What are some traits that characterize you as the youngest sibling?

I'm both an only child and a youngest child (so much younger that I was raised by myself; I am my parents' only child together; and they always referred to me as an only child). I identify much more with being an only than being the youngest. My relationship with my siblings really only developed as I became an adult. I relate to some traits mentioned in this thread, but not all of them.

One thing I will say is that I will never again be in a relationship with a middle child. :nono: My two longest and most important relationships were/are with middles, including my husband. I hate the neediness. If I marry again, my next husband will be an oldest.
No one listens to me!
I give my mom health advice and information and she ignores it. When she isn't feeling well she wants to complain to me about it, but won't listen to me. Meanwhile, my older brother can tell her any ridiculous thing and it's genius to her.
I'm both an only child and a youngest child (so much younger that I was raised by myself; I am my parents' only child together; and they always referred to me as an only child). I identify much more with being an only than being the youngest. My relationship with my siblings really only developed as I became an adult. I relate to some traits mentioned in this thread, but not all of them.

One thing I will say is that I will never again be in a relationship with a middle child. :nono: My two longest and most important relationships were/are with middles, including my husband. I hate the neediness. If I marry again, my next husband will be an oldest.

This sounds like me except we all (my siblings and myself) share the same parents but we were raised apart. I'm the youngest and the age difference is pretty big. Its not such a big deal now that we are older but there is still a disconnect. I consider myself an only child although I have traits of both.
im the youngest and only girl. there are large gaps between me and my brothers so i may be more like an only, i have no idea.
anyway im good being by myself but the company of one or two is ok. im an introvert.
yes i am spoiled and if it aint my way hit the high way. but i make no excuses about that and i dont hide the fact that im an alpha. i can punk most alpha men although im working on coming off softer than i have been lately.

i dont know if im selfish. i have very selfish thoughts but most times i give in if its someone i care about.
Youngest are mostly likely to attract cheaters, abusers and control-freaks.:look:

Then they cry about being an innocent victim attacked by a big mean bully for no reason..:look::lol:

.....then they find or create another person that's a carbon copy of the first. yet still act suprised when the same thing happens yet again. also for no reason or any thing involving them, the innocent victim....
what if i am the hell and the high water :lol:
youngest, only girl

the only thing that i will say is me is i am use to being taken care of..dh is an oldest and it works...im not spoiled....ummm i wouldnt consider myself entitled but maybe a bit moreso as i only want the best!

im an extrovert and honestly im the youngest but i run my brothers and the men in my family...they respect me because while im the youngest my accomplishments and life speak for itself...and im a leader...my mom always said be a leader...

on the flip side i like taking care of ppl so i balance it all out...:rose: