Went on my first date with a YT boy

WomanlyCharm said:
BTW, have you kissed him yet? ;) Just kidding!!!
No... <black girl blush>. Just gave him a hug goodnight.

About his friends, umm yeah he does have some. There were 4 of them on the night that him and i met. 2 of them are his business partners and they all have the same resume he does...so basically all the good men might be trapped in white boys bodies :lol: His other friend was REALLY REALLY cute!! Honestly, i thought he was an actor or a baseball player. They are opening a restaraunt here in buckhead and its going to be nice.
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Someone had the NERVE to rate this thread a 1 star. :rofl: :rofl:

I think some folks are jealous! :lol:

Continue to do you love and I hope ya'll go on another date soon! :dinner:
Good for you atlien! It sounds like you had a nice time. I think more black women here in ATL should be open to the possibilities of dating men of other races but I think they don't because even though this is a forward thinking city it's still in the deep south. Funny how that doesn't seem to stop black men here from dating other races.
atlien11 said:
. . . i think its because i am in the south.

lierin said:
I think more black women here in ATL should be open to the possibilities of dating men of other races but I think they don't because even though this is a forward thinking city it's still in the deep south.

There are tons of interracial couples in Atlanta.
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Maybe I should try to date outside my race for a new experience. :scratchch

My husband might have a problem with that though. :lol:
mkh_77 said:
There are tons of interracial couples in Atlanta.
I am sure there are, I just cant say that i have seen alot of them, especially in comparison to california. I know out in the 'burbs, it seems to get even more scarce.
To the other ladies who helped bump the stars, Thanks!! :Crowned: Candice, girl please dont leave your husband over this post. I cannot be held responsible :D
WOW, I am glad you had a good time :grin: I hope other Black women read this and get the confidence to date outside their race...
BTW, you are Wearing that Lacefront...
atlien11 said:
No... <black girl blush>. Just gave him a hug goodnight.

About his friends, umm yeah he does have some. There were 4 of them on the night that him and i met. 2 of them are his business partners and they all have the same resume he does...so basically all the good men might be trapped in white boys bodies :lol: His other friend was REALLY REALLY cute!! Honestly, i thought he was an actor or a baseball player. They are opening a restaraunt here in buckhead and its going to be nice.

Wow! My interest is really peaked, especially after watching "Something New" last night. Go Sanaa and Atlien! :grin:
DAMN I'm jealous!!!!! Not because of the race thing but because you had such a nice date. I haven't been out on date in 4 or 5 years. :mad:
I'm glad the date went well. I can't remember the last time I had a good date. Honeychild, I got stories for days!
atlien11 said:
LOL, yes i should have clarified that. :lol:
I was going to ask if YT was a celebrity, with all the stares.. Y - T, now I get it!!

LOLOLOLO he sounds very nice.
atlien11 said:
No... <black girl blush>. Just gave him a hug goodnight.

About his friends, umm yeah he does have some. There were 4 of them on the night that him and i met. 2 of them are his business partners and they all have the same resume he does...so basically all the good men might be trapped in white boys bodies :lol: His other friend was REALLY REALLY cute!! Honestly, i thought he was an actor or a baseball player. They are opening a restaraunt here in buckhead and its going to be nice.

This is the only lil part that rubbed me the wrong way (I just know so many GOOD men of many races. My family is full of good Black men.) But I'm gonna take the lol smiley seriously and not the comment and know that you're just having fun.

I'm glad you had a good time on your date. Every woman deserves to be in the company of a gentleman. I know that's what I'm raising my daughters to expect. Keep us posted and let us know what develops.

What kind of restaurant is it gonna be?

@kitchen tician...

I just watched Something New a few days ago too!! I don't get what he saw in her (besides her physical beauty) but I understand why she surrendered to loving him. I guess he enjoyed the challenge of opening her up to new things. It had a happy ending though.

My big sis found her dream man in a Harvard White boy. I love him too. A good guy all around.

Cracking up over here at the girls giving you a thumbs up!:lol:

I'm glad you had a good time and I hope you continue seeing him. He sounds like a perfect gentleman AND he's got his stuff together. Not easy to find both in the same man. Keep us posted.:)
Hey Atlien, good for you, I'm glad you had a good time. I had my 1st kiss with my YT :lol: on yesterday. I'm a bit smitten with him, my mother is somewhere clutching her pearls and asking for oxygen :lachen:
It's funny that folks mention here how difficult it is to date interracially while in Atlanta. I lived in Atlanta for about five years and one of my best friends still live there. Both of us date interracially and never had any problems finding nice dates. My "college sweetheart" was a White guy I met in Atlanta.

However, a number of the White guys I dated in Atlanta I met through online communities and such. It was very hard for me to ever meet men of difference races, especially White men, while out and about. Although, funny enough, I met a lot of them through a high end retail job I had during my senior year in college. Maybe they found it easier to interact with me in that environment. *shrug*

Whereas, here in NYC, I find it much easier to meet attractive men of different races while out and about.
Oh, by the way, I used to get DEATH stares from Black people while on dates or with my boyfriend. I'll never forget one instance. I was at Cafe Intermezzo with my college sweetie (who was a cross between Matt Damon and a young Robert Redford), and I remember this Black couple sitting next to us just staring at us with utter disgust from time to time. I just couldn't understand it. I mean, ya'll already found each other, right? So, why are you mad at us!?!?
Oh wow! I am so excited about this thread!! And I will tell you why... It's not because you had an interacial date, although I'm happy that you had a nice time, but the reason I'm so excited is because you're in Atlanta, Ga and had an interacial date!
Let me explain:
I was recently talking to one of my friends in GA about moving there because of the property value and was just talking to her about the whole "vibe" of GA. She had some good things to say but also some very scary things to say about race. It just seemed like from her description that a lot of GA is "behind" the times in moving beyond racism. For example she said you hardly ever see white/black couples, and if you do it's a black man and a white woman.. never a black woman and a white man... she mentioned this one restuarant where they have pictures of lynchings and black babydolls hanging from nooses from the ceiling... ( said the authorities won't do anything because it's freedom of speech and "art") ... She said there are certain rural areas that she's been advised not to go at night because of the hate crimes. So the reason I'm so excited to respond to you is so you can shed some light on the race relations in GA.
Is it really as bad as she says? Are interacial relationships normal there?

DANG baby dolls on nooses???!!! Lynching Pictures???!! Your friend must be talking about boondocks Georgia like the North GA Mountains (parts of it remind me of West Virginia) or WAY DOWN South like near the Okefenoke Swamp (has parts you don't want to get caught in at night). Other than that Atlanta and surrounding areas make up a pretty cosmopolitan metro area. You find more non-natives and transplants than people who were actually born here. I currently live very near Atlanta, drive to the city every single day for school/work and grew up in the metro area Stone Moutain and I have never seen or heard of any restaurant or anything like it. I have never experienced BLATANT racism here, maybe, subtle but not enough to remember it. I'm sure this restaurant your friend speaks of has to be WAYY WAYYY out of the metro area because the black population here is TOO high for a restaurant to exist like that and not be harmed, smashed, and burned to the ground!
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