Went on my first date with a YT boy

This is for all you bored ladies at work who have nothing else to do like me... i promise to use paragraphs/color variations so its easy on the eyes.

I have to admitt, i was very nervous but this is how it went:

He picked me up from my loft in downtown atlanta @ 8:00. He mentioned earlier on the phone that we would be going to this place called MF Sushi ( i am from San Fran originally so i love sushi). I am glad he told mentioned the place so that i would know what to wear. Well he was ON TIME and he made reservations which was a refreshing change!! I didnt have to do any work because all the plans had been made :D !! When we got to the place we got a lot of stares but it wasnt excessive. He was very open and was like, "Please get whatever you want, anything". I just wanted a rainbow roll and the crunchee roll so when the waitress came he ordered for himself and for me. He also ordered a bottle of cold saki (I LOVE SAKI). Anyway we talked and chatted and laughed, and before i knew it, we were about to go. It was raining so he pulled the car up and everything :grin:

We ended up at this bar/lounge type place called BED (there is one in miami too but its not the same). Well ladies, here is where the stares began. We get his nice car parked in valet (really nice car). Well as we were walking over a group of black men in there car where just staring with there mouths open like "HOW THE HELL...". I just ignored them and kept walking. When we got into the place we sat down in the lounge part and a waitress came to take our drinks. While he was ordering, i glanced around and noticed it was mostly black people. I normally dont think anything of that (its atlanta for gods sake and im black) but i noticed that people were just staring, or at least they were trying not to stare and be obvious (it was so obvious). At one point i looked up and I got a thumbs up from a group of black girls in the corner...i didnt know whether to smile or what.

Anyway, long story short, we just enjoyed ourselves and finally got up to leave. Well he dropped me off and walked me to my place. He was the perfect gentleman and i felt like a spoiled rotten princess the whole night. On a scale of 1 to 10, i gave it a 9.5.

haha I thoroughly enjoyed reading this
Yea!!! :D So glad to hear your date went well!

I understand about all the stares...I 've had a simiar experience in that city (I've told this story before).

I was LD dating a white guy who was working in ATL, and we went out one afternoon while I was visiting. OMG, you'd have thought our hair was on fire from the way people were staring. It was freaky.
We went to the underground, and this group of black guys starting YELLING at us: "why are you stealing our beautiful nubian queens? sister, you don't need him, white ain't right!"

I almost started a riot up in there, I was so pissed!

I'd never experienced something like that, and I sure didn't expect to find such incredible racism in ATL of all places.

You just enjoy yourself with this new guy, he sounds great. And screw the ones who don't like it, they don't have to kiss him!

BTW, have you kissed him yet? ;) Just kidding!!!

The extent to which people can go is amazing. not in a good way obviously
Thanks for the supporting remarks. I didnt get this reaction from some of my friends, they were against it but i think its because i am in the south. In San Fran, there are a lot of interacial couples. I am pretty open though, i would date just about anybody on the map however black men will probably always be my weakness.

I know this is old, but NEVER listen to your "friends" when you're tryng to meet a guy and get something goin', esp if they're also single or got some busta laying up on them. If you do, you will end up just like them. :nono: