Went out with the Asian Guy & I'm shocked


New Member
We went out, had a cool time at the Asian Restaurant laughing and having good conversation. I felt a litle uncomfortable because people were staring and the Asian servers were being rude to me and talking in their language, knowing I don't know what the hell they're saying. But he checked them for that, which I liked. But....he must have had too much Saki in his system because he started going on and on about my booty, telling me he had these fantasys about me since he met me a few years ago. I brushed it off as flattery But when he started to get touchy and kissed me out of nowhere....I had to cut the night short. He called me 8 times the next day to apologize for his behavior. He even called me a gang of times last night up to 3:00AM! All his messages asked for a second chance. I think he blew it. But I am proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and trying to have new experiences with someone of a different culture. I am shocked though at his behavior since he was always so respectful and nice to me.....but oh well another one bites the dust.
well at least you tried, and dont let one bad apple spoil the tree. your young and gorgeous and there is so much out there. the man of your dreams will come at his own time.

how was the food:popcorn:
that Saki brought it out of him huh..:lachen:
evn tho it seems like blackwomen are the most unwanted. We are the most desired..even if secretly. have been for yeeeeears.
if u want to... no harm in goin on another date.
well at least you tried, and dont let one bad apple spoil the tree. your young and gorgeous and there is so much out there. the man of your dreams will come at his own time.

how was the food:popcorn:
He had be trying all sorts of stuff. He took me to a Thai restaurant. I am not a big fan of the Asian Cuisine.
Look, I :love: Asian guys, and I'm married to one (the best one ever made!) but it sounds like this dude may be trouble. I say he blew it, leave him to stalk someone else.
I've heard several dating horror stories that began too much Saki! Sorry to hear about his behavior. He was a jerk so I'd be done with him. Maybe you can be friends but he really blew it as far as dating.
Awww Do you like him even a little bit? I say give him another chance. He sounded like he was so excited to finally have a date with you he got carried away. You said he's normally respectful to you. We all turn into different people when we drink I'm sure he won't do it again not that you shut him down like that. Give him a chance to make it up to you.
Awww Do you like him even a little bit? I say give him another chance. He sounded like he was so excited to finally have a date with you he got carried away. You said he's normally respectful to you. We all turn into different people when we drink I'm sure he won't do it again not that you shut him down like that. Give him a chance to make it up to you.

I sort of want to say give him another chance, but then I wonder if he was apologizing profusely because he really knew he acted like an ass or because he knew that he lost his chance to turn all his 'booty fantasies' into reality.
Awww Do you like him even a little bit? I say give him another chance. He sounded like he was so excited to finally have a date with you he got carried away. You said he's normally respectful to you. We all turn into different people when we drink I'm sure he won't do it again not that you shut him down like that. Give him a chance to make it up to you.

I'm attracted to him and when I was with him, I admit I forgot that he wasn't a brotha. I didn't see color anymore. Which to be honest I was surprised at. But I am not a fan of aggressive guys...it makes me nervous. and him calling me on a work night at 3:00AM??? I don't know. Wisdom tells me its a wrap.
I would give him another chance but this time suggest a place that you'll be more comfortable. Maybe he thought you would like a more outgoing person so he drank a little bit to be more socialable, even though he started to cross a line.
I'm attracted to him and when I was with him, I admit I forgot that he wasn't a brotha. I didn't see color anymore. Which to be honest I was surprised at. But I am not a fan of aggressive guys...it makes me nervous. and him calling me on a work night at 3:00AM??? I don't know. Wisdom tells me its a wrap.

follow your gut feeling....itll never let you down
I'm attracted to him and when I was with him, I admit I forgot that he wasn't a brotha. I didn't see color anymore. Which to be honest I was surprised at. But I am not a fan of aggressive guys...it makes me nervous. and him calling me on a work night at 3:00AM??? I don't know. Wisdom tells me its a wrap.

Which is all you need to know! So many times I've been in a situation like this... and thought I should give one more chance... only to REGRET it like nobody's business later. I applaud your willingness to give him a try, and your willingness to listen to your inner voice! :yep:
Glad you went out and explored your options. But me personally, I wouldn't go out with him again. He'll think he can do it again and get away with it. Men only do what we allow them to do. However, since he blowin u up, I would make him wait .....I would stretch him out like I do my relaxers....a Looooong a$$ time!!! See, that alcohol is that truth serum, and he spoke the truth...... Like I said in my other thread to you...at the end of the day, whether he's asian, black, white, he is still what? A MAN....
Awww Do you like him even a little bit? I say give him another chance. He sounded like he was so excited to finally have a date with you he got carried away. You said he's normally respectful to you. We all turn into different people when we drink I'm sure he won't do it again not that you shut him down like that. Give him a chance to make it up to you.

I would say give him a chance. It seems he realize he overstepped his boundarie. If it was just a booty call than he would not even bother calling.
Hmmm.... that's a hard one! I mean no one should feel like they are being pursued only for physical reasons. BUT you did say he has always been respectful of you. I'm sure the mixture of Saki and his excitement about finally spending time with you (he been waitin years :lachen:) contributed to his bad behaviour. I would chill on him for now... but if time goes by and he really does seem genuinely remorseful then maybe it's something you could revisit with him in the future.
I'm attracted to him and when I was with him, I admit I forgot that he wasn't a brotha. I didn't see color anymore. Which to be honest I was surprised at. But I am not a fan of aggressive guys...it makes me nervous. and him calling me on a work night at 3:00AM??? I don't know. Wisdom tells me its a wrap.

i am the same way. calls at unacceptable hours usually hints at someone who doesn't know boundaries, lacks in manners and will probably turn out to be really clingy (IMHO, obviously!). if i were in your situation, i wouldn't go on another date.
Awww Do you like him even a little bit? I say give him another chance. He sounded like he was so excited to finally have a date with you he got carried away. You said he's normally respectful to you. We all turn into different people when we drink I'm sure he won't do it again not that you shut him down like that. Give him a chance to make it up to you.

I agree! I have a friend who has always been respectful of me and is officially the nicest guy ever. We went out drinking and he got touchy-feely. I told him about himself the following day and he never drank around me again.
It's not the Saki! :nono:... :lachen:.
I work with ALOT of Asian guys... let me tell you, young and old alike, they seem to really like black women with a 'curvier' figure and often refer to my appearance...i.e, the back and front :look:, and my face. Some of them pi$$ me off because they are on the edge of being perverted and I have to keep them in check and they apologize.
A few of then have asked me out but the answer is always no (as I'm attached... and they know this :rolleyes:), but also because in the past I have experienced this sudden change in behaviour where they lose all sense of decorum and start getting a bit too 'excited'.
He just calling because he cant sleep thinking of how he acted .. give the damn man a chance .. When i drink ... i ... hmm. its so bad i cant even remember how i get on... Just one more chance He seems truly sorry.
I'm attracted to him and when I was with him, I admit I forgot that he wasn't a brotha. I didn't see color anymore. Which to be honest I was surprised at. But I am not a fan of aggressive guys...it makes me nervous. and him calling me on a work night at 3:00AM??? I don't know. Wisdom tells me its a wrap.

I agree, although he may be very apologetic, he's not being very respectful of you and your time by calling you at 3am. He's coming on very strong and from personal experience that may spell trouble in the long run. The repeated persistent phone calls sounds familiar but I still proceeded to date him. In the beginning of the relationship he was veeerrry nice yet clingy and needy and after about a year it turned into control and aggressiveness to the point where he would get upset if I even missed a call from him. Among other reasons I had to let him go. So if you give him another chance just proceed with caution and watch out for any other red flags, other than that he may be better off as a friend instead. At least you gave him a chance.
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my current infatuation is asian, and i love/like/lust after him completely:grin: we've spoken 2 whole times:lachen: thru my life experiences, all 21 years of it, i've learned there are two types of asians: the nerdy asian, (see sweet sixteen long duck dong) and the cool asian, (see any episode of America's Best Dance Crew) now both of the afore mentioned asians have a thing for butts but the cool asian is more likely to let you about it, now my asian, we'll just call him Sexy Asian (cuz that IS what i call him:lachen:) in particular has a butt fetish, dont know the reasoning behind this trend but i'm not complaining

me love you long time Sexy Asian!!!
I'm all for interacial dating, but sounds like he was just trying to get his chocolate fantasy on.
I would'nt date him again.
I went out with an Asian guy in college and we had a wonderful time. His name was Hang Tu (sp). We went to music concerts, out to dinner and to the movies. Of course you will get those that will stare. But as long as you had a good time that is what counts the most. But this guy that you went out with seems a tad bit suspect to me.
I'm sorry it didn't work out :sad:. It sounds like he's not ready yet. On the upside you now you know that he his is a drinker that can't control his liquor or respect bounderies, whether drunk or sober :ohwell:. Follow your instincts and make room for someone better.
Which is all you need to know! So many times I've been in a situation like this... and thought I should give one more chance... only to REGRET it like nobody's business later. I applaud your willingness to give him a try, and your willingness to listen to your inner voice! :yep:

ITA with the bolded statement.. dont waste your time if YOU dont think he can change...