What did you consider ''long hair'' before you joined LHCF?


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
I thought it would be interesting to see what length everyone thought was long, pre LHCF.

If someone had even, thick SL length hair, I would have considered that long. If I saw a chick who was APL or slightly above it, I would be like :shocked: That was the ULTIMATE length for me. What I wished and dreamed of having :lol: Then I came here, and saw all of the BSL and beyond hair, and my jaw hit the floor. Now APL seems like it's nothing (even though I'm APL, I feel like it's not long enough)

What about you? What did you consider long, before you came to LHCF?
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I thought pretty much the same Tiffers. My hair had always been shoulder length or 1-2 inches below and i thought it was so long and loved to swing it:grin: . Now i look back at the pics and realized it really wasnt that long.
I used to think that a few inches past shoulder length was "very long." I still doubt myself about growing to BSL and beyond, so I set my goal at APL (I guess so that I won't be disappointed if I can't grow it longer:perplexed).
i thought APL was long and natural BSL was almost unimaginable. but now that im on this forum even tho my hair is APL when i stretch it out that's not long to me. this forum really changed my perspective on what i think is "long hair"
I always thought of my childhood friend Stephanianna. Her hair was tailbone length in 1st grade. I always admired her ponytails.
I'm wit you Tiffers I thought long was shoulder lenght and I used to know this lady who had MBL hair and my jaw would drop everytime I see her. Now I think apl is long and for some reason I still look for that lady on here:lachen:
When I was in junior high, I was envious of anyone who had hair even a few inches below their shoulders.

Even if it was see-through, scraggly and dotted with dandruff because they "couldn't wash their hair but every two weeks" :lachen:

I really didn't know what healthy, thick hair was supposed to look like back then :nono: Today, if my hair looked like that, I'd chop it off and start over! :lol:
I thought full sl was long and APL was really long. Anything that I saw longer the APL, put me in total shock!!!:lachen:
I have never been BSL so I consider BSL long. That is my ultimate goal by the way. I can't wait to get there. I'm grazing APL now so next stop BSL here I come.

Now if I achieve BSL, I will definitely go for the next length which is Mid Back. Woo Hoo!!
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I thought it would be interesting to see what length everyone thought was long, pre LHCF.

If someone had even, thick SL length hair, I would have considered that long. If I saw a chick who was APL or slightly above it, I would be like :shocked: That was the ULTIMATE length for me. What I wished and dreamed of having :lol: Then I came here, and saw all of the BSL and beyond hair, and my jaw hit the floor. Now APL seems like it's nothing (even though I'm APL, I feel like it's not long enough)

What about you? What did you consider long, before you came to LHCF?

I have almost exactly the same story. But I still think APL looks long on other people. I feel bald tho. Come on BSL!
I thought neck level was long.:lachen:I always had shoulder length hair except the one time I was at APL. Then I cut it off trying to be Toni Braxton cute.:rolleyes::wallbash:
I have almost exactly the same story. But I still think APL looks long on other people. I feel bald tho. Come on BSL!

I think APL looks longer on other people too, but on me, it looks like nothing :ohwell:

Girl, there ain't nothin bald about all of that beautiful hair you have on your head! So purdy and shiny, I want it :lick:
I use to think that an even SL was long, I always had SL hair but it was never even cuz it grows in layers and APL would have me drooling. I'm 1 inch about APL now but if I could get an even APL all around I would be swanging and happy.
I thought APL was long and the ultimate...I've learned so much here since. I still consider that long but not the ultimate anymore