At What Length Do You Consider Hair Long?

midback IMO, bsl is a common length out there. when i see someone with BSL im not like her is is soo long.. lol
4 years ago I would have said APL and beyond
Since I've developed a case of hair anorexia, I now will say MBL and below
Bra strap to mbl is long to me. Very long hair is full waist length and beyond. I consider shoulder to apl as medium length or having "a nice length of hair".
MBL for me (goal length). Now I feel like my hair is "longish" but not definitively long.
In my mind, long hair starts at full APL. If I was surrounded IRL by people with hair like some members here i would consider bBSL and longer as long hair.
midback IMO, bsl is a common length out there. when i see someone with BSL im not like her is is soo long.. lol

Where do you live where you see many black women with real bsl hair? It's very rare around these parts

On other women, THICK apl is long or bsl but on me, mbl.