink. I don't think it was the relaxers as much as it was me not caring for my relaxed hair properly.

Even though I'll probably never relax again, I'd probably still recommend either Mizani or GentleTreatment relaxers. I think they're both good products. I wouldn't trust anything else though. I got a Dudley's lye relaxer once or twice and it broke ALL of my hair off in the back!:mad: Anyway, I don't think it's the lye or no-lye issue, as much as it is a product and hair care issue. Just my personal experience with it...
I use LYE relaxers. The reason is because the calcuim hydroxide found in most no-lye relaxers caused my hair to break badly, it wouldn't grow past my shoulders. I even had bald spots on the sides on my hair:angry2:! I did my research and found that the sodium hydroxide is less damaging to the hair follicles and was sold. I've been using nothing but lye relaxers and now have hair that's past bra-strap w/ minimal breakage:drunk:.

P.S. plus it's less work. who wants to mix parts A, B, then C...then apply:wallbash:?? Don't have time for that! AAANNDDD Lye relaxers stay potent longer. You have to throw out no-lye tubs after mixing. I can keep a tub of lye relaxer for 6-8 months!
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Man...you ladies are making me think twice about my No Lye!..humm...I wonder if thats why my hair feels kinda dry and birttle from time to time and it visually looks dull to me after about 3 weeks post. I have always thought it was because of my natural hair color:spinning: I know I know what the heck does that have to do with Dullness! Its about the moisture level and perhaps....umm...No Lye??...Oh boy! Decisions Decisions..:rolleyes:
Before LHCF, I used no lye relaxers. I would always noticed how dry and dull looking my hair was. As soon as I learn the difference between lye/no lye, I made the switch to lye and did a corrective using a lye relaxer (like Shamboosie suggests in his book). My hair has been much silkier ever since :yep:
My stylist uses lye, (Mizani), when I go to her.

For self-relaxing, I use no-lye. I think it is safer for me to use at home. I am in love with Profectiv Procision Therapeutic Relaxer. Since joining the forum I've learned how to care for dry hair. Dryness is becoming less of a problem daily.
Before LHCF, I used no lye relaxers. I would always noticed how dry and dull looking my hair was. As soon as I learn the difference between lye/no lye, I made the switch to lye and did a corrective using a lye relaxer (like Shamboosie suggests in his book). My hair has been much silkier ever since :yep:

Could you elaborate on how you did ur corrective and with which brand lye relaxer u used.

:nono:if you are familiar with MTG,

I am using it for the front of my hair to grow it back, but my scalp is starting to get flaky. Is that sulfur buildup? or is that what MTG is suppose to do? kill away bad skin cells to grow hair out?

I'm a lye girl. I have to admit though that no-lye is the only way I could go bone straight. I used to do that in college, and that's why I ended up cutting the hair and going natural. I wanted natural hair then, and there was no way I was going to have half lye and half no-lye.

And I'm old school, I still use Revlon Realistic Relaxer in Super. I have coarse hair that doesn't straighten easily.
I used ORS no lye which I loved on my hair, but after some disasterous run-ins with a stylist I just have no desire to relax even though I'm 16 wks post. I'm either going to transition to natural, or do a supa long stretch and texlax. Can you go into any BSS ( Sally's for example) and buy lye or do you need a beautician's license? I've seen them online but I'm afraid that I'd get an expired one or something.
I'm a lye girl. I have to admit though that no-lye is the only way I could go bone straight. I used to do that in college, and that's why I ended up cutting the hair and going natural. I wanted natural hair then, and there was no way I was going to have half lye and half no-lye.

And I'm old school, I still use Revlon Realistic Relaxer in Super. I have coarse hair that doesn't straighten easily.
Wow! and you look younger now:yep:
I used ORS no lye which I loved on my hair, but after some disasterous run-ins with a stylist I just have no desire to relax even though I'm 16 wks post. I'm either going to transition to natural, or do a supa long stretch and texlax. Can you go into any BSS ( Sally's for example) and buy lye or do you need a beautician's license? I've seen them online but I'm afraid that I'd get an expired one or something.

I live in NY and I bought Mizani Lye relaxer without a license. They didn't even ask. I'm sure there are places that don't care.
ok - I did my texlax with ORS No-Lye and most of my hair is wonderful and silky when straightened. However, I have 2 small sections -- chunks even, on either side of my nape that I think are RUINING my hair. :wallbash: They are soo brittle and dry it's like they belong to a completely different head of hair. The only way I can deal with them is to keep them moist before i manipulate them at all. I can run my hands though my whole head until I get to that part and then it's just ridiculous.

Could it be that while No-Lye is great for most of my hair that ONE section would be better with Lye? I've never used Lye @ home but I think I could manage it after years of self-relaxing.....any thoughts?