What did your DH/SO say...


Somewhere Flourishing...
Was the first thing that he noticed about you or that attracted him to you


was there a defining moment where he knew he was going to make you his wife?

Okay, fire away ladies!! :drunk:
Truth be told...it was the booty that reeled him in.

But he says it was the dating that allowed him to get to know me. That gave him the chance to feel me out. It gave me a chance to do the same and figure out if I wanted to marry him. It took three years to do it, but for me it was worth it to take the time.
He liked my eyes, hair, my attitude towards life, my laugh, my dimples, and the booty!

We are not married, but we are planning on it.
The way I walk and the fact that I didn't give him the "time of day". His defining moment was when I said I loved him.
^^^ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Back it up! Yeah! Yeah! Shake it fast!

It seems like booty ranks pretty heavily in the mind of the modern male.
*waits for husband*



SO says part of it was the booty too. (But last time I looked it was missing!:lol:)
He was also attracted to my overall appearance and "something about me".

We're not married yet, but definitely planning on it. I'm not sure if there was a defining moment for him, but he says he always "just knew".
^^^ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Back it up! Yeah! Yeah! Shake it fast!

It seems like booty ranks pretty heavily in the mind of the modern male.

Right and everyone was saying it's about being confident and having the right mindset. Yea, right. It's all about the T&A.
my smile & my skin. He also loved my country girl innocence. lol! Although I'm sure the booty didn't hurt either.
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Right and everyone was saying it's about being confident and having the right mindset. Yea, right. It's all about the T&A.

I ain't got no A but plenty of T, and trust ... it does not get you too far with BM (lol) At least it hasn't for me. I'ma request some Kim K implants for my next birthday. I need to find this husband fast before everyone else figures out my hustle :lol:
LMAO @ "properly" but since you brought it up ... I think I'm getting more conservative in my old age (22) :lol: Advice taken.
He said he noticed my smile. He didn't remember me the first time he saw me, but the next time he saw me he said he definitely remembered me after that. As far as when he realized that he would make me his wife....I don't really know. I don't think there was ONE defining moment, but rather a series of moments that made him see that he should be taking steps to make me his wife.
GOODNESS, I am blessed with the T, but lacking in the A. Surely, this isnt why Im single?! :scratchch:whyme:

Although, Im sure you ladies all have fabulous other qualities, it def seems that its the booty that gets the attention first, before he can get to know the rest of you. Men are visual creatures, so I guess I shouldnt be surprised. :ohwell:
I was supposably dark-skin
It looked like I didn't let guys run over me (idk what that looks like, but #shrugs)

He said he always "just knew" I was the one

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Right and everyone was saying it's about being confident and having the right mindset. Yea, right. It's all about the T&A.

Idk. I'm model thin (no boobs, barely any booty) and I've never had a problem attracting men esp black men.

Was the first thing that he noticed about you or that attracted him to you
Met online, he said that I have the same weird sense of humor that he has. He said he never met anyone who got him without him having to explain.
was there a defining moment where he knew he was going to make you his wife?
He told me after we went to Canada in October. He said he came home called his mother and told her I was THE ONE. I still have no idea what I did when we were in Canada. Plus I was willing to go to ComicCon without any prodding.

BTW, I don't have a booty, but I do have a nice rack. He tells me all the time that they are "Very Nice".
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Was the first thing that he noticed about you or that attracted him to you


was there a defining moment where he knew he was going to make you his wife?

Okay, fire away ladies!! :drunk:

The smile got him, he said I lit up a room with my joy/happiness.

Defining moment? I did a lot of really sweet, thoughtful things for him early on. Just little things. But he said no one else had ever been as thoughtful. It was easy though, because I was crazy about him from the very beginning.

And ladies I don't have a big booty so don't worry about that and my guy is a brother. It's not flat but it is not big either:lol:. I was slim and I am well-proportioned--that was enough:grin:.
Do you have light colored eyes, long hair and/or 3cish or straight hair? Just wondering. :look:

No light eyes, 4a relaxed hair, black features, acne, not a "red bone" (brown skin), 100% black (and looks it) and probably more odds against me, but I don't care. I refuse to believe I'm undesirable because of it. Lush, I'm sure you have desirable physical traits (everyone does). Just capitalize on them, tell yourself you're the ish, own it, and don't let people tell you, or make you feel, otherwise. :yep:

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No light eyes, 4a relaxed hair, black features, acne, not a "red bone" (brown skin), 100% black (and looks it) and probably more odds against me, but I don't care. I refuse to believe I'm undesirable because of it. Lush, I'm sure you have desirable physical traits (everyone does). Just capitalize on them, tell yourself you're the ish, own it, and don't let people tell you or make you feel otherwise. :yep:


And they drop like flies. Fascinating phenomenon :lol:

ETA: Another thing I find fascinating is that with married couples I have met and spoken to in real life, including my own parents, the man said he "just knew" and sometimes the woman had this "knowing". My mother couldn't have cared less but she is special :lol:.
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Just capitalize on them, tell yourself you're the ish, own it, and don't let people tell you, or make you, feel otherwise. :yep:


Girl, I know. Soo true.

It's just that the lack of attention I get has me questioning my beauty at times.